yammik / the-book-of-tacos

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


0. Welcome page
    About history of tacos
    Browse posts/recipes


- Models:

  1. User
    attributes: username, password

    has_many :active_relationships
    has_many :passive_relationships
    has_many :posts
    has_many :recipes, through: :posts
    has_many :comments, through: :posts
    has_many :ingredients, through: :recipes

    view: (1) profile view
          (2) edit profile
          (3) display all posts
          (4) display recipes
          (5) create recipes
          (6) display followers/following
          (7) display all comments


  2. Active_relationship
    attributes: follower, followed
    belongs_to :user


  3. Passive_relationship
      attributes: followed, follower
      belongs_to :user


  4. Post
    belongs_to :user
    has_many :comments
    belongs_to :recipe

    view: (1) create/select and save recipe
          (2) create comment
          (3) display comments associated to the post


  5. Comment
    belongs_to :post


  6. Recipe
    has_many :posts
    has_many :users, through: :posts
    has_many :recipeingredients
    has_many :ingredients, through: :recipeingredients

    views: (1) show recipe
           (2) Like/save recipe
           (3) list ingredients


  7. RecipeIngredient
    belongs_to :ingredient
    belongs_to :recipe


  8. Ingredient
    has_many :recipeingredients
    has_many :recipes, through: :recipeingredients


  9. Restaurants

    view: (1) display by location (city)



            1. Homepage/welcome => random selection of tacos => recipe page for said taco
(read, mar) 2. Login screen (landing page); sessions ; auth
(read, may) 3. User relationships associations
            4. User profile page => list posts / list recipes / list comments / list user_relationships
(nicky)     5. Recipe page => insert img!
          - 6. Filter recipes by ingredient (on Recipes index) ** change to text_field later
            7. Random taco generator

- Extra
(Taco cat img generator)
(Restaurant locator)



Language:Ruby 81.9%Language:HTML 11.4%Language:CSS 2.9%Language:CoffeeScript 2.3%Language:JavaScript 1.4%