xtina-lt / cmsc330-compiling-shapes

The first programming project involves extending the Java skeleton program that it is provided. That program reads in the scene definition file that defines the image objects in a scene and creates those objects, inserts them into the scene and displays that scene. This is done using character literals, tokens, and template literals.

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CMSC 330: Advanced Programming Languages | Project One

Updates By: Christina Torres

CMSC 330: Advanced Programming Languages

Professor Alin Suciu

Spring 2023

Skeleton Code By: UMGC 2021

UML Class Diagram (from assignment instructions)

UML Class Diagram

Developer’s Guide

  1. Use directory to navigate to the file location.

  2. Compile and run the main file.

    javac Main.java && java Main

  3. Select your file with the dimensions.

    JFile Chooser

  4. See results.


  5. Note awesomeness happening with the color scheme and icon💪.

What I Learned

I learned many invaluable lessons when creating this program. I am still getting use to a GUI, so this is interesting to me. I’m great with HTML and CSS, but not so much Java GUI things. I am growing to love it though. It is quite fun to see the different attributes and panels. I learned that the window is probably the frame and the sections of it are usually scenes. There is where the different objects live.

I learned quite a bit about how language translators and compilers work. Code starts as source code. It then goes to the Lexical Analyzer which can sometimes be called scanner. It results in a token stream. This token stream is then passed through a syntactic analyzer. A parse tree is created. In some languages there is an intermediate code generated which returns intermediate code. This then goes through a final code generator in some languages. Object code is the result.

Overall, I have a better appreciation of compilers.


The first programming project involves extending the Java skeleton program that it is provided. That program reads in the scene definition file that defines the image objects in a scene and creates those objects, inserts them into the scene and displays that scene. This is done using character literals, tokens, and template literals.


Language:Java 100.0%