xtianbetz / nlboot

Next Level Boot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


next-level booting


nlboot is a modern HTTP-based iPXE alternative that works with wifi cards, ARM systems like Raspberry Pis, PCs, servers, and Cloud VMs.

For each system you just need a small bootable drive: an SD card, SATA module, USB key, or virtual disk. Use the 'nlboot' CLI tool to create the drive. A trusted url and/or HTTP server (CA) certificate can be supplied as well. In addition, an arbitrary string claim code or HTTP client cert can be provided to authenticate the device with server. Wifi redentials and or static IPs can also be specified.

Once each system is configured to boot from this small drive, it will always start by launching a minimal Linux OS, nlos, as a ramdisk (i.e. in memory). This OS only includes a minimal libc (musl, 400k), the eiwd daemon for managing wireless authentication, boringssl for TLS, and the nlboot daemon itself (nlbootd).

After linux loads nlboot (as init), nlbootd will attempt to start eiwd if necessary and then nlbootd will announce itself to the trusted URL.

The device can then be claimed using HTTP-based APIs and be directed to download a new Linux OS (kernel, initramfs, kernel arguments) using a URL specified in a configuration file on the drive.

The resulting system is 100% server managed via the URL. The server controls what the system does after booting. The server can be provided with some details about the host including connected drives and displays. The client authenticates the server and the server can authenticate the client.

how it works

  • boot into basic systemd system based on yocto/poky

  • access wireless or wired network maybe using password in config file

  • take inventory of disks and displays to send to remote URL

  • d/l a different kernel/initramfs/kargs from some HTTPS URLs

  • keexec into the URL-specified kernel/intramfs/kargs

what happens after the keexec is entirely dictated by what is inside the initramfs that is downloaded and the kernel args. for instance, it could start a kubernetes node or anything else you can dream of.

device announcement and provisioning API

Devices make announcements to provisioning server.

POST wlserver HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Connection: close
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 448

    "ids" : { ... },
    "info" : { ... },
    "nics" : { ... },
    "disks" : { ... },
    "displays" : { ... },

Server responds immediately with either:

    "_type" : "nlboot.BootInstructions"
    "kernel" : {
        "url" : "...",
        "checksum" : "sha1sum:...",
        "args" : "..."
    "initramfs" : {
        "url" : "...",
        "checksum" : "sha1sum:...",


    "_type" : "nlboot.TryAgainResponse"
    "timeout_seconds" : "..."
    "live_notify_ws_url" : "..."

device support

nlboot has been designed to work on:

  • desktop PCs and laptops

  • physical servers

  • Raspberry zero-w/3/4

  • i.mx6 based devices (sabresd, cubox, hummingboard)

boot partition layout

nlboot uses a hybrid GPT/MBR disk layout to support multiple devices as easily as possible.

In all cases boot files are managed from a single VFAT partition so that they can be managed from any OS

Desktop PCs and Servers x86_64 (UEFI Boot)



  • SPL/-u-boot are on space before first partition

  • Kernel/initramfs go on the first partition

Raspberry Pi

  • Kernel/initramfs go on first partition (along with rpi bootloader config.txt)

AWS EC2 ARM Graviton (UEFI)


AWS EC2 x86_64 (Legacy Boot)


offline mode

if nlboot cannot reach the nlboot server URL it can fallback to the last downloaded and verified configuration JSON (along with kernel and initramfs).

at this point it becomes the responsibility of the booting OS to bring itself up without network access (perhaps by searching for a persisted OS installation on another drive or partition).


the author has a computer problem

  • too many raspberry PIs

  • various ARM i.MX6 devices

  • intel NUC mini PCs

  • rack mount servers

  • router PCs


Next Level Boot