yanatan16 / lancaster

Apache Avro library for Clojure and ClojureScript

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Using Leiningen / Clojars:

Clojars Project


Lancaster is an Apache Avro library for Clojure and ClojureScript. It aims to be fully compliant with the Avro Specification. It is assumed that the reader of this documentation is familiar with Avro and Avro terminology. If this is your first exposure to Avro, please read the Avro Overview and the Avro Specification before proceeding.

Lancaster provides for:

  • Easy schema creation
  • Serialization of arbitrarily-complex data structures to a byte array
  • Deserialization from a byte array, including schema resolution
  • Conversion from Lancaster schemas to Plumatic schemas (spec support is planned).

Lancaster does not support:

  • Avro protocols
  • Avro container files (may be supported in the future).

Project Name

The Avro Lancaster was an airplane manufactured by Avro Aircraft.


Here is an introductory example of using Lancaster to define a schema, serialize data, and then deserialize it.

(require '[deercreeklabs.lancaster :as l])

(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:age l/int-schema])

(def alice
  {:name "Alice"
   :age 40})

(def encoded (l/serialize person-schema alice))

(l/deserialize person-schema person-schema encoded)
;; {:name "Alice" :age 40}

Here is a more complex example using nested schemas:

(require '[deercreeklabs.lancaster :as l])

(l/def-enum-schema hand-schema
  :left :right)

(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:age l/int-schema]
  [:dominant-hand hand-schema]
  [:favorite-integers (l/array-schema l/int-schema)]
  [:favorite-color l/string-schema])

(def alice
  {:name "Alice"
   :age 40
   :favorite-integers [12 59]
   :dominant-hand :left})
   ;; :favorite-color is missing. Record fields are optional by default.

(def encoded (l/serialize person-schema alice))

(l/deserialize person-schema person-schema encoded)
;; {:name "Alice", :age 40, :dominant-hand :left, :favorite-integers [12 59], :favorite-color nil}

Creating Schema Objects

Lancaster schema objects are required for serialization and deserialization. These can be created in two ways:

  1. Using an existing Avro schema in JSON format. To do this, use the json->schema function. This is best if you are working with externally defined schemas from another system or language.
  2. Using Lancaster schema functions and/or macros. This is best if you want to define Avro schemas using Clojure/ClojureScript. Lancaster lets you concisely create and combine schemas in arbitrarily complex ways, as explained below.

Primitive Schemas

Lancaster provides predefined schema objects for all the Avro primitives. The following vars are defined in the deercreeklabs.lancaster namespace:

  • null-schema: Represents an Avro null
  • boolean-schema: Represents an Avro boolean
  • int-schema: Represents an Avro int
  • long-schema: Represents an Avro long
  • float-schema: Represents an Avro float
  • double-schema: Represents an Avro double
  • bytes-schema: Represents an Avro bytes
  • string-schema: Represents an Avro string
  • string-set-schema: Represents an Avro map schema w/ null values; treated as a Clojure(Script) set.

These schema objects can be used directly or combined into complex schemas.

Complex Schemas

Most non-trivial Lancaster use cases will involve complex Avro schemas. The easiest and most concise way to create complex schemas is by using the Schema Creation Macros. For situations where macros do not work well, the Schema Creation Functions are also available.

Schema Creation Macros

Schema Creation Functions

Operations on Schema Objects

All of these functions take a Lancaster schema object as the first argument:

Data Types


When serializing data, Lancaster accepts the following Clojure(Script) types for the given Avro type:

