yangao044 / godot-sqlite

GDNative wrapper for SQLite (Godot 3.2+)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Godot SQLite banner


This GDNative script aims to serve as a custom wrapper that makes SQLite3 available in Godot 3.1+. Additionally, it does not require any additional compilation or mucking about with build scripts.

Supported operating systems:

  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Android (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a & x86)
  • iOS (arm64 & armv7)

DISLAIMER: iOS is still untested! (as of 24/12/2020)

How to install?

Re-building Godot from scratch is NOT required, the proper way of installing this plugin is to either install it through the Asset Library or to just manually download the build files yourself.

Godot Asset Library

Godot-SQLite is available through the official Godot Asset Library, and can be installed in the following way:

  • Click on the 'AssetLib' button at the top of the editor.
  • Search for 'godot-sqlite' and click on the resulting element.
  • In the dialog pop-up, click 'Download'.
  • Once the download is complete, click on the install button...
  • Once more, click on the 'Install' button.
  • Activate the plugin in the 'Project Settings/Plugins'-menu.
  • All done!


It's also possible to manually download the build files found in the releases tab, extract them on your system and run the supplied demo-project. Make sure that Godot is correctly loading the gdsqlite.gdns-resource and that it is available in the res://-environment.

An example project, named "demo", can also be downloaded from the releases tab.


  • path (String ,default value='default')

Path to the database, should be set before opening the database with .open_db(). If no database with this name exists, a new one at the supplied path will be created. Both res:// and user:// keywords can be used to define the path.

  • error_message (String, default='')

Contains the zErrMsg returned by the SQLite query in human-readable form. An empty string corresponds with the case in which the query executed succesfully.

  • verbose_mode (Boolean, default=false)

Setting verbose_mode on True results in an information dump in the Godot console that is handy for debugging your (possibly faulty) SQLite queries.

  • foreign_keys (Boolean, default=false)

Enables or disables the availability of foreign keys in the SQLite database.

  • query_result (Array, default=[])

Contains the results from the latest query and is cleared after every new query.

NOTE: If you want your result to persist you'll have to duplicate() this array yourself BEFORE running additional queries.

  • last_insert_rowid (Integer, default=0)

Exposes the sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()-method to Godot as described here.
Attempting to modify this variable directly is forbidden and throws an error.


  • Boolean success = open_db()

  • Boolean success = close_db()

  • Boolean success = query( String query_string )

  • Boolean success = query_with_bindings( String query_string, Array param_bindings )

Binds the parameters contained in the param_bindings-variable to the query. Using this function stops any possible attempts at SQL data injection as the parameters are sanitized. More information regarding parameter bindings can be found here.

Example usage:

var query_string : String = "SELECT ? FROM company WHERE age < ?;"
var param_bindings : Array = ["name", 24]
var success = db.query_with_bindings(query_string, param_bindings)
# Executes following query: 
# SELECT name FROM company WHERE age < 24;

Using bindings is optional, except for PoolByteArray (= raw binary data) which has to binded to allow the insertion and selection of BLOB data in the database.

NOTE: Binding column names is not possible due SQLite restrictions. If dynamic column names are required, insert the column name directly into the query_string-variable itself (see 2shady4u#41).

  • Boolean success = create_table( String table_name, Dictionary table_dictionary )

Each key/value pair of the table_dictionary-variable defines a column of the table. Each key defines the name of a column in the database, while the value is a dictionary that contains further column specifications.

Required fields:

  • "data_type": type of the column variable, following values are valid*:

    value SQLite Godot
    char(?)** CHAR(?)** TYPE_STRING

    * *Data types not found in this table throw an error and end up finalizing the current SQLite statement.
    ** with the question mark being replaced by the maximum amount of characters

Optional fields:

  • "not_null" (default = false): Is the NULL value an invalid value for this column?

  • "default": The default value of the column if not explicitly given.

  • "primary_key" (default = false): Is this the primary key of this table?
    Evidently, only a single column can be set as the primary key.

  • "auto_increment" (default = false): Automatically increment this column when no explicit value is given. This auto-generated value will be one more (+1) than the largest value currently in use.

    NOTE: Auto-incrementing a column only works when this column is the primary key!

