xvarc / TFM_PredictInProd

Production code for shipping prediction model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Now that we have a performant model trained in the cloud, we will expose it to the world 🌍

We will create a Prediction API for our model, run it on our machine in order to make sure that everything works correctly. Then we will put it in the cloud so that everyone can play with our model!

In order to do so, we will:

  • Challenge 1 : create a Prediction API using FastAPI
  • Challenge 2 : create a Docker image containing the environment required in order to run the code of our API
  • Challenge 3 : push this image to Google Cloud Run so that it is instantiated as a Docker container that will run our code and allow developers all over the world to use it

Project setup

We will start with a clean slate for these challenges. The project on which we will be working is similar to the codebase you worked with until now, but the code is organized in a different way.

First, we will copy the code for the challenges of Predict in production in your projects directory: ~/code/<user.github_nickname>.

cp -r ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/data-challenges/07-Data-Engineering/04-Predict-in-production/01-FastAPI/TaxiFareModel ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/TFM_PredictInProd

Then, we will create a local git repository for the project:

cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/TFM_PredictInProd
git init

Then, we will install the package so it can be imported:

pip install -e .

Once this is done, make sure to update the variables in the project so that they match your Google Cloud Platform account.

In TaxiFareModel/params.py :

  • EXPERIMENT_NAME: name of your experiment in the Le Wagon MLFlow server
  • BUCKET_NAME: name of a bucket in your GCP account

In Makefile:

  • PROJECT_ID: name of a project in your GCP account
  • BUCKET_NAME: name of a bucket in your GCP account

You are all set πŸŽ‰

Before we start - let's go through some important points

About the version of your trained model + code

⚠️ Do not forget that we cannot load a model.joblib file without the code that was used in order to train it! After all, we need to be using the exact same pipeline ⚠️

πŸ‘‰ The loading of the model requires the code used to train the model to be installed on the machine.

About the version of your trained model + packages

⚠️ We need to make sure that the versions of the packages (numpy, pandas, scikit-learn and so on) used in order to train the model are going to be the same as the ones used in order to load the model.joblib file ⚠️

This is probably not going to be a concern if you trained your model just now (no new versions of the packages).

πŸ‘‰ You may encounter this issue in the future if you try to load a model.joblib file for your Prediction API a few months from now. The solution is to pin the versions of the packages in your requirements.txt. Remember the AI Platform RUNTIME ? The version of the runtime that you used for the training allows you to know which versions of the packages to use.


In order to avoid these issues and proceed with the challenges, we are going to retrain our model on a small dataset.

πŸ‘‰ You can run make run_locally to train the model and save it within your project. If it's not working for you, ask for a TA.

make run_locally

Let's create our first Prediction API exposing our model

Do you remember having consumed an API during the Python module using the requests package ?

We are going to create our own API allowing other developers to ask our model for predictions.

First step: let's create an API endpoint and test it

Your project should look like this (use the tree command):

β”œβ”€β”€ api
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ __init__.py
β”‚   └── fast.py
β”œβ”€β”€ notebooks
β”‚   └── API usage.ipynb
β”œβ”€β”€ TaxiFareModel
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ __init__.py
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ data.py
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ encoders.py
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gcp.py
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ params.py
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ trainer.py
β”‚   └── utils.py
β”œβ”€β”€ Makefile
β”œβ”€β”€ MANIFEST.in
β”œβ”€β”€ model.joblib
β”œβ”€β”€ predict.py
β”œβ”€β”€ requirements.txt
└── setup.py

In TaxiFareModel/api/fast.py, let's create a root endpoint that will welcome the developers using our API.

In order to do that, we will use FastAPI.

⚠️ Usually our API is going to be called from the python code inside of a notebook or a package or from any language ran in the Back-End. That means that the code is not located inside of a web page. In this case, no issues πŸ‘Œ

We want our API to be quite open and to allow developers to plug it in the code that is going to run inside of a browser: the JavaScript code running in the browser when a web page is displayed.

In order to allow that, we need to add some specific CORS boilerplate to our FastAPI code:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware

app = FastAPI()

    allow_origins=["*"],  # Allows all origins
    allow_methods=["*"],  # Allows all methods
    allow_headers=["*"],  # Allows all headers

πŸ‘‰ If we do not use the add_middleware method, then our API will only work when called from Back-End code (or similar), but not when called from the JavaScript code of a web page. Open this link in order to learn more about CORS...

Let's create our root endpoint

Add the below code right after middleware:

def index():
    return {"greeting": "Hello world"}

The endpoint will simply return the following json content when a developer hits the root of our API : http://localhost:8000/

  "greeting": "Hello world"

Hint: you may create the make run_api Makefile directive in order to run the uvicorn web server that will serve the API:

	uvicorn api.fast:app --reload  # load web server with code autoreload

⚠️ After you paste this code, verify in your Makefile that the character before the uvicorn command is a tabulation, not a space (remember that the directives of the Makefile must start by a tabulation) ⚠️

Once the directive is pasted in the Makefile you will be able to run:

make run_api

When the server is started, you will be able to play with the API either directly: http://localhost:8000/

... Or through the Swagger documentation: http://localhost:8000/docs (click on the endpoint you wish to play with, then hit Try it out)

Receive the parameters for the prediction

We have a basic endpoint for our API but that is not very useful...