Avro Type Acceptable Clojure / ClojureScript Types
null nil
boolean boolean
int int, java.lang.Integer, long (if in integer range), java.lang.Long (if in integer range), js/Number (if in integer range)
long long, java.lang.Long
float float, java.lang.Float, double (if in float range), java.lang.Double (if in float range), js/Number (if in float range)
double double, java.lang.Double, js/Number
bytes byte-array, java.lang.String, js/Int8Array, js/String
string byte-array, java.lang.String, js/Int8Array, js/String
fixed byte-array, js/Int8Array. Byte array length must equal the size declared in the creation of the Lancaster fixed schema.
enum keyword
array Any data that passes (sequential? data)
map Any data that passes (map? data), if all keys are strings. Clojure(Script) records DO NOT qualify, since their keys are keywords.
map (w/ null values schema) If the values in the map schema is null, the schema is interpreted to represent a Clojure(Script) set, and the data must be a set of strings. Only strings can be elements of this set.
record Any data that passes (map? data), if all keys are Clojure(Script) keywords. Clojure(Script) records DO qualify, since their keys are keywords.
union Any data that matches one of the member schemas declared in the creation of the Lancaster union schema. Note that there are some restrictions on what schemas may be in a union schema, as explained in Notes About Union Data Types below.


When deserializing data, Lancaster returns the following Clojure or ClojureScript types for the given Avro type:

Avro Type Clojure Type ClojureScript Type
null nil nil
boolean boolean boolean
int java.lang.Integer js/Number
long java.lang.Long js/Number
float java.lang.Float js/Number
double java.lang.Double js/Number
bytes byte-array js/Int8Array
string java.lang.String js/String
fixed byte-array js/Int8Array
enum keyword keyword
array vector vector
map hash-map hash-map
map (w/ null values schema) set (w/ string elements) set (w/ string elements)
record hash-map hash-map
union Data that matches one of the member schemas declared in the creation of the Lancaster union schema.

Notes About Union Data Types

To quote the Avro spec:

Unions may not contain more than one schema with the same type, except for the named types record, fixed and enum. For example, unions containing two array types or two map types are not permitted, but two types with different names are permitted.

In additon to the above, Lancaster disallows unions with:

  • more than one numeric schema (int,float, long, or double)
  • more than one string-like schema (string, bytes, or fixed)
  • records which share any keys
  • enums which share any values.

Namespacing the record keys or enum values are easy ways to overcome the last two disallowed unions.

At union schema creation time, Lancaster will throw an exception if the the schema is disallowed.

Names and Namespaces

Named Avro schemas (records, enums, fixeds) contain a name part and, optionally, a namespace part. The Names section of the Avro spec describes this in detail. Lancaster fully supports the spec, allowing both names and namespaces. These are combined into a single fullname, including both the namespace (if any) and the name.

Lancaster schema names and namespaces must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.

When using the Schema Creation Macros, the name used in the schema is derived from the name of the symbol passed to the def-*-schema macro. It the symbol ends with -schema (as is common), the -schema portion is dropped from the name. The namespace is taken from the Clojure(Script) namespace where the schema is defined.

When using the Schema Creation Functions, the name and namespace are taken from the name-kw parameter passed to the *-schema function. If the keyword is namespaced, the keyword's namespace is used as the schema's namespace. If the keyword does not have a namespace, the schema will not have a namespace. Only the functions for creating named schemas (enum-schema, fixed-schema, record-schema, and merged-record-schema) have a name-kw parameter.

In the EDN representation of a named schema, the :name attribute contains the name of the schema, including the namespace, if any. In the JSON and PCF representations, the name portion is converted from kebab-case to PascalCase, and any namespace is converted from kebab-case to snake_case. This matches the Avro spec (which does not allow hyphenated names) and provides for easy interop with other languages (Java, JS, C++, etc.)

For example, using the def-enum-schema macro:

(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/edn suite-schema)
;; {:name :user/suite, :type :enum, :symbols [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades]}
;; Note that the :name includes the namespace (:user in this case)
;; and that the name is 'suite', not 'suite-schema'

(l/json suite-schema)
;; "{\"name\":\"user.Suite\",\"type\":\"enum\",\"symbols\":[\"CLUBS\",\"DIAMONDS\",\"HEARTS\",\"SPADES\"]}"
;; Note that the name has been converted to user.Suite

Or using the enum-schema function:

(def suite-schema
  (l/enum-schema :a-random-ns/suite [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades]))

(l/edn suite-schema)
;; {:name :a-random-ns/suite, :type :enum, :symbols [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades]}
;; Note that the namespace is not :user, but is :a-random-ns

(l/json suite-schema)
;; "{\"name\":\"a_random_ns.Suite\",\"type\":\"enum\",\"symbols\":[\"CLUBS\",\"DIAMONDS\",\"HEARTS\",\"SPADES\"]}"
;; Note that the name has been converted to a_random_ns.Suite

API Documentation

All public vars, functions, and macros are in the deercreeklabs.lancaster namespace. All other namespaces should be considered private implementation details that may change.


