yakovmanshin / YMKit

[⚠️ Unsafe for General Use; See README] YMKit is a collection of tools for quicker and easier development for Apple platforms.

Home Page:https://opensource.ym.dev/YMKit/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status — master Build Status — dev

YMKit is a collection of tools that make development of iOS apps quicker and easier.

The framework provides a set of small hacks, such as UIColor initialization from HEX values, string localization, date and number formatters, and more.

Usage Examples

Here's a few examples of how YMKit can make your development routine just a little easier.

Localized Strings

When you need to substitute a localizable string key with its localized value at runtime, you usually do something like that:

// Without arguments
let helloWorld = NSLocalizedString("HelloWorldKey", comment: "")

// With arguments
let greeting = String(format: NSLocalizedString("LocalizableGreetingKey", comment: ""), firstName, lastName)

With YMKit, it's shorter and simpler:

// Without arguments
let helloWorld = "HelloWorldKey".localized

// With arguments
let greeting = "LocalizableGreetingKey".localized(with: firstName, lastName)

UIColor from HEX

When you need to parse a HEX color string (such as #ff4600), things get so ugly I won't even demostrate them.

However, with YMKit, all it takes to get a UIColor instance is one line of code:

let myColor = UIColor(hexString: "#ff4600")

This single initializer works with both three- (#fff) and six-digit (#aeaeae) codes; with or without the # character.

Individual RGB Channels from UIColor

If you've ever needed to extract just one channel from UIColor, then you certainly know what a mess it is, with variables used only once, in-out parameters, and so on.

YMKit will make your life easier—much easier:

let green = myColor.getRGBComponent(.green)

CMYK support is coming later.

Number Formatting

Formatting numbers (prices, for examples) for different locales is no easy task. Fortunately, you don't have to remember formats for all countries—Foundation's NumberFormatter will take care of it. Unfortunately, using it quickly gets overwhelmingly verbose.

YMKit takes another, more declarative approach.

Let's say you need to display a price in euros that's formatted according to the user's locale and has up to two decimal digits. Here's how you do it with NumberFormatter:

let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = .currency
numberFormatter.locale = .current
numberFormatter.currencyCode = currencyCode
numberFormatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
numberFormatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2

let priceString = numberFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: myItem.price))

And here's YMKit:

let priceString = myItem.price.getBasicPriceString(maxFractionDigits: 2, currencyCode: myItem.currencyCode)

Of course there's many options for further customization: "significant digits," grouping sepator, and currency symbol literal are just a few examples. If they're still not enough, you can even have a closure and set the remaining properties manually (as in the first example above): it will still be nicer to use because you don't have to worry about creating and managing lifecycle of the NumberFormatter object manually.


There are multiple ways to install YMKit and keep it up to date.

Swift Package Manager

The easiest way to add YMKit to your project is with Swift Package Manager (SPM). Xcode 11 has an SPM client built right in, so you can use the GUI. Click FileSwift PackagesAdd Package Dependency…, paste YMKit repository URL (https://github.com/yakovmanshin/YMKit) into the search field, and select preferred update policy (Up to Next Major should be fine for most uses).

Xcode will check for newer versions that comply with the specified update policy from time to time. You can always check for updates manually: FileSwift PackagesUpdate to Latest Package Versions.

If you prefer working with the Package.swift file manually, or need to use YMKit as a dependency in a Swift package of your own, add the following entry to the dependencies array in the Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/yakovmanshin/YMKit.git", from: "3.0.0")

Should you like to learn more about Swift packages and SPM, there's a WWDC session on that.


Alternatively, you can use CocoaPods to install YMKit. If you’ve never worked with CocoaPods before, watch this detailed (and funny) video from Google on how to install and use the tool.

To install YMKit, add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'YMKit', '~>3.0'

Run the following command in your project directory to install the newly-added pod:

pod install

From now on, use the created / updated .xcworkspace (not .xcodeproj) to work on your app.

Binary XCFramework

XCFramework is a binary format for framework distribution, which solves the most annoying problem of binary frameworks: architecture incompatibility. One bundle contains versions for all supported architectures: physical devices (armv7 and arm64) and simulators (i386 and x86_64). Learn more about binary frameworks and XCFramework in this WWDC session.

On the releases page, you will find binary XCFramework files attached to YMKit releases starting with v2.0.0. To use on of those files, just unzip it and drag the XCFramework bundle to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section in your target's General settings.

Keep in mind there's no auto-update feature for XCFrameworks at this time. You have to repeat the steps above every time a new version is released.

General Usage Tips

Just as with all frameworks, you need to import YMKit in files you'd like to use its methods in. You've most likely done it before: the most trivial example is UIKit. It's recommended to put all import statements at the top of your code files, but you can do it anywhere, in fact. Anyway, just add the following to your .swift file:

import YMKit

Here's a pro tip. You can activate extensions of all built-in types (such as Date, UIColor, String, etc.) for your entire project at once—to do it, import YMKit in AppDelegate.swift.

// AppDelegate.swift

import UIKit

// Import YMKit here:
import YMKit

// That's it!

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
// ...

This hack won't work with types declared in YMKit, such as YMFormatter: to use them, you'll still need to import YMKit in individual code files.

In-Depth Documentation

My ultimate goal is to cover 100% of types, properties, and methods with accurate, detailed, and extensive documentation. At the moment, the rate is near 90%.

To view documentation for a given type, property, or method, just Option-click its name, and the [likely] familiar pop-up will appear. You can browse source files as well, of course.

Thanks to Jazzy, documentation for YMKit is also available on the web at kit.ym.dev. However, it is only valid for the most recent release version.


[⚠️ Unsafe for General Use; See README] YMKit is a collection of tools for quicker and easier development for Apple platforms.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Swift 99.5%Language:Ruby 0.5%