xuanhan863 / ribs2

RIBS (Robust Infrastructure for Backend Systems) version 2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RIBS (Robust Infrastructure for Backend Systems) is a library which
allows building high-performance backend systems, primarily SaaS,
while simplifying the flow of events into the user application without
sacrificing performance. The framework is completely event driven and
designed to run as single threaded but not limited to. You can 'fork'
or run multiple instances in order to utilize all cores on your
system, it is recommended to avoid the use of threads. Instead of
using threads which are controlled by the OS, RIBS implements and
utilizes fibers (co-routines) where the context switching is done in
the framework itself and triggered by events. Using fibers in that
manner is highly efficient, since the application "knows" when to
release control and context-switch, furthermore, the context switching
is extremely light-weight compared to normal threads.

In addition, RIBS provides vmbuf, a simple yet powerful way to manage
large memory buffers.

RIBS also provides http client and server. (pools, smart persistent
connection handling)

With RIBS you can take any library that is provided with ‘.a’ archive
file, and “ribify” it to use RIBS provided function calls instead of
the default libc. This way you can take a library that is written in a
“blocking” paradigm, and run inside a complete event driven system
without modifications to the original code. This is proven to be
working well with libmysqlclient.a and other libraries. RIBS includes
a libmysqlclient example.

Ubuntu 10.04 or higher, preferably 12.04. Although it was tested on
Ubuntu, any Linux distro which is running 2.6.32 or above should be
fine as well, however, it was never tested. Please report if you
encounter problems.

Although 32bit is also supported, 64bit is highly recommended due to
address space limitation of 32bit.

In order to build the library you will need to install the following
packages (under Ubuntu):
* build-essential
* libmysqlclient-dev (optional)

The following tutorials can be found in doc/
* TUTORIAL01 - hello world
* TUTORIAL02 - simple file server
* TUTORIAL03 - Using MySQL via ribify
* TUTORIAL04 - log player (http client)
* TUTORIAL05 - dumping data and creating index


RIBS (Robust Infrastructure for Backend Systems) version 2
