xtreme / list_for

A rails plugin for making lists!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Nifty plugin for making beautiful lists in rails. You get sorting, filtering and much more for free!

Note that list_for currently just works with MySQL.

List for has seamless support for thinking sphinx and ultra sphinx! You pick! :) Just hand your collection to list for and your done!


<% list_for(@company_fair_relations, :sort => [:company, :name]) do |list| %>
  <% list.row do |attributes, company_fair_relation|
    attributes[:class] = company_fair_relation.good? ? "good" : "bad"
  end %>

  <% list.column [:company, :name], :filter => true do |company_fair_relation| %>
    <%= link_to company_fair_relation.company.name, edit_fair_company_fair_relation_path(@fair, company_fair_relation) %>
  <% end %>
  <%= list.column [:state, :humanize], :filter => {:choices => CompanyFairRelation.states.collect{|s| s.to_s.humanize}} %>
  <%= list.column [:responsible, :to_s], :filter => {:choices => Person.find_all_by_permission(:can_be_responsible_for_company).collect{|s| s.to_s}.sort } %>
  <%= list.column :updated_at, :alias => 'Last changed' %>
  <%= list.column :priority %>
  <%= list.column [:fair, :year], :sort_using => :describe_fair # when using thinking sphinx :sort_using is very handy.

  <% list.actions do |company_fair_relation| %>
    <%= link_to image_tag("delete.png", :class => :icon, :style => "padding: 0px;"), fair_company_fair_relation_path(@fair, company_fair_relation), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Copyright (c) 2008 Johannes Edelstam, released under the MIT license


* Fix will_paginate support thinking sphinx style
* Write tests :O
* Split the extensions in separate files


A rails plugin for making lists!

License:MIT License