Yahia Yasser (yahiayasser)


Geek Repo

Company:Looking for an opportunity as an Embedded Software Engineer


Home Page:https://www.linkedin.com/in/yahia-yasser/

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Yahia Yasser's repositories


Door_Locker Two micro-controllers, one acts as a HMI (Human Machine Interface) This micro-controller has a Dio module, LCD Module, Keypad Module and UART Module This one will be used just interfacing with user. The other micro-controller will be responsible for controlling the motor (actuation part) This micro-controller has a Dio module, Timer Module, DC_Motor Module and UART Module This one will be used for just Controlling the motor that will act as the lock for the door. The scenario will be as following: 1- first use Mode: the user will be prompted to enter pass and confirm it using keypad, if passwords are matched the password will be saved to the internal EEPROM of the first micro-controller. If the passwords are not matched it will tell you that the passwords are not matched and ask you to re-enter passwords. 2- Operating Mode: LCD Shows Supported Operations: a- Open the door: If the user choose to open the door he will be prompted to enter the password, if he fails with 4 trials, he will have to wait for 30 seconds to re-enter the password again. if the password is right, a message will be sent to the other micro-controller using uart to open the door. b- Change Password : user must enter the old password first to change. 3- Opening the door: When the message of opening the door will be received at the second micro-controller, it will rotate the motor 0.5 in the clockwise direction. 4- Closing the door: At first micro-controller, a message will be shown: "[1]Close Lock", if the user entered 1 a message will be sent to the other micro-controller to close the door, the second micro-controller will receive the message and rotate motor will rotate 0.5 in the anticlockwise direction. The LCD at the first micro controller will reflect any action / State happens at the system. for example if the door is opening it should show : Lock is opened



Embedded Boot-loader 1.0.0



A Preemptive dynamic priority based hard real time kernel for embedded devices.



This Repo contains implementation of different data structures in C language



Development AUTOSAR



Paho MQTT C client library for embedded systems. Paho is an Eclipse IoT project (https://iot.eclipse.org/)



The scenario that the device apply during the leakage of the gas briefly is: when the gas detected cross the threshold adjusted by the developer it will inform the user that there is a gas leakage in the form of a SMS massage just to keep the user up with the situation. However, the device will immediately take the action of closing the main valve that supplies the space with gas. Then another massage would be sent to the user to inform him that the situation has been handled.



This repo is for creating a portable, reliable and efficient boot-loader for STM32 ARM based micro-controllers.



This repo contains all projects for udacity Sensor Fusion Nanodegree