  • "foreign_key": Enforce an "exist" relationship between tables by setting this variable to foreign_table.foreign_column. In other words, when adding an additional row, the column value should be an existing value as found in the column with name foreign_column of the table with name foreign_table.

    NOTE: Availability of foreign keys has to be enabled by setting the foreign_keys-variable to True.

Example usage:

# Add the row "id" to the table, which is an auto-incremented primary key.
# When adding additional rows, this value can either by explicitely given or be unfilled.
table_dictionary["id"] = {
    "primary_key": true, 

For more concrete usage examples see the database.gd-file as found in this repository's demo project.

  • Boolean success = drop_table( String table_name )

  • Boolean success = insert_row( String table_name, Dictionary row_dictionary )

Each key/value pair of the row_dictionary-variable defines the column values of a single row.

Columns should adhere to the table schema as instantiated using the table_dictionary-variable and are required if their corresponding "not_null"-column value is set to True.

  • Boolean success = insert_rows( String table_name, Array row_array )

  • Array selected_rows = select_rows( String table_name, String query_conditions, Array selected_columns )

  • Boolean success = update_rows( String table_name, String query_conditions, Dictionary updated_row_dictionary )

With the update_row_dictionary-variable adhering to the same table schema & conditions as the row_dictionary-variable defined previously.

  • Boolean success = delete_rows( String table_name, String query_conditions )

  • Boolean success = import_from_json( String import_path )

Drops all database tables and imports the database structure and content present inside of import_path.json.

  • Boolean success = export_to_json( String export_path )

Exports the database structure and content to export_path.json as a backup or for ease of editing.

  • Boolean success = create_function( String function_name, FuncRef function_reference, int number_of_arguments )

Bind a scalar SQL function to the database that can then be used in subsequent queries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. My query fails and returns syntax errors, what should I do?

There are a couple of things you can do before panicking, namely:

  • Test out if your query is valid by trying it out online at https://sqliteonline.com/.

  • Use the query( ) or query_with_bindings( )-function instead of the more specialized wrapper function.

  • Your query might be missing some quotation marks. For example, following queries will fail due to missing encapsulation of the default-field:

    var table_name := "characters"
    var table_dict : Dictionary
    table_dict["last_name"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": "Silver"}
    table_dict["first_name"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": "Long John"}
    table_dict["area"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": ""}
    table_dict["color"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": "0,0,0,0"}
    db.create_table(table_name, table_dict)

    Adding some well-placed single quotation marks fixes this issue:

    var table_name := "characters"
    var table_dict : Dictionary
    table_dict["last_name"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": "Silver"}
    table_dict["first_name"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": "'Long John'"}
    table_dict["area"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": "''"}
    table_dict["color"] = {"data_type":"text", "default": "'0,0,0,0'"}
    db.create_table(table_name, table_dict)

    Basically you'll need to use single quotation marks whenever:

    • The string is empty
    • The string contains syntax restricted symbols such as commas or spaces
  • SQLite restricts dynamically binding the names of tables and columns, thus following query will fail due to syntax errors:

    var table_name := "characters"
    var column_name := "level"
    db.query_with_bindings("UPDATE ? SET ?=? WHERE id=?;", [table_name, column_name, 100, 1])

    This is forbidden SQLite syntax as both the table_name- and column_name-variables cannot be bound! If dynamic modification of names of tables and columns is required for purposes of your code, then use following work-around:

    var table_name := "characters"
    var column_name := "level"
    db.query_with_bindings("UPDATE "+ table_name +" SET "+ column_name +"=? WHERE id=?;", [100, 1])

After exhausting these options, please open an issue that describes the error in proper detail.

2. Your plugin fails to load on my Windows machine!

Basically if your Windows machine device doesn't have the required VC++ redistributables installed, the dynamic library will fail to load and throw an error of the following sort:

ERROR: GDNative::get_symbol: No valid library handle, can't get symbol from GDNative object
At: modules\gdnative\gdnative.cpp:315
ERROR: NativeScriptLanguage::init_library: No nativescript_init in "res://addons/godot-sqlite/bin/win64/libgdsqlite.dll" found
At: modules\gdnative\nativescript\nativescript.cpp:1054

This is an open issue that is still under consideration (see 2shady4u#33).

