xxdarkatomxx's repositories
A parachain focused on building bridges of chains which based on PoS consensus.
Create and develop production grade FastAPI projects.
A lightweight front-end component library for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
MutiCloud_Overlay demonstrates a use case of overlay over one or more clouds such as AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, Alibaba and a vSphere private infrastructure in Hub and spoke topology, point to point topology and in a Single cloud. Overlay protocols IPv6 and IPv4 are independent of underlying infrastructure. This solution can be integrated with encryption and additional security features.
MagicPad is an encryption suite for beginners. It is designed to be run standalone via the browser or executable (Electron).
React[0] + Redux[0] > A brief introduction to React and Redux
TRAINS - Auto-Magical Experiment Manager & Version Control for AI - NOW WITH AUTO-MAGICAL DEVOPS!