xxleyi / loop_invariants


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loop invariants

此仓库用于在 issues 中记录自己使用「循环不变式」视角整理的算法题解。当然,所依据的算法**是不可缺少的。但我题解中会大概率不说,少说。默认读者已经有所了解。


循环不变式,即 loop invariant,是保证循环迭代能够正确解决问题的「关键所在」。

每一个使用循环迭代解决问题的程序,都有一个或显式或隐式的「loop invariant」。

循环迭代能解决问题的核心:确保每一次子循环中的「loop invariant」


很好的读物:Loop Invariants

   // the Loop Invariant must be true here
   while ( TEST CONDITION ) {
      // top of the loop
      // bottom of the loop
      // the Loop Invariant must be true here
   // Termination + Loop Invariant = Goal

准确的说,「循环不变式」是一个断言,就是 assert checkWithCondition(someVar)。但在实际工业化的编程实现中,checkWithCondition 的实现往往会有碍性能,相比之下,checkWithCondition(someVar) 中的 someVar 显得尤为关键。当我们找到「循环不变式」所需要的一个或多个 someVar,并在循环开始之前正确初始化,在每一次循环的开始或结束正确更新「循环不变式」相关的变量以确保「循环不变式」始终满足 checkWithCondition(someVar) 。在此前提之下,循环终止 + 「循环不变式」将使问题的正确解浮出水面。

「循环不变式」的视角下,关键还是寻找相关的变量 someVar 以及 checkWithCondition。后者在大部分时候都不必直接体现在代码中,但解题者应该了然于胸,并正确的初始化以及更新相关变量,隐式的实现 checkWithCondition(someVar) == true。当然,在不影响性能且对暴露报错有良好助益时,完全可以显式的将「循环不变式」的断言放于代码的关键位置。react 源码中的 invariant 函数就被广泛的用来断言「某种不变式」。

In computer science, a loop invariant is a property of a program loop that is true before (and after) each iteration. It is a logical assertion, sometimes checked within the code by an assertion call. Knowing its invariant(s) is essential in understanding the effect of a loop.

In formal program verification, particularly the Floyd-Hoare approach, loop invariants are expressed by formal predicate logic and used to prove properties of loops and by extension algorithms that employ loops (usually correctness properties). The loop invariants will be true on entry into a loop and following each iteration, so that on exit from the loop both the loop invariants and the loop termination condition can be guaranteed.

From a programming methodology viewpoint, the loop invariant can be viewed as a more abstract specification of the loop, which characterizes the deeper purpose of the loop beyond the details of this implementation. A survey article [1] covers fundamental algorithms from many areas of computer science (searching, sorting, optimization, arithmetic etc.), characterizing each of them from the viewpoint of its invariant.

Because of the similarity of loops and recursive programs, proving partial correctness of loops with invariants is very similar to proving correctness of recursive programs via induction. In fact, the loop invariant is often the same as the inductive hypothesis to be proved for a recursive program equivalent to a given loop.

引自 Loop invariant - Wikipedia