Some possible solutions/work-arounds exist:

  • Install the missing VC++ redistributables (downloadable here)
  • Recompile the plugin using the MinGW compiler instead (WARNING: currently results in a >15MB library).
  • Recompile the plugin (and the bindings) using the /MT-flag instead of the /MD-flag as discussed here.

If the console error is of an entirely different nature, please open an issue.

3. When should I create function bindings to augment SQLite's set of native functions?

Preferably never.

Creating function should only be seen as a measure of last resort and only be used when you perfectly know what you are doing. Be sure to first check out the available native list of scalar SQL applications that is already available in SQLite3.

4. My Android (or iOS) application cannot access the database!

Android does not allow modification of files in the 'res://'-folder, thus blocking the plugin from writing to and/or reading from this database-file. In both cases, the most painless solution is to copy the entire database to the 'user://-folder' as apps have explicit writing privileges there.

If there is a better solution, one that does not involve copying the database to a new location, please do enlighten me.

5. Is this plugin compatible with a Godot Server binary? How to set it up?

This plugin is fully compatible with the Godot Server binary.
Follow these steps to create a working Linux Server for your project:

  1. Export your project's *.pck using Godot's export functionalities for Linux.
  2. Alongside the exported package, paste the following files:
    • libgdsqlite.so (as found in addons/godot-sqlite/bin/x11/)
    • Your project's database(s) (*.db)
    • The Godot Server binary as downloadable here
  3. Rename the Godot Server binary to have the exact same name as the exported *.pck
    (for example if your package is called game.pck, your binary should be named game.x64)
  4. Done!

NOTE: If you are using an older version of Linux on your server machine (with glibc version < 2.28), the plugin crashes due to the compiled version of glibc being too recent. In that case you can either recompile the Linux plugin binary yourself or you can download the legacy binaries (Ubuntu 16.04 with glibc version == 2.23) as found here.

How to export?

NOTE: On mobile platforms (Android & iOS) the method discussed here is not possible and the contents of the res://data/-folder has to be copied to the user://-folder in its entirety instead (see FAQ above).

All json- and db-files should be part of the exact same folder (demo/data in the case of the demo-project). During export this folder should be copied in its entirety to the demo/build-folder, in which the executable will be created by Godot's export command line utilities. Luckily, a Godot script called 'export_data.gd' can also found in the demo-project and allows to automatically copy the demo/data-folder's contents to the demo/build-folder.

The commands to succesfully export a working executable for the demo-project are:

mkdir build
godot -s export_data.gd
godot -e --export-debug "Windows Desktop" build/godot-sqlite.exe

("Windows Desktop" should be replaced by whatever the name of your relevant build template is.)

The design philosophy behind this is the following:

  • Even after exporting the entire game, the data-files can still be easily edited without requiring additional exports for every miniscule edit.
  • Importing a database from a json-file allows the Godot executable to use the full capabilities of the SQLite framework (SELECT, UPDATE, ...), while still allowing writers and other content creators to edit these json-files using their favorite text-based IDE.

How to contribute?

First clone the project and install SCons. Secondly, the C++ bindings have to be build from scratch using the files present in the godot-cpp submodule and following command:

scons p=<platform> bits=64 generate_bindings=yes -j4

In the case of Android and iOS, additional parameters have to be supplied to specify the architecture. In the case of android, the android_arch-parameter has to be supplied (with valid values being 'arm64v8', 'armv7' and/or 'x86'), and in the case of iOS, the ios_arch-parameter serves similar purposes (with valid values being 'arm64' and/or 'arm7')

Afterwards, the SContruct file found in the repository should be sufficient to build this project's C++ source code for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and iOS (for both architectures) with the help of following command:

scons p=<platform> target_path=<target_path> target_name=libgdsqlite

In the case of Android, the Android NDK needs to be installed on a Linux host to allow building for Android targets. Following command then compiles the C++ source code to all three available Android architectures at once:


For uncertainties regarding compilation & building specifics, please do check out the .github\workflows\*.yml-scripts, the SConstruct-file (for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and iOs compilation) and both the Android.mk- and jni/Application.mk-file for the Android build process.

Tutorials for making and extending GDNative scripts are available here in the Official Godot Documentation.


GDNative wrapper for SQLite (Godot 3.2+)

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%