xzenon / recurly-client-ios

The Recurly SDK allows you to integrate recurrent payments in your existing iOS app in a matter of minutes.

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Recurly iOS SDK

Recurly Client iOS

The Recurly SDK allows you to integrate recurrent payments in your existing iOS app in a matter of minutes.

We encourage our partners to review Apple's guidelines on mobile application development. In particular, please review Payments section to familiarize yourself with the purchases and currencies guidelines: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#payments

When a customer submits your payment form, the Recurly iOS SDK sends customer payment information to be encrypted and stored at Recurly and gives you an billing token to complete the subscription process using our powerful API.

With this billing token, you can do anything with our API that requires payment information. Because you never handle any sensitive payment information, your PCI scope is drastically reduced.

1. Download

Access our SDK via GitHub: iOS Client Repository

After reviewing our SDK via GitHub, use one of these two options to begin using the Recurly iOS SDK.

1.1 Using CocoaPods

If you already have and use Cocoapods, skip to step 3.

  1. Install CocoaPods if you don't already have it.

  2. Set up CocoaPods in your project.

  3. Add this line your Podfile.

    pod 'RecurlySDK'
  4. Download RecurlySDK and any other specified pods by running:

    $ pod install

For more information on CocoaPods and the Podfile, visit: https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/the-podfile.html

1.2 Using the RecurlySDK.framework

  1. Download the framework from the releases page (or build it yourself using the build.sh script provided).
  2. Drop it in your existing Xcode project.
  3. RecurlySDK needs the following frameworks:
  • Foundation
  • UIKit
  • AddressBook
  • Security
  • CoreTelephony
  • PassKit
  1. Add the flag -ObjC to Other Linker Flags (located in Build Settings > Linking).

2. Import

Once the framework is added to your project (via either of the methods above) you only need to import the SDK.

import RecurlySDK

3. Configure

In order to connect to the Recurly API, you must initialize the SDK with the API public key. This is found on the API credentials page of your Recurly site: https://app.recurly.com/go/developer/api_access

REConfiguration.shared.initialize(publicKey: "Your Public Key")
// after configuring, you can perform any operation with the SDK!

We strongly recommend that you configure the SDK when your application is launched (in your AppDelegate or creating a custom init for your @main App (SwiftUI), for example).

struct ContainerApp: App {
    init() {
        REConfiguration.shared.initialize(publicKey: "Your Public Key")
    var body: some Scene {

        WindowGroup {

Unit Tests

RecurlySDK-iOSTests/RecurlySDK-iOSTests.swift expects to receive environment variables (such as PUBLIC_KEY) from the command line.

If you'd like to run the tests in Xcode, be sure to set the publicKey variable directly in the test file with your own file. Tests won't pass without a valid public key that you provide.

4. Examples

Once the SDK is imported and configured, we can start building stuff with it!

Display our RECreditCardInputUI TextField

       VStack(alignment: .center) {
            RECreditCardInputUI(cardNumberPlaceholder: "Card number",
                                expDatePlaceholder: "MM/YY",
                                cvvPlaceholder: "CVV")

            Button {
                getToken { myToken in
            } label: {
        }.padding(.vertical, 100)

Display Individual Components

        VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 20) {
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                RECardNumberTextField(placeholder: " Card number")
                    .padding(.bottom, 30)

                HStack(spacing: 15) {
                    REExpDateTextField(placeholder: "MM/YY")
                    RECVVTextField(placeholder: "CVV")
                }.padding(.bottom, 3)

            }.padding(.horizontal, 51)
            .padding(.vertical, 10)

            Button {
                getToken { myToken in
            } label: {

Apply Custom Fonts and Sizes

    RECreditCardInputUI(cardNumberPlaceholder: "Card number",
                                expDatePlaceholder: "MM/YY",
                                cvvPlaceholder: "CVV",
                                textFieldFont: Font.system(size: 15, weight: .bold, design: .default),
                                titleLabelFont: Font.system(size: 13, weight: .bold, design: .default))

