UC Qr Code - Create Qr Images Instantly! Download and Share Easily. Free!
Quick QR - Create Qr Images.
Momentum - Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring to-do, weather, and inspiration.
- JSONView - Validate and view JSON documents.
Owl-redirector - Chrome HTTP request redirector.
- OctoLinker - OctoLinker is a browser extension for Chrome.
The Suspender - Make your computer run smoothly by suspending the tabs you aren't using.
Octotree - Browser extension that brings your GitHub experience to the next level.
- Google Translate
- Yuque - yuque.com
GIFBrewery - Creating fine-crafted GIFs for Mac users worldwide.
Go2Shell - Instant Terminal Window.
SQLPro for SQLite - macOS SQLite Management.
Visual Paradigm - Leading UML, BPMN, EA, Agile and Project Management Software.
- Sourcetree - Free Git GUI for Mac and Windows.
OmniDiskSweeper - Delete with an Iron Fist.
LICEcap - simple animated screen capture tool for Windows and OS X.
- Navicat Premium - Enhanced for complete flexibility.
- Yuque - Professional notes and knowledge base.
Kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology.
- SwitchHosts - Switch hosts quickly.
- Charles - Web Debugging Proxy.
medis - Client application for Redis.
DevUtils - Offline Toolbox for Developers(build from source).
- gifski - highest-quality GIF converter
- RunCat - Cat living in the menubar.
- gestimer - Timers & Reminders Made Simple.
- KeyClu - just press ⌘ twice and hold to see the list.
- Finder
- QQ Music
- NetEase Email
- Yuque
- Chrome
- Android Studio
- Xcode
- Terminal
- SourceTree
- DingTalk
- Wechat
- Navicat
- openit - Open remote git website.
- startserver - Yet another http server just for fun.
- pullgit - An easy
git pull
& git fetch -p
- brew - The Missing Package Manager for macOS.
- ack - Search for PATTERN in each source file.
cmake - Designed to build, test and package software.
autojump - easily navigate directories from the command line.
- git-extras - repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more.
- direnv - unclutter your .profile
- yuque - Notes and knowledge based system.