Let's create a /predict endpoint that will be used for the predictions.

We want developers to provide the following parameters to the endpoint:

  • pickup_datetime
  • pickup_longitude
  • pickup_latitude
  • dropoff_longitude
  • dropoff_latitude
  • passenger_count

As a response, let's first send back the provided values in order to make sure that everything is connected correctly:

For example, when called with the following parameters: 17:18:00&pickup_longitude=-73.950655&pickup_latitude=40.783282&dropoff_longitude=-73.984365&dropoff_latitude=40.769802&passenger_count=1

...the API will respond:

  "pickup_datetime": "2013-07-06 17:18:00",
  "pickup_longitude": "-73.950655",
  "pickup_latitude": "40.783282",
  "dropoff_longitude": "-73.984365",
  "dropoff_latitude": "40.769802",
  "passenger_count": "1"

If you don't remember how to retrieve parameters from an API call go back to the lecture slides.

Predicting the fare amount

Now that the piping is done, let's make an actual prediction.

Build a dataframe for the prediction

First, we need to store the API parameters as an observation in an X_pred DataFrame.

The columns should match the format of the X_train used in order to train the pipeline of our model. Otherwise the pipeline will output a python error...

Here are the data types of the columns of X_train:

key                     object
pickup_datetime         object
pickup_longitude        float64
pickup_latitude         float64
dropoff_longitude       float64
dropoff_latitude        float64
passenger_count         int64

🚨 Be careful with the order of the columns when you create the dataframe! Pandas does not care about the order of the columns but Numpy does and you might end up surprised by the results if you build a dataframe with an incorrect order of columns.

Handle the key column

Notice that our pipeline requires a key parameter that we do not ask from the developer using our API.

Why is that ?

πŸ‘‰ This parameter is used in order to create Kaggle submissions for the Taxi Fare challenge

Because we trained our pipeline with the key parameter, it needs to be provided. But the key parameter would make no sense for a developer.

Two solutions: we could retrain our pipeline without the key feature which adds no value for the prediction. Or provide a hard coded value so that the piping works. We choose the later approach.

πŸ‘‰ You need to fill the column with some hard coded value (such as "2013-07-06 17:18:00.000000119") in order to allow the pipeline to train.

Localize the datetime provided by the developer

Since our API predicts the price of a fare in NYC, it seems straightforward to assume that the user (and therefore the developer) will input a datetime with the time in New York City when querying our API.

Our model was trained using UTC though (remember the content of the dataset where the pickup_datetime look like "2013-07-06 17:18:00 UTC").

We need to convert the time input by the user (and assume it is a time on the timezone of NYC).

πŸ’‘ Hint: how to localize the user provided datetime to the NYC timezone ?
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

# create a datetime object from the user provided datetime
pickup_datetime = "2021-05-30 10:12:00"
pickup_datetime = datetime.strptime(pickup_datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

# localize the user datetime with NYC timezone
eastern = pytz.timezone("US/Eastern")
localized_pickup_datetime = eastern.localize(pickup_datetime, is_dst=None)

Once we have a localized user time, we want to convert it to UTC so that it can be fed to our pipeline.

πŸ’‘ Hint: how to convert a localized datetime to UTC ?
# localize the datetime to UTC
utc_pickup_datetime = localized_pickup_datetime.astimezone(pytz.utc)

Remember the specific format expected by the pipeline (an object, not a datetime64).

πŸ‘‰ Convert the data accordingly

πŸ’‘ Hint: how to convert a datetime to the format expected by the pipeline ?
formatted_pickup_datetime = utc_pickup_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")

Make a prediction

Now that we have created a X_pred DataFrame that matches our pipeline, let's make a prediction.

Let's load the model from the trained model.joblib.

Optionally, you may decide to use the best performing model trained during Train at scale. If so, load it from Google Cloud Storage.

We just need to store the resulting prediction in our json response:

  "prediction": 1.234

Hint: in order to play with your API, you may either fill the parameters manually in the URL, or use the notebook provided in notebooks/API usage.ipynb.

⚠️ The notebook is built to query an API responding to the following URL... Maybe you will want to adapt the way the notebook works if you choose a different format for your API ⚠️ 17:18:00&pickup_longitude=-73.950655&pickup_latitude=40.783282&dropoff_longitude=-73.984365&dropoff_latitude=40.769802&passenger_count=1

Congratulations, you just created your first API! πŸŽ‰

Let's see how we can put this API into production so that it gets exposed to the internet πŸš€


Production code for shipping prediction model


Language:Python 75.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 13.2%Language:Makefile 11.7%