yagoubali / PopFactory

Creates simulated populations for use in testing GWAS and other genomic tools

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PopFactory (Population Factory)

PopFactory is a tool for generating simulated genetic population data for use in genetic analysis tools (especially GWAS tools). PopFactory creates VCF files that are zipped in bgzf format for easy use with samtools. In order to generate large VCF files, PopFactory can scale out to multiple processes and horizontally to multiple nodes.


PopFactory is written in Python 3. You will need python 3 installed and also pip. The python package requirements are all in the requirements.txt file and can usually be installed by:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Generating a Population

To generate a VCF file, run pop_factory.py from the command line. Here is a typical scenario:

python3 pop_factory.py -s num_cases -c num_controls -x num_snps -f min_minor_allele_freq 

For example, the following command will generate a VCF file with 200 samples (100 cases with mutations configured in the deleterious.yml file and 100 controls), 100000 SNPs, and all SNPs in the file will have a minor allele frequency greater than 1%.

python3 pop_factory.py -s 100 -c 100 -x 100000 -f 0.01

There are options to control the output location (default is a new subdir with a timestamp name in the populations direcotry), number of worker processes, compression level, and odds of a population member being male (having a Y chromosome). For all available options run:

python3 pop_factory.py -h

Output Files

PopFactory outputs a collection of files each time it is run.

  • population.vcf.gz - VCF output file zipped with bgzip. Controls will follow the regular SNP frequency distribution for SNPs in the file. Cases (population memeber with an affliction) will follow regular SNP frequencies except for selected deleterious SNPs.
  • population.fam - fam file with information on each sample. It will have the following columns:
  1. Family ID ('FID') - all samples with have different family IDs
  2. Within-family ID ('IID') - same as sample id in VCF header
  3. Within-family ID of father - always zero
  4. Within-family ID of mother - always zero
  5. Sex code ('1' = male, '2' = female, '0' = unknown)
  6. Phenotype value ('1' = control, '2' = case, '-9'/'0'/non-numeric = missing data if case/control)
  • deleterious.json - JSON file with the selected deleterious SNPs. This file can be used as an input to future PopFactory runs.
  • pop_deleterious.txt - text file which maps sample IDs to deleterious groups and deleterious mutations
  • snps.json.gz - JSON file with the SNPs that were used to generate the VCF file. This file can be used as an input to future PopFactory runs.

Generating Very Large Files

If you want to generate a very large VCF file, there are two ways to speed things up:

  1. Increase the number of workers
  2. Run multiple jobs in parallel and merge the resulting VCF files

Increasing Workers (Processes)

PopFactory uses a parallel processing approach where there is one write process and multiple worker processes that feed rows to the writer process. You can increase the throughput of PopFactory by increasing the number of workers:

python3 pop_factory.py -s 10000 -c 10000 -x 5000000 -f 0.01 -n 7 -z 2

The -n option in this case is creating 7 worker processes (there will be 8 processes in total when you include the writer process). This command also uses the -z option to set a gzip compression level of 2 (faster writes /less compression). This is a suitable configuration for an 8 core server. It is recommended to never set the number of workers higher than the number of available cores - 1.

Running Multiple Parallel Jobs

If you desire to make a very large VCF file (millions of SNPs), it may be desirable to generate portions of the file in parallel and merge them together. PopFactory supports easy use of bcftools to index and merge generated VCF files.

To run multiple jobs in parallel, perform the following steps.