(def-record-schema name-symbol & fields)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro record. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the record-schema function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object. The Avro schema name is also derived from this symbol. See Names and Namespaces for more information about schema names. The name-symbol must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • docstring: Optional. A documentation string
  • fields: Field definitions. All fields are optional unless marked :required. Field definitions are sequences of the form [field-name-kw <docstring> <:required> field-schema <default-value>]
    • field-name-kw: A keyword naming this field. The keyword may have a namespace.
    • docstring: Optional. A documentation string.
    • :required: Optional. Indicates a required field.
    • field-schema: A Lancaster schema object representing the field's schema.
    • default-value: Optional. The default data value for this field. Only :required fields can have default values.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name :required l/string-schema "no name"]
  [:age "The person's age" l/int-schema])

See Also


(def-merged-record-schema name-symbol & record-schemas)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro record. The record schema contains all the fields of all record schemas passed in. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the merged-record-schema function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object. The Avro schema name is also derived from this symbol. See Names and Namespaces for more information about schema names. The name-symbol must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • record-schemas: Lancaster schema record objects to be merged.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:age l/int-schema])

(l/def-record-schema location-schema
  [:latitude l/double-schema]
  [:longitude l/double-schema])

(l/def-merged-record-schema person-w-lat-long-schema
  person-schema location-schema)

See Also


(def-enum-schema name-symbol & symbol-keywords)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro enum. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the enum-schema function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object. The Avro schema name is also derived from this symbol. See Names and Namespaces for more information about schema names. The name-symbol must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • docstring: Optional. A documentation string
  • symbol-keywords: Keywords representing the symbols in the enum. The keywords may have namespaces.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

See Also


(def-fixed-schema name-symbol size)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro fixed. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the fixed-schema function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object. The Avro schema name is also derived from this symbol. See Names and Namespaces for more information about schema names. The name-symbol must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • size: An integer representing the size of this fixed in bytes.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-fixed-schema md5-schema

See Also


(def-array-schema name-symbol items-schema)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro array. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the array-schema function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object.
  • items-schema: A Lancaster schema object describing the items in the array.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-array-schema numbers-schema

See Also


(def-map-schema name-symbol values-schema)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro map. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the map-schema function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object.
  • values-schema: A Lancaster schema object describing the values in the map. Map keys are always strings.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-map-schema name-to-age-schema

See Also


(def-union-schema name-symbol & member-schemas)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro union. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the union-schema function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object.
  • member-schemas: Lancaster schema objects representing the members of the union.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-union-schema maybe-name-schema
  l/null-schema l/string-schema)

See Also


(def-maybe-schema name-symbol schemas)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro union. The members of the union are null-schema and the given schema. Makes a schema nillable. For cases where a macro is not appropriate, use the maybe function instead.


  • name-symbol: The symbol naming this schema object.
  • schema: Lancaster schema object representing the non-nil member of the union.

Return Value

The defined var


(l/def-maybe-schema maybe-name-schema

See Also

  • maybe: Creates a nillable schema.


(record-schema name-kw fields)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro record, with the given name keyword and field definitions. For a more concise way to declare a record schema, see def-record-schema.


  • name-kw: A keyword naming this record. May or may not be namespaced. The name-kw must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • docstring: Optional. A documentation string
  • fields: Field definitions. All fields are optional unless marked :required. Field definitions are sequences of the form [field-name-kw <docstring> <:required> field-schema <default-value>]
    • field-name-kw: A keyword naming this field. The keyword may have a namespace.
    • docstring: Optional. A documentation string.
    • :required: Optional. Indicates a required field.
    • field-schema: A Lancaster schema object representing the field's schema.
    • default-value: Optional. The default data value for this field. Only :required fields can have default values.

