yakovlev-alexey / pnpm-workspace-files-prop

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pnpm ignores workspace dependency files property

pnpm deploy ignores files property in package.json and .npmignore for workspace dependencies. All package contents are copied. This may include excessive amounts of source code (adding to the total size of a Docker image for example) and secret files ignored by VCS. Those files may later be accessed in Docker containers exposing secrets used to compile the code (S3 keys etc).

Reproduction steps

  1. Run pnpm install

  2. Create very-secret file (it is ignored by .gitignore) touch packages/ui-files/very-secret && touch packages/ui-npmignore/very-secret

  3. Create .env file in package dirs: touch packages/ui-files/.env && touch packages/ui-npmignore/.env

  4. Run pnpm deploy -F app-files app-files-prod --prod and then ls -A app-files-prod/node_modules/ui-files app-files-prod/node_modules/ui-npmignore.

    Should see

    .env         dist.js      package.json src.js       very-secret
    .env         .npmignore   dist.js      package.json src.js       very-secret
  5. Run pnpm deploy -F app-files app-npmignore-prod --prod and then ls -A app-npmignore-prod/node_modules/ui-files app-npmignore-prod/node_modules/ui-npmignore.

    Should see

    .env         dist.js      package.json src.js       very-secret
    .env         .npmignore   dist.js      package.json src.js       very-secret

Expected behaviour

In any of the packages ls -A should output only dist.js package.json.
