yagnesh-y / react-native-learnings

Learnings and notes on cross platform app development using ReactNative

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Learnings and notes on cross platform apps development using ReactNative

Debugging release or debug app:

Android: Release apk on device -> connect device -> check for adb logs(adb logcat *:S ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V)
iOS: Relase ipa on device -> connect device -> check for logs in xCode(open debug console CMD+SHIFT+C)

Changing appName:

Say you've given some appName and later need to change the appName without modifying the bundle/package id as we dont wan't to setup all the native modules again.

 Android: Change the app_name value in strings.xml file
 iOS: Change the Bundle Display Name value in the info.plist file

Failure linking native modules:

Follow the debugging guide and watch out for the logs as they will let you know where the issue might be.

Some handy commands:

Want to run app on a connected device: 
    Android: Connect device to system -> Enable debugging -> react-native run-android --deviceId XYX(using adb device to get list of deviceId's)
    iOS: Conect device to system -> Enable debugging -> react-native run-ios --device “Device name”(check for deviceName in your device settings)
Open debugging menu from cmd line without shaking gesture for a connected device:
    Android: adb shell input keyevent 82
    iOS: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/143079(Haven't tried this though)

To reload the app on connected device from terminal:
    Android: adb shell input text “RR” -