Return Value

The new Lancaster record schema


(def person-schema
  (l/record-schema :person
                   "A schema representing a person."
                   [[:name :required l/string-schema "no name"]
                    [:age l/int-schema]]))

See Also


(enum-schema name-kw symbol-keywords)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro enum, with the given name and keyword symbols. For a more concise way to declare an enum schema, see def-enum-schema.


  • name-kw: A keyword naming this enum. May or may not be namespaced. The name-kw must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • docstring: Optional. A documentation string
  • symbol-keywords: A sequence of keywords, representing the symbols in the enum.

Return Value

The new Lancaster enum schema


(def suite-schema
  (l/enum-schema :suite [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades]))

See Also


(fixed-schema name-kw size)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro fixed, with the given name and size. For a more concise way to declare a fixed schema, see [[def-fixed-schema]].


  • name-kw: A keyword naming this fixed. May or may not be namespaced. The name-kw must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • size: An integer representing the size of this fixed in bytes.

Return Value

The new Lancaster fixed schema


(def md5-schema
  (l/fixed-schema :md5 16))

See Also


(array-schema items-schema)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro array with the given items schema.


  • items-schema: A Lancaster schema object describing the items in the array.

Return Value

The new Lancaster array schema


(def numbers-schema (l/array-schema l/int-schema))

See Also


(map-schema values-schema)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro map with the given values schema.


  • values-schema: A Lancaster schema object describing the values in the map. Map keys are always strings.

Return Value

The new Lancaster map schema


(def name-to-age-schema (l/map-schema l/int-schema))

See Also


(union-schema member-schemas)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro union with the given member schemas.


  • members-schemas: A sequence of Lancaster schema objects that are the members of the union.

Return Value

The new Lancaster union schema


(def maybe-name-schema
  (l/union-schema [l/null-schema l/string-schema]))

See Also


(merged-record-schema name-kw schemas)

Creates a Lancaster record schema which contains all the fields of all record schemas passed in.


  • name-kw: A keyword naming the new combined record schema. May or may not be namespaced. The name-kw must start with a letter and subsequently only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens.
  • schemas: A sequence of Lancaster schema record objects to be merged.

Return Value

The new Lancaster record schema


(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:age l/int-schema])

(l/def-record-schema location-schema
  [:latitude l/double-schema]
  [:longitude l/double-schema])

(def person-w-lat-long-schema
  (l/merged-record-schema [person-schema location-schema]))

See Also


(maybe schema)

Creates a Lancaster union schema whose members are l/null-schema and the given schema. Makes a schema nillable.


  • schema: The Lancaster schema to be made nillable.

Return Value

The new Lancaster union schema


(def int-or-nil-schema (l/maybe l/int-schema))

See Also


(serialize writer-schema data)

Serializes data to a byte array, using the given Lancaster schema.


  • writer-schema: The Lancaster schema that describes the data to be written.
  • data: The data to be written.

Return Value

A byte array containing the Avro-encoded data


(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:age l/int-schema])

(def encoded (l/serialize person-schema {:name "Arnold"
                                         :age 22}))

See Also

  • deserialize: Deserializes data from a byte array, using separate reader and writer schemas. This is the recommended deserialization function.
  • deserialize-same: Deserializes data from a byte array, using the same reader and writer schema. This is not recommended, as it does not allow for [schema.


(deserialize reader-schema writer-schema ba)

Deserializes Avro-encoded data from a byte array, using the given reader and writer schemas. The writer schema must be resolvable to the reader schema. See Avro Schema Resolution. If the reader schema contains record fields that are not in the writer's schema, the fields' default values will be used. If no default was explicitly specified in the schema, Lancaster uses the following default values, depending on the field type:

  • null: nil
  • boolean: false
  • int: -1
  • long: -1
  • float: -1.0
  • double: -1.0
  • string: ""
  • enum: first symbol in the schema's symbols list
  • array: []
  • map: {}