Get a payment token

let billingInfo = REBillingInfo(firstName: "David",
                                lastName: "Figueroa",
                                address1: "123 Main St",
                                address2: "",
                                company: "CH2",
                                country: "USA",
                                city: "Miami",
                                state: "Florida",
                                postalCode: "33101",
                                phone: "555-555-5555",
                                vatNumber: "",
                                taxIdentifier: "",
                                taxIdentifierType: "")
//Inject the BillingInfo
RETokenizationManager.shared.billingInfo = billingInfo

//Get the TokenId for your Billing Info
RETokenizationManager.shared.getTokenId { tokenId, error in
        if let errorResponse = error {
            print(errorResponse.error.message ?? "")
            print(tokenId ?? "")

or (exactly the same for requesting a tokenId just with your CardData):

The Card Data its passed to our Framework as the user types it so you don't need it nor have access to sensitive user info

// Display The RECreditCardInputUI or The Individual Components and as the User types in, the info will be ready to submitt inside our Framework

//Get the TokenId for your Card Data
RETokenizationManager.shared.getTokenId { tokenId, error in
        if let errorResponse = error {
            print(errorResponse.error.message ?? "")
            print(tokenId ?? "")

5. Apple Pay support

The following assumes your company is setup as an Apple Pay merchant. For more info on configuration and setup, look at the README-APPLE-PAY-CONFIG.md documentation in the repo.

To include the Apple Pay support using our SDK you need to following the next steps:

Instantiate REApplePaymentHandler class

// Apple Payment handler instance
    let paymentHandler = REApplePaymentHandler()

Use our REApplePayButton

/// Apple Pay
            VStack(alignment: .center) {
                Group {
                    REApplePayButton(action: {
                        getTokenApplePayment { completed in
                            // Do something

Apple Pay Token Callback

// Get token from ApplePay button
    private func getTokenApplePayment(completion: @escaping (Bool) -> ()) {

        // Test items
        var items = [REApplePayItem]()

        items.append(REApplePayItem(amountLabel: "Foo",
                                    amount: NSDecimalNumber(string: "3.80")))
        items.append(REApplePayItem(amountLabel: "Bar",
                                    amount: NSDecimalNumber(string: "0.99")))
        items.append(REApplePayItem(amountLabel: "Tax",
                                    amount: NSDecimalNumber(string: "1.53")))

        // Using 'var' instance to change some default properties values
        var applePayInfo = REApplePayInfo(purchaseItems: items)
        // By default only require .phoneNumber and emailAddress
        applePayInfo.requiredContactFields = [.name, .phoneNumber, .emailAddress]
        // This MerchantID is required by Apple, you can learn more about:
        // https://developer.apple.com/apple-pay/sandbox-testing/
        applePayInfo.merchantIdentifier = "merchant.com.YOURDOMAIN.YOURAPPNAME"
        applePayInfo.countryCode = "US"
        applePayInfo.currencyCode = "USD"

        /// Starting the Apple Pay flow
        self.paymentHandler.startApplePayment(with: applePayInfo) { (success, token) in

            if success {
                /// Token object 'PKPaymentToken' returned by Apple Pay
                guard let token = token else { return }

                /// Decode Token
                let paymentData = String(data: token.paymentData, encoding: .utf8)
                guard let paymentJson = paymentData else { return }

                let displayName = token.paymentMethod.displayName ?? "unknown"
                let network = token.paymentMethod.network?.rawValue ?? "unknown"
                let type = token.paymentMethod.type
                let txId = token.transactionIdentifier

                // Creating a test object to send Recurly
                let applePayTokenString = """

                print("Success Apple Payment with token: \(applePayTokenString)")

            } else {
                print("Apple Payment Failed")



The Recurly SDK allows you to integrate recurrent payments in your existing iOS app in a matter of minutes.

License:MIT License


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