yalang / docs

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ي : لغة البرمجة

YaLang (ي) is an open source programming language where you can write python code in arabic language.

It takes the arabic text and convert it into python code and execute it. Which then can be used anywhere. You can code anything which you can code in python.

اكتب("اهلا و سهلا يا عالم"


اهلا و سهلا يا عالم
ع = ٧
لو ع ٪ ٢ == ٠:؛
    اكتب("ع الفردية"ولو ٧ == ٠:؛
    اكتب("هذا صفر"آخراكتب("ع الزوجية"


ع الزوجية
وظيفة جمع(اولا، ثاني):؛
    كل = اولا + ثاني؛
    إرجع كل؛

اكتب("جمع = "، جمع(٢، ٣))؛


جمع =  ٥

NOTE: ؛ is optional at the end of line

For more sample code see (https://github.com/yalang/yalang-sample)


  • macOS
  • Python 3

Getting Started


  • Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/yalang/yalang.git
cd yalang
  • Run install.sh:
  • Add export PATH=$HOME/yalang/bin:$PATH to .bash_profile or .bashrc


  • Create a new file with name اهلا.ي and open in any editor.

  • Write this in the file

اكتب("اهلا و سهلا يا عالم"
  • Save it

  • Open a terminal and go to the folder where file is saved

  • Run this command

ي اهلا
  • It will print
اهلا و سهلا يا عالم