  1. Run the tool once to generate/select SNPs and deleterious SNPs
    python3 pop_factory.py -s 0 -c 0 -p "path_to_deleterious.yml" -f 0.01 -x 10000000 --outdir "path_to_output_dir"
    This will select 10 million SNPs and pick deleterious SNPs (based on the yml config), but will make an empty VCF file.
  2. Run the tool again and use the outputs from step 1 as inputs to generate a population
    python3 pop_factory.py -s 1000 -c 1000 --outdir "path_to_output_dir2" --snps_file
     "path_to_output_dir"/snps.json.gz --deleterious_file "path_to_output_dir"/deleterious.json
    This will make a VCF file with 1000 cases and 1000 controls using the passed in SNPs and deleterious SNPs
  3. Run the command as many times as you want using incremental offsets to make sure all samples get unique IDs. The offset number is added to the generated sample IDs. You will want to use a different offset for each file to ensure the sample ID space is unique.
    python3 pop_factory.py  --offset 1000 -s 1000 -c 1000 --outdir "path_to_output_dir3" --snps_file
     "path_to_output_dir"/snps.json.gz --deleterious_file "path_to_output_dir"/deleterious.json
  4. Use bcftools to merge files as desired.
    bcftools index "path1/population.vcf.gz"
    bcftools index "path2/population.vcf.gz"
    bcftools merge "path1/population.vcf.gz" "path2/population.vcf.gz"

Deleterious.yml (deleterious config)

PopFactory selects deleterious mutations based on a configuration file in yaml format. The default location is "deleterious.yml" in the install directory. You can modify this file or create your own deleterious.yml config files to mimic many hypothetical scenarios. You can create multiple deleterious groups, polygenic groups, rare or common groups , etc.

Here are the options:

   - 1
   - 0.5
   - 0.2
 num_instances: 1
 population_weight: 2
 max_minor_allele_freq: 0.10
 min_minor_allele_freq: 0.01
  • group_name - Can be any string to name the deleterious group

  • mutation_weights - list of items with the weights of each deleterious mutation. The number of items in list determines the number of SNPs selected and the weights determine how many SNPs each afflicated case has. Every case will have mutations (minor alleles) that add up to a weight >= 1.

    Example 1: 4 SNPs, each case has 2 of 4

 - 0.5
 - 0.5
 - 0.5
 - 0.5

Example 2: 5 SNPs, the first SNP has double the weight. 3 SNPs needed unless the 1st SNP is selected for the case.

  - 0.7
  - 0.35
  - 0.35
  - 0.35
  - 0.35

Example 3: 3 SNPs, 1 out of 3 is needed

  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  • num_instances - number of copies of this group (SNPs are reselected)
  • population_weight - Proportional weight this group has in the overall afflicted population. For example, if the sum of all population_weights is 20 and this group has a weight of 2, it will exist in 10% of cases.
  • max_minor_allele_freq - highest minor allele frequency allowed for SNPs in this group
  • min_minor_allele_freq - lower bound for minor allele frequency for SNPs in this group

Using RefSNP Data

By default, PopFactory generates SNPs based on a continuous distribution function created from RefSNP frequency data (see snp_freq_cdf.csv for values). You can also download real RefSNP data from NIH and use it for SNP selection. The RefSNP dataset is very large and building a RefSNP database can take some time. The downloaded data is minimized to only include data useful for PopFactory and stored in a SQL database (default SQLite). A fullly downloaded RefSNP SQLite DB can be over 70 GB on disk.

Here is how to download the data and build a DB:

python3 download.py

If you want to store the data in a different database than the default, supply a sqlalchemy connection string in db .yml.

You can also download partial data (or fill in missing data) on a chromosome by chromosome basis.

python3 download.py -c 1,2,X -n 4

This will download data for chromosomes 1, 2, and X. It will use 4 worker processes for downloading. It will only delete data for the specified chromosomes and will leave the other chromosome data in place. This can be useful if the download job fails or needs to be stopped. The download process also used MD5 hashing to avoid redownloading files from NIH which have not changed (assuming the local tmp_download files are still on disk).

To then use the built RefSNP DB, use the -l flag when running PopFactory. This will cause the code to pull SNP data from the DB instead of generating simulated SNPs. For example:

python3 pop_factory.py -l -s 100 -c 100 -x 10000 -f 0.02


Creates simulated populations for use in testing GWAS and other genomic tools

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%