yanai101 / shell-poc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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This app id a POC for shell that receive an Object and build navigation base on the config - all the app are in main iframe and the source is replace when you change app view . Every app it can stand alone


implementation - the app listening to post Message from the shell and routing to the inside URL - in this way you get all benefit of the inside routing. The shell is using the history API to manage the state and adding to every state additional information based on the app and the changes in the app are reflected in the URL

web component

Every app in export a native web component to the shell to display - that is the app responsibility to give the shell the inside route - the shell is a stupid component.

In the vue app - the vue cli can export native web component. https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/build-targets.html#web-component In the react app -we need to wrap a react render with our web component https://reactjs.org/docs/web-components.html

we have a base web component that adds functionality to the routine - that every app is using it.

to run the demo - run every app and open the shell

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Language:JavaScript 65.2%Language:HTML 24.5%Language:CSS 10.3%