Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links
What is Maven?
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
How to use this image
Create a Dockerfile in your Maven project
FROM maven:3.3-jdk-7-onbuild
CMD ["do-something-with-built-packages"]
Put this file in the root of your project, next to the pom.xml.
This image includes multiple ONBUILD triggers which should be all you need to bootstrap.
The build will COPY . /usr/src/app
and RUN mvn install
You can then build and run the image:
docker build -t my-maven .
docker run -it --name my-maven-script my-maven
Run a single Maven command
For many simple projects, you may find it inconvenient to write a complete Dockerfile
In such cases, you can run a Maven project by using the Maven Docker image directly,
passing a Maven command to docker run
docker run -it --rm --name my-maven-project -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src/mymaven -w /usr/src/mymaven maven:3.3-jdk-7 mvn clean install
Reusing the Maven local repository
The local Maven repository can be reused across containers by creating a volume and mounting it in /root/.m2
docker volume create --name maven-repo
docker run -it -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 maven mvn archetype:generate # will download artifacts
docker run -it -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 maven mvn archetype:generate # will reuse downloaded artifacts
Packaging a local repository with the image
dir (default to /root/.m2
) is configured as a volume so anything copied there in a Dockerfile at build time is lost.
For that the dir /usr/share/maven/ref/
is created, and anything in there will be copied on container startup to $MAVEN_CONFIG
To create a pre-packaged repository, create a pom.xml
with the dependencies you need and use this in your Dockerfile
is a settings file that changes the local repository to /usr/share/maven/ref/repository
but you can use your own settings file as long as it uses /usr/share/maven/ref/repository
as local repo.
COPY pom.xml /tmp/pom.xml
RUN mvn -B -f /tmp/pom.xml -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml dependency:resolve
To add your custom settings.xml
file to the image use
COPY settings.xml /usr/share/maven/ref/
For an example, check the tests
Running as non-root
Maven needs the user home to download artifacts to, and if the user does not exist in the image an extra
Java property needs to be set.
For example, to run as user 1000
mounting the host' Maven repo
docker run -v ~/.m2:/var/maven/.m2 -ti --rm -u 1000 -e MAVEN_CONFIG=/var/maven/.m2 maven mvn -Duser.home=/var/maven archetype:generate
Build with the usual
docker build -t maven .
Tests are written using bats under the tests
Use the env var TAG to choose what image to run tests against.
TAG=jdk-8 bats tests
or run all the tests with
for tag in jdk-7 jdk-8 jdk-9; do TAG=$tag bats tests; done
Bats can be easily installed with brew install bats
on OS X
User Feedback
If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact us through a GitHub issue.
You can also reach many of the official image maintainers via the #docker-library
IRC channel on Freenode.
You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.
Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.