yagcioglutoprak / GPT-4-Github-Analysis

A tool to scrape and analyze Github profiles to suggest real open-source projects they could contribute to. Utilizing the power of the OpenAI API and BeautifulSoup, this code provides valuable insights into a Github user's activity, skills, and interests. Give it a try and see what open-source projects match your profile!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to the Github Scraper and Analyzer!

This code allows you to scrape relevant information from a Github user's profile and analyze it using the GPT-4 API to suggest real open-source projects they could contribute to. Let's dive into how it works!

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Scraping Github Data

The scrape_github_data function takes in a Github username as an argument and returns a dictionary with the following information:

  • username: the Github username
  • repositories: a list of repository names the user has created
  • contributions: a list of repository names the user has contributed to
  • description: a short description of the user's profile

This information is obtained by sending a GET request to the Github API and parsing the response with BeautifulSoup.

Analyzing Github Profile

The analyze_github_profile function takes in a dictionary of the user's Github profile information and returns a list of real open-source projects the user could contribute to.

This function utilizes the OpenAI API and provides context and specificity to the API using prompt engineering. The list of suggestions is generated using the OpenAI completion API.

Final Output

The final output of the code is the list of suggested open-source projects, which is obtained by calling the scrape_github_data and analyze_github_profile functions and passing in the Github username as an argument.

How to use the Github Scraper and Analyzer

  1. Install the required libraries: requests, openai, and bs4.
  2. Set up authentication with the OpenAI API by setting openai.api_key to your API key.
  3. Call the scrape_github_data function with the Github username you want to scrape as an argument.
  4. Call the analyze_github_profile function with the returned data from step 3 as the argument.
  5. The function will return a list of suggested open-source projects for the user.

Example usage:

github_profile = scrape_github_data("yagcioglutoprak")
suggestions = analyze_github_profile(github_profile)

### Have fun scraping and analyzing Github profiles!


A tool to scrape and analyze Github profiles to suggest real open-source projects they could contribute to. Utilizing the power of the OpenAI API and BeautifulSoup, this code provides valuable insights into a Github user's activity, skills, and interests. Give it a try and see what open-source projects match your profile!


Language:Python 100.0%