xwmx / calendar_date_select

A popular and flexible JavaScript DatePicker for RubyOnRails (and others)

Home Page:http://code.google.com/p/calendardateselect/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Author:   Tim Harper ( 'tim_see_harperATgmail._see_om'.gsub('_see_', 'c').gsub('AT', '@') )

see demo here -- http://restatesman.com/static/calendar

::Project Site::

It works!

Setup for "vendored gem":
In enviroment.rb add the gem:
  config.gem "timcharper-calendar_date_select", :version => "1.11", :source => "http://gems.github.com", :lib => 'gem_init'

Install the gem locally (this installs the gem system wide)
	sudo rake gems:install
Unpack the gem locally (this unpacks it vendor/gems/ inside your applicatio)
	rake gems:unpack

Remove the system wide gem (this is require until Ticket#324 is closed [http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/324-gem-dependencies-inconsistently-load-rails-init-rb])
	sudo gem uninstall artmotion-calendar_date_select

Don't forget to include the javascript helper in your view:
	<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>  
	<%= calendar_date_select_includes %>



A popular and flexible JavaScript DatePicker for RubyOnRails (and others)




Language:JavaScript 74.3%Language:Ruby 25.7%