  • reader-schema: The reader's Lancaster schema for the data
  • writer-schema: The writer's Lancaster schema for the data
  • ba: A byte array containing the encoded data

Return Value

The deserialized data


(def person-schema
  (l/record-schema :person
                   [[:name l/string-schema "no name"]
                    [:age l/int-schema]]))

(def person-w-nick-schema
  (l/record-schema :person
                   [[:name l/string-schema "no name"]
                    [:age l/int-schema]
                    [:nickname l/string-schema "no nick"]
                    [:favorite-number l/int-schema]]))

(def encoded (l/serialize person-schema {:name "Alice"
                                         :age 20}))

(l/deserialize person-w-nick-schema person-schema encoded)
;; {:name "Alice", :age 20, :nickname "no nick", :favorite-number -1}

See Also


(deserialize-same schema ba)

Deserializes Avro-encoded data from a byte array, using the given schema as both the reader and writer schema.

Note that this is not recommended, since it does not allow for schema resolution / evolution. The original writer's schema should always be used to deserialize. The writer's schema (in Parsing Canonical Form) should always be stored or transmitted with encoded data. If the schema specified in this function does not match the schema with which the data was encoded, the function will fail, possibly in strange ways. You should generally use the deserialize function instead.


  • schema: The reader's and writer's Lancaster schema for the data
  • ba: A byte array containing the encoded data

Return Value

The deserialized data


(l/def-record-schema dog-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:owner l/string-schema])

(def encoded (l/serialize dog-schema {:name "Fido"
                                      :owner "Roger"}))

(l/deserialize-same dog-schema encoded)
;; {:name "Fido :owner "Roger"}

See Also

  • serialize: Serializes data to a byte array.
  • deserialize: Deserializes data from a byte array, using separate reader and writer schemas. This is the recommended deserialization function.


(json->schema json)

Creates a Lancaster schema object from an Avro schema in JSON format.


  • json: A JSON string representing the Avro schema. The JSON string must comply with the Avro Specification.

Return Value

The new Lancaster schema


(def person-schema
         (str "{\"name\":\"Person\",\"type\":\"record\",\"fields\":"
              "[{\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\",\"default\":\"no name\"},"


(wrap data-schema data)

Wraps the given data for serializing with an ambiguous union. See Notes About Union Data Types for more information.


  • data-schema: The Lancaster schema of the data to be wrapped
  • data: The data to be wrapped.

Return Value

The wrapped data


;; Define two record schemas
(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema "No name"]
  [:age l/int-schema 0])

(l/def-record-schema dog-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:owner l/string-schema])

;; Define an ambiguous union schema, using the two records
(l/def-union-schema person-or-dog-schema
  person-schema dog-schema)

(def fido {:name "Fido" :owner "Roger"})

;; Serializing without wrapping fails because the union is ambiguous:
(l/serialize person-or-dog-schema fido)
;; ExceptionInfo Union requires wrapping, but data is not wrapped.

;; Wrapping the data before serialization tells the union which type
;; to use when serializing.
(def wrapped-fido (l/wrap dog-schema fido))
;; [:user/dog {:name "Fido", :owner "Roger"}]

;; This works now
(l/serialize person-or-dog-schema wrapped-fido)
;; #object["[B" 0x2cc2072e "[B@2cc2072e"]

See Also

  • schema-name: Returns the schema-name portion of wrapped data.
  • data: Returns the data portion of wrapped data.


(schema-name wrapped-data)

Returns the schema-name portion of wrapped data. See Notes About Union Data Types for more information.


  • wrapped-data: The wrapped data

Return Value

The EDN name of the schema that represents the wrapped data


;; Define two record schemas
(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema "No name"]
  [:age l/int-schema 0])

(l/def-record-schema dog-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:owner l/string-schema])

;; Define an ambiguous union schema, using the two records
(l/def-union-schema person-or-dog-schema
  person-schema dog-schema)

;; Wrapping the data before serialization tells the union which type
;; to use when serializing.
(def wrapped-fido (l/wrap dog-schema fido))
;; [:user/dog {:name "Fido", :owner "Roger"}]

(l/schema-name wrapped-fido)
;; :user/dog

See Also

  • wrap: Wraps the given data for serializing with an ambiguous union.
  • data: Returns the data portion of wrapped data.


