yancm / SDK-Android

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Android SDK

Yunzi and Sensoro Tag are a kind of wireless intelligent sensor integrated with iBeacon function.

Through employing our Android SDK, mainly you will achieve functions below:

  1. Range nearby sensory devices
  2. Fetch configurations of the devices
  3. Upload devices’ status to SENSORO Cloud
  4. Modify device configurations

###Install SDK #####1. Download You may download the latest Android SDK from following link:

Download address

#####2. Installation and configuration

Integrate SDK .jar file

Build a new libs fold at root directory and unarchive the downloaded SDK to the folder.

The SDK includes following modules:

  • sensoro-scanner-<Version>.jar
  • sensorocloud-<Version>.jar
  • sensorobeaconkit-<Version>.jar
  • android-async-http-1.4.6.jar
  • greendao-1.3.7.jar
  • gson-2.3.1.jar

Modify AndroidManifest.xml

  1. Add uses-permission to AndroidManifest.xml
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
  	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
   	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
   	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
   	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
  1. Add service to AndroidManifest.xml
		<service android:name="com.sensoro.beacon.kit.BeaconService"/>
		<service android:name="com.sensoro.beacon.kit.IntentProcessorService"/>

###Get started

I. Initialize the App

Firstly you need to initialize SDK,and setup whether it will upload sensor data (battery status, UMM), etc. Then start ranging. Sample code of enable the SDK is as following:

SensoroManager sensoroManager = SensoroManager.getInstance(context);
 * Check whether the Bluetooth is on
if (sensoroManager.isBluetoothEnabled()) {
	 * Enable cloud service (upload sensor data, including battery status, UMM, etc.)。Without setup, it keeps in closed status as default.
	 * Enable SDK service
	try {
	} catch (Exception e) {
   	 e.printStackTrace(); // Fetch abnormal info


  • SDK works with Bluetooth 4.0. Check on whether the Bluetooth is on before enabling the SDK. It will not work properly otherwise.
  • The design of the SDK adopts singleton pattern. It is recommended to initialize it at the inherited Application.

If the Bluetooth of the Android device is off, please use following code to request switching one the Bluetooth:

Intent bluetoothIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
startActivityForResult(bluetoothIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT);
II. Setup sensor data monitoring

You may detect the presence of Beacon by employing and setting-up BeaconManagerListener,Sample code:

BeaconManagerListener beaconManagerListener = new BeaconManagerListener() {

    public void onUpdateBeacon(ArrayList<Beacon> beacons) {
        // Refresh sensor info                  
    public void onNewBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
        // New sensor found        
    public void onGoneBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
        // A sensor disappears from the range     

The refresh frequency of sensor info here is 1 time per second; when a new sensor is found, a return of sensor's disappearing will be sent if this specific device is not found in range in 8 second.


  • Please setup before enabling the SDK.
III. Monitor the whether the device is in range

The presence or disappearance of the device usually triggers certain operations. Code below will be used to determine whether Yunzi with SN "0117C5456A36" is entering or leaving the range:

BeaconManagerListener beaconManagerListener = new BeaconManagerListener() {

    public void onUpdateBeacon(ArrayList<Beacon> beacons) {
        // Refresh sensor info                  
    public void onNewBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
        if (beacon.getSerialNumber().equals("0117C5456A36")){
        	// Yunzi with SN "0117C5456A36" enters the range  
    public void onGoneBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
        if (beacon.getSerialNumber().equals("0117C5456A36")){
        	// Yunzi with SN "0117C5456A36" leaves the range


  • The callback function is run in a non-UI thread. Please do not perform any UI related operations in the callback function, otherwise it may cause an exception running of the SDK. Please excute your code with Handler or Activity.runOnUiThread if necessary.
IV. Fetch and refresh sensor data

Table of Yunzi's significant parameters

Attribute Description
serialNumber SN, Unique identity attribute of the device
major Major in iBeacon protocol
minor Minor in iBeacon protocol
proximityUUID UUID in iBeacon protocol
rssi Signal intensity
accuracy Distance (meter)
proximity Proximity levels(far, near, immediate, unknown)
temperature Chip temperature
light Light
movingState Motion state
accelerometerCount Motion counter
batteryLevel Battery status
hardwareModelName Hardware model
firmwareVersion Firmware version
measuredPower Signal intensity 1 meter distance from device
transmitPower Transmitter power
advertisingInterval Advertising interval

The App will be triggered to execute certain operations by changes in sensor's data status, including changes in signal intensity, light, motion state, counter value. You can range designated device and check on its status change via transversing the refreshed device list. Following sample code is used for judging whether there is any change in the motion state of Yunzi with SN "0117C5456A36":

BeaconManagerListener beaconManagerListener = new BeaconManagerListener() {

    public void onUpdateBeacon(final ArrayList<Beacon> beacons) {
    	// Check whether there is motion state change in Yunzi with SN "0117C5456A36" 
    	for(Beacon beacon:beacons){
        	if (beacon.getSerialNumber().equals("0117C5456A36")){
           		if (beacon.getMovingState() == Beacon.MovingState.DISABLED){
            		// Disable accelerometer
            	} else if (beacon.getMovingState() == Beacon.MovingState.STILL){ 
            		// Device is at static
            	} else if (beacon.getMovingState() == Beacon.MovingState.MOVING){
            		// Device is moving
    public void onNewBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
        // New device found in range        
    public void onGoneBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
        // A device has left the range     


  • The callback function is run in a non-UI thread. Please do not perform any UI related operations in the callback function, otherwise it may cause an exception running of the SDK. Please excute your code with Handler or Activity.runOnUiThread if necessary.
V. 'Prevent squatters' function of Yunzi/Tag

You will be able to enable 'Prevent squatters' function of Yunzi, claiming your ownership of this device and preventing a third party to check and usurp it. A key is required to enable this function. You may apply for the key after signing up SENSORO Cloud and embed the key into the SDK. Sample code:

 * Setup key for preventing squatters (if applicable)


  • Please setup before enabling the SDK
  • If the SDK is not capable to range the device, please check whether the key used for the device is in accordance with the setup in the SDK.

