CandyCane is a issue tracking system. The original implementation on which it is based, is Redmine
You can view a live demo of CandyCane, as well as the bug tracking for CandyCane here:
- Continuous Integration is running on here:
- Coverage report is genrated at Coverall
- versioneye
- Extract all files, and place into a directory that is accessible to the web server, and able to run PHP.
- Setup correct permissions on files and folders:
chmod -R 777 app/Config
chmod -R 777 app/files
chmod -R 777 app/tmp
chmod -R 777 app/Plugin
- Access the site via your web server. If you installed into a subdirectory, then ensure that directory is in your URL:
- The step-by-step installer will appear.
- Just use it!
- Install Vagrant and VirtualBox.
- Install vagrant-berkshelf plugin.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
- Download candycane box
vagrant box add candycane {url}
- just type
vagrant up
- ssh into vm
vagrant ssh
- cd to app
cd /vagrant_data/app
- run test
./Console/cake test app All
- run selenium test
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant_data/
/usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x8 > /tmp/xvfb.log 2> /tmp/xvfb.error &
export DISPLAY=:1.0
java -jar /var/chef/cache/selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar > /tmp/selenium.log 2> /tmp/selenium.error &
mysql -u root -e "drop database if exists test_candycane;create database test_candycane;"
./vendor/bin/phpunit app/Test/Case/Selenium/InstallerTest.php
You need to copy these file and directories into extracted latest codes. Currently we don't make database schema change.
- app/Config/database.php
- app/files
- app/Plugin
Currently some features which are present in Redmine are not supported by CandyCane. These are:
- Repository viewer
- Forum
- Documents
CandyCane is using CakePHP v2.3.
- yandod
- halt
- Ignacio Albors
- k-kishida
- Graham Weldon (predominant)
- akiyan
- Takuya Sato
- Yoshio HANAWA
- kaz29
- Dima
- Norio Suzuki
- hamaco
- kiang
- okonomi
- shin1x1
- Steve Grosbois
- Spenser Jones
- tomo
- hiromi2424
- Mindiell
- mzdakr
- Òscar Casajuana
- elboletaire
- Michito Suzuki
- Shogo Kawahara
- Sebastien pencreach
- Sardorbek Pulatov
- Hisateru Tanaka
- Jose Gonzalez (savant)
We will appreciate any pull requests.
I try to merge as much as possible. Please fork the repository if you find something you want to fix, and submit a pull request.