(data wrapped-data)

Returns the data portion of wrapped data. See Notes About Union Data Types for more information.


  • wrapped-data: The wrapped data

Return Value

The data portion of the wrapped data


;; Define two record schemas
(l/def-record-schema person-schema
  [:name l/string-schema "No name"]
  [:age l/int-schema 0])

(l/def-record-schema dog-schema
  [:name l/string-schema]
  [:owner l/string-schema])

;; Define an ambiguous union schema, using the two records
(l/def-union-schema person-or-dog-schema
  person-schema dog-schema)

;; Wrapping the data before serialization tells the union which type
;; to use when serializing.
(def wrapped-fido (l/wrap dog-schema fido))
;; [:user/dog {:name "Fido", :owner "Roger"}]

(l/data wrapped-fido)
;; {:name "Fido", :owner "Roger"}

See Also

  • wrap: Wraps the given data for serializing with an ambiguous union.
  • schema-name: Returns the schema-name portion of wrapped data.


(edn schema)

Returns the EDN representation of the given Lancaster schema.


  • schema: The Lancaster schema

Return Value

EDN representation of the given Lancaster schema


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/edn suite-schema)
;; {:name :suite, :type :enum, :symbols [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades]}

See Also

  • json: Returns the JSON representation of the schema.


(json schema)

Returns an Avro-compliant JSON representation of the given Lancaster schema.


  • schema: The Lancaster schema

Return Value

JSON representation of the given Lancaster schema


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/json suite-schema)
;; "{\"name\":\"Suite\",\"type\":\"enum\",\"symbols\":[\"CLUBS\",\"DIAMONDS\",\"HEARTS\",\"SPADES\"]}"

See Also

  • edn: Returns the EDN representation of the schema.


(plumatic-schema schema)

Returns a Plumatic schema for the given Lancaster schema.


  • schema: The Lancaster schema

Return Value

A Plumatic schema that matches the Lancaster schema


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/plumatic-schema suite-schema)
;; (enum :spades :diamonds :clubs :hearts)


(pcf schema)

Returns a JSON string containing the Parsing Canonical Form for the given Lancaster schema.


  • schema: The Lancaster schema

Return Value

A JSON string


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/pcf suite-schema)
;; "{\"name\":\"Suite\",\"type\":\"enum\",\"symbols\":[\"CLUBS\",\"DIAMONDS\",\"HEARTS\",\"SPADES\"]}"
;; Note that this happens to be the same as (l/json suite-schema) for this
;; particular schema. That is not generally the case.

See Also


(fingerprint64 schema)

Returns the 64-bit Rabin fingerprint of the Parsing Canonical Form for the given Lancaster schema.


  • schema: The Lancaster schema

Return Value

A 64-bit Long representing the fingerprint. For JVM Clojure, this is a java.lang.Long. For ClojureScript, it is a goog.math.Long.


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/fingerprint64 suite-schema)
;; 5882396032713186004

See Also


(schema? arg)

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the argument is a Lancaster schema object.


  • arg: The argument to be tested

Return Value

A boolean indicating whether or not the argument is a Lancaster schema object


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/schema? suite-schema)
;; true

(l/schema? :clubs)
;; false


(default-data schema)

Creates default data that conforms to the given Lancaster schema. The following values are used for the primitive data types:

  • null: nil
  • boolean: false
  • int: -1
  • long: -1
  • float: -1.0
  • double: -1.0
  • string: ""
  • enum: first symbol in the schema's symbols list

Default data for complex schemas are built up from the primitives.


  • schema: The Lancaster schema

Return Value

Data that matches the given schema


(l/def-enum-schema suite-schema
  :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades)

(l/default-data suite-schema)
;; :clubs


Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Deer Creek Labs, LLC

Apache Avro, Avro, Apache, and the Avro and Apache logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.

Distributed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt


Apache Avro library for Clojure and ClojureScript



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