###Conclusion So far, you have accomplished all procedures integrating SDK to your project. With the aid of our SDK, interactions between App and Beacon can be easily achieved. For more technical details, please refer to complete SDK documents, and our Demo's source code.


Sensoro Beacon Power Specification
RSSI Range RSSI Range RSSI Range
LEVEL0 -23 dbm ~2 m -30 dbm ~2 m Micro -30 dbm ~5 cm
LEVEL1 -6 dbm ~7 m -20 dbm ~7 m Micro -20 dbm ~50 cm
LEVEL2 0 dbm ~15 m -16 dbm ~10 m Micro -16 dbm ~80 cm
LEVEL3 - - -12 dbm ~15 m Micro -12 dbm ~1.5 m
LEVEL4 - - -8 dbm ~22 m -30 dbm ~2 m
LEVEL5 - - -4 dbm ~27 m -20 dbm ~7 m
LEVEL6 - - 0 dbm ~50 m -16 dbm ~15 m
LEVEL7 - - +4 dbm ~90 m -12 dbm ~20 m
LEVEL8 - - - - -8 dbm ~25 m
LEVEL9 - - - - -4 dbm ~45 m
LEVEL10 - - - - 0 dbm ~70 m
LEVEL11 - - - - +4 dbm ~100 m
Android-SDK 4.0 Beacon Configuration ResultCode Specification

Please use SensoroBeaconConnectionV4 and BeaconConfiguration to config beacons since Android-SDK 4.0. Please refer to resultCode of callback as below.

HEX DEC Description
0x0000 0 Success
0x0100 256 MCU Busy
0x0200 512 LED Busy
0x0300 768 No Permission
0x0400 1024 Invalid Configuration Command
0x0500 1280 Params Length Invalid
0x0501 1281 Power Length Invalid
0x0502 1282 Adv Interval Length Invalid
0x0503 1283 Mrssi Length Invalid
0x0504 1284 Energy Saving Mode Length Invalid
0x0505 1285 Password Length Invalid
0x0506 1286 Work Indicator Length Invalid
0x0511 1297 iBeacon Switch Length Invalid
0x0512 1298 UUID Length Invalid
0x0513 1299 Major Length Invalid
0x0514 1300 Minor Length Invalid
0x0515 1301 Broadcast Rotate Interval Length Invalid
0x0516 1302 Background Enhancement Length Invalid
0x0517 1303 Broadcast Key Length Invalid
0x0521 1313 Temp Sampling Interval Length Invalid
0x0522 1314 Light Sampling Interval Length Invalid
0x0523 1315 Accelerometer Sensitivity Length Invalid
0x0531 1329 UID Switch Length Invalid
0x0532 1330 URL Switch Length Invalid
0x0533 1331 TLM Switch Length Invalid
0x0534 1332 UID Length Invalid (NID)
0x0535 1333 UID Length Invalid (BID)
0x0536 1334 URL Length Invalid
0x0537 1335 TLM Interval Length Invalid
0x0541 1345 AliBeacon Switch Length Invalid
0x0600 1536 Params Format Invalid
0x0601 1537 Power Format Invalid
0x0602 1538 Adv Interval Format Invalid
0x0603 1539 Mrssi Format Invalid
0x0604 1540 Energy Saving Mode Format Invalid
0x0605 1541 Password Format Invalid
0x0606 1542 Work Indicator Format Invalid
0x0611 1553 iBeacon Switch Format Invalid
0x0612 1554 UUID Format Invalid
0x0613 1555 Major Format Invalid
0x0614 1556 Minor Format Invalid
0x0615 1557 Broadcast Rotate Interval Format Invalid
0x0616 1558 Background Enhancement Format Invalid
0x0617 1559 Broadcast Key Format Invalid
0x0621 1569 Temp Sampling Interval Format Invalid
0x0622 1570 Light Sampling Interval Format Invalid
0x0623 1571 Accelerometer Sensitivity Format Invalid
0x0631 1585 UID Switch Format Invalid
0x0632 1586 URL Switch Format Invalid
0x0633 1587 TLM Switch Format Invalid
0x0634 1588 UID Format Invalid (NID)
0x0635 1589 UID Format Invalid (BID)
0x0636 1590 URL Format Invalid
0x0637 1591 TLM Interval Format Invalid
0x0641 1601 AliBeacon Switch Format Invalid
0x0700 1792 Invalid Configuration Params
0x0800 2048 Protocol Version Error
0x8000 32768 Bluetooth Error
0x8100 33024 Bluetooth Communication Error
0x8200 33280 Bluetooth Connection Timeout
0x8300 33536 Not Support


SBK Demo Android


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