y0zg / kubectl_shortcuts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kubernetes Local env

For instructions how to setup local environment go to The Wiki

kubectl and docker shortcuts

A few shortcuts for kubectl based on our environment.

To use clone repo and add to your path.


Will give a list of pods to select based on your context.

pod will bring up the bash for the pod that you select.

pod logs will bring up the logs for the pod that you select.

pod laravel-logs will bring up the laravel logs for the pod that you select.

pod describe will describe the pod that you select.

pod k will ask to change context before selecting pods.


will give a list of context to select and set the context base on your choice.


kg shortcut for kubectl get pods

kg a shortcut for kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

kg s shortcut for kubectl get services

kg h shortcut for kubectl get hpa

kg dh shortcut for kubectl describe hpa

kg dc shortcut for kubectl describe configmaps

kg d shortcut for kubectl get deployments -o custom-columns=":metadata.name"

kg k will ask to change context, then shortcut for kubectl get pods


Copy this to hs_config.sh and set the varibles to reflect your local environment.


config_context create will create a context and namespace based on the $NAMESPACE and $CONTEXT values in hs_config.sh

config_context will update the context and namespace based on the $NAMESPACE and $CONTEXT values in hs_config.sh


thr_clone clone all the repos into the current directory


build_pod will build a pod from the repo current directory and push to local kubernetes cluster


build_all will build all of the pods from the repo current directory and push to local kubernetes cluster


shortcut for local Docker and Kubernetes based on current directory

Build the Docker container

dk build shortcut for docker build --tag=CURRENT_DIR

Describe the Kubernetes pod based on current directory

dk d shortcut for kubectl describe pod POD_NAME

Scale Kubernetes pod based on current directory

dk scale 1 shortcut for kubectl scale --replicas=$REPLICAS deployment/$SERVICE_NAME

Run Docker container

dk r shortcut for docker run -d -p 4000:80 CURRENT_DIR

Bash into the Docker container

dk b or dk shortcut for docker exec -it CURRENT_CONTAINER //bin/bash

Bash into the Docker container as root

dk root shortcut for docker exec -it --user root CURRENT_CONTAINER //bin/bash

Prune unused docker container

dk p shortcut for docker system prune -f -a

list all docker containers

dk ls shortcut for docker container ls -a

kill docker container based on current directory

dk kill shortcut for docker kill $(docker ps -aqf "ancestor=${DIR}")

kill all docker containers

dk killall shortcut for docker kill $(docker ps -q)

remove previous docker containers

dk rmi shortcut for docker rmi -f $(docker ps -aqf "ancestor=${DIR}")



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