xypan1232 / node2loc

Predicting protein subcellular location using node embedding

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To identify the functions of a protein, we first need know where this protein is located. Interacting proteins tend to locate in the same subcellular location. Thus, it is imperative to take the protein-protein interactions into account for computational identification of protein subcellular locations.
we present a deep learning based method, node2loc, to predict protein subcellular location. node2loc first learns distributed representations of proteins in a protein-protein network, which acquires representations from unlabeled data for downstream tasks. Then the learned representations are further fed into a recurrent neural network (RNN) to predict subcellular locations.

Dependencies and development enviroment

Package dependencies

OS Requirements

This package is supported for Linux operating systems. The package has been tested on the following systems:
Linux: Ubuntu 16.04

1. Learn node embedding from a protein-protein network using node2vec

  1. Download the human protein-protein network from STRING database v9.1, and download the compressed file protein.links.v9.1.txt.gz. Here only human protein-protein interactions are extracted. It needs be transfered to the below described support format.
  2. Download the node2vec software from the website node2vec. you can directly download the source code from node2vec github to working directory.
  3. Run the python script to generate the node embedding:
    python src/main.py --input STRING_9.1_edge.txt --output STRING_9.1_edge_500D.emd --dimensions 500

where STRING_9.1_edge.txt is the human protein-protein network, STRING_9.1_edge_500D.emd is the learned embedding for all proteins in the network, and 500 is the specified dimension of the learned embedding.

Please refer to node2vec github for more details about how to prepare the input.

The supported input format is an edgelist:

node1_id_int node2_id_int

where node1_id_int can be the protein ID number.

The output file has n+1 lines for a graph with n vertices.

The first line has the following format:

num_of_nodes dim_of_representation

The next *n* lines are as follows:
node_id dim1 dim2 ... dimd

where dim1, ... , dimd is the d-dimensional representation learned by node2vec.

2. Train a LSTM classifier using learned embedding, including version with Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) and without SMOTE, which is integrated in imbalanced-learn.

In this study, node2loc mainly consists of the following three components: 1) learned embedding from a protein-protein network using node2vec; 2) SMOTE for oversampling minority classes; 3) a LSTM classifier for classifying 16 subcellular locations. Please refer to 2.2 for how to run node2loc for classifying and predicting protein subcellular locations.

Here we provided the learned embedding with 500-D learned from a human protein-protein network. To yield higher performance, you can use Minimum redundancy maximum relevance (mRMR) to reorder the embedding, then train and evaluate each feature subset using IFS with RNN, and select the feature subset with the best performance.

The dataset with 500-D embedding as reprenstations for proteins and subcellular locaitons as labels is given in this repository, including training and test set file. The training file is "train_dataset.zip", and you can decompress it to "train_dataset.csv" that is the embedding of proteins, and "train_sample.txt" that is the protein IDs as sample names. The mapping between label ID and subcellular locations is given in file labelID_to_locations. The test file test_dataset.zip contains the embedding for other proteins not in the benchmakr set and protein names correpsond to the embedding, and we want to predict the locations for them.

You can test node2loc on the uploaded train_dataset.zip using k-fold crossvalidation.
You can also predict the location for the proteins in test_dataset.zip using the trained node2loc model on train_dataset.zip. The output file gives the predicted locations for all proteins in the test set.

2.1 Train and test LSTM classifier without SMOTE for oversampling.

  1. Train the LSTM classifier without SMOTE for over-sampling:
    python3 rnn-kfold-run.py -c 16 --datapath train_dataset.csv -e 500 -u 400 -k 10
    where -c is the number of classes, --datapath is the training file with embedding as features, locations as the labels, -e is the dimension of embedding, -u is number of neurons in the hidden layer of LSTM, k is k-fold cross-validation. This program will evaluate the node2loc using k-fold cross-validation.
  2. Train the LSTM classifier without SMOTE for over-sampling and predict subcellular locations for new proteins:
    python3 rnn-pred-run.py --train train_dataset.csv --test test_dataset.csv
    where --train is the input training data, and --test is the input test data. This program will predict the locaitons for all proteins in test set using the trained node2loc model on train set.

2.2 Train and test LSTM classifier with SMOTE for oversampling.

  1. Train the LSTM classifier with SMOTE for over-sampling:
    python3 rnn-kfold-smote-run.py -c 16 --datapath train_dataset.csv -e 500 -u 400 -k 10
    where -c is the number of classes, --datapath is the training file with embedding as features, locations as the labels, -e is the dimension of embedding, -u is number of neurons in the hidden layer of LSTM, k is k-fold cross-validation. This program will evaluate the node2loc using k-fold cross-validation.
  2. Train the LSTM classifier with SMOTE for over-sampling and predict subcellular locations for new proteins:
    python3 rnn-smote-pred-run.py --train train_dataset.csv --test test_dataset.csv
    where --train is the input training data, and --test is the input test data. This program will predict the locaitons for all proteins in test set using the trained node2loc model on train set.

3. Visualize the learned embedding using TSNE, which is implemented in sklearn.

You can run python3 vis_embedding.py
here we visualize the learned embedding (train_dataset.csv decompressed from train_dataset.zip) for proteins in the benchmark set.


Predicting protein subcellular location using node embedding


Language:Python 100.0%