xueyumusic / jHElib

java for HElib

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java for HElib

jHElib is "java for HElib", which makes java could use homomorphic encryption HElib.

It provides two ways to connect java and HElib c++ lib, one is based on jnr-ffi and the other uses native JNI.

NOTE: The first version of jHElib is not optimized and does not check poiter. It only makes "java for HElib" practical and runnable.

The api now implemented are:

java HElib
initContext Context constructor
buildModChain buildModChain
printContext zMStar.printOut
securityLevel securityLevel
initSecKey SecKey constructor
genSecKey genSecKey
printSecKey SecKey print
addSome1DMatrices addSome1DMatrices
eaSize ea.size
initCtxt Ctxt constructor
eaEncrypt ea.encrypt
eaDecrypt ea.decrypt
mul ctxt.mul
add ctxt.add
makeBootstrappable makeBootstrappable
isBootstrappable isBootstrappable
genRecryptData genRecryptData
buildUnpackSlotEncoding1 buildUnpackSlotEncoding
multTwoNumbers multTwoNumbers
addTwoNumbers addTwoNumbers
decryptBinaryNums decryptBinaryNums
addManyNumbers addManyNumbers
fifteenOrLess4Four fifteenOrLess4Four

The TestHelibJNI.java implements the example of BGV_general_example in HElib.

The BinaryApiTest.java implements the example of binaryArith_example in HElib.


javac -h . HelibJNIApi.java

mkdir build
cd build
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_241.jdk/Contents/Home  (cmake use JAVA_HOME as include base path)
cmake -Dhelib_DIR=<helib install prefix>/share/cmake/helib ..
cd ..
javac TestHelibJNI.java
java -Djava.library.path=<helib install prefix>/lib/:./build TestHelibJNI

jnr-ffi usage:

cd jnr
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dhelib_DIR=<helib install prefix>/share/cmake/helib ..
make install
cd ..


java for HElib


Language:C++ 58.7%Language:Java 33.4%Language:CMake 5.6%Language:Shell 2.2%