xrelkd / clipcat

A clipboard manager written in Rust Programming Language.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A clipboard manager written in Rust Programming Language.

GitHub License

Installation | Usage | Integration

Table of contents


  • Copy/Paste plaintext
  • Copy/Paste image
  • Persistent contents of clipboard
  • Support snippets
  • Support X11
  • Support Wayland (experimentally)
  • Support gRPC
    • gRPC over HTTP
    • gRPC over Unix domain socket


  • Use Rofi to select clip

    screenshot finder rofi

  • Use dmenu to select clip

    screenshot finder dmenu

  • Use skim to select clip

    screenshot finder skim


Install with package manager
Linux Distribution Package Manager Package Command
Various Nix clipcat nix profile install 'github:xrelkd/clipcat/main' or
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.clipcat
NixOS Nix clipcat nix profile install 'github:xrelkd/clipcat/main' or
nix-env -iA nixos.clipcat
Arch Linux Yay clipcat yay -S clipcat
Install the pre-built binaries

Pre-built binaries for Linux can be found on the releases page, the latest release is available here.

For example, to install clipcat to ~/bin:

# create ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/bin

# change directory to ~/bin
cd ~/bin

# download and extract clipcat to ~/bin/
# NOTE: replace the version with the version you want to install
export CLIPCAT_VERSION=v0.13.0

# NOTE: the architecture of your machine,
# available values are `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`, `armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf`, `aarch64-unknown-linux-musl`
export ARCH=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
curl -s -L "https://github.com/xrelkd/clipcat/releases/download/${CLIPCAT_VERSION}/clipcat-${CLIPCAT_VERSION}-${ARCH}.tar.gz" | tar xzf -

# add `~/bin` to the paths that your shell searches for executables
# this line should be added to your shells initialization file,
# e.g. `~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshrc`
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"

# show version info
clipcatd     version
clipcatctl   version
clipcat-menu version
Build from source

clipcat requires the following tools and packages to build:

  • rustc
  • cargo
  • protobuf-compiler

With the above tools and packages already installed, you can simply run:

git clone --branch=main https://github.com/xrelkd/clipcat.git
cd clipcat

cargo install --path clipcatd
cargo install --path clipcatctl
cargo install --path clipcat-menu


Clipcat uses the Client-Server architecture. There are two role types in this architecture: Server and Client.

Clipcat Server

A clipcat server (as known as daemon) is running as the background process and does the following routines:

  • Watching the changes of clipboard.
  • Caching the content of clipboard.
  • Inserting content into clipboard.
  • Serving as a gRPC server and waiting for remote procedure call from clients.

Currently, clipcat supports the following windowing systems:

Clipcat Client

A clipcat client sends requests to the server for the following operations:

  • List: list the cached clips from server.
  • Insert: replace the current content of clipboard with a clip.
  • Remove: remove the cached clips from server.

List of Implementations

Program Role Type Comment
clipcatd Server The clipcat server (daemon)
clipcatctl Client The clipcat client which provides a command line interface
clipcat-menu Client The clipcat client which calls built-in finder or external finder for selecting clip


  1. Setup configurations for clipcat. Read configuration section for more details.
mkdir -p                       $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clipcat
clipcatd default-config      > $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clipcat/clipcatd.toml
clipcatctl default-config    > $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clipcat/clipcatctl.toml
clipcat-menu default-config  > $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clipcat/clipcat-menu.toml
  1. Start clipcatd for watching clipboard events.
# show the usage, please read the usage before doing any other operations
clipcatd help

# Start and daemonize clipcatd, clipcatd will run in the background.
# You can use `pkill clipcatd` to stop it, `SIGTERM` will be sent to clipcatd.

# Or you can start clipcatd, but keep it in the foreground.
# You can use press Ctrl+C in your terminal to stop it, `SIGINT` will be sent to clipcatd.
clipcatd --no-daemon
  1. Copy arbitrary text/image from other process with your mouse or keyboard.

  2. You can run following commands with clipcatctl or clipcat-menu:

Command Comment
clipcatctl list List cached clipboard history
clipcatctl promote <id> Insert cached clip with <id> into X11 clipboard
clipcatctl remove [ids] Remove cached clips with [ids] from server
clipcatctl clear Clear cached clipboard history
Command Comment
clipcat-menu insert Insert a cached clip into X11 clipboard
clipcat-menu remove Remove cached clips from server
clipcat-menu edit Edit a cached clip with $EDITOR

Note: Supported finders for clipcat-menu:


Program Default Configuration File Path
clipcatd $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clipcat/clipcatd.toml
clipcatctl $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clipcat/clipcatctl.toml
clipcat-menu $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clipcat/clipcat-menu.toml
Configuration for clipcatd
# run as a traditional UNIX daemon
daemonize = true
# maximum number of clip history
max_history = 50
# file path of clip history,
# if you omit this value, clipcatd will persist history in `$XDG_CACHE_HOME/clipcat/clipcatd-history`
history_file_path = "/home/<username>/.cache/clipcat/clipcatd-history"
# file path of PID file,
# if you omit this value, clipcatd will place the PID file on `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/clipcatd.pid`
pid_file = "/run/user/<user-id>/clipcatd.pid"

# emit log message to a log file.
# if you omit this value, clipcatd will disable emitting to a log file
file_path = "/path/to/log/file"
# emit log message to journald
emit_journald = true
# emit log message to stdout
emit_stdout = false
# emit log message to stderr
emit_stderr = false
# log level
level = "INFO"

# load current clipboard content at startup
load_current = true
# enable watching X11/Wayland clipboard selection
enable_clipboard = true
# enable watching X11/Wayland primary selection
enable_primary = true
# ignore clips which match with one of the X11 `TARGETS`
sensitive_x11_atoms = ["x-kde-passwordManagerHint"]
# ignore text clips which match with one of the regular expressions
# the regular expression engine is powered by https://github.com/rust-lang/regex
denied_text_regex_patterns = []
# ignore text clips with a length <= `filter_text_min_length`, in characters (Unicode scalar value), not in byte
filter_text_min_length = 1
# ignore text clips with a length > `filter_text_max_length`, in characters (Unicode scalar value), not in byte
filter_text_max_length = 20000000
# enable capturing image or not
capture_image = true
# ignore image clips with a size > `filter_image_max_size`, in byte
filter_image_max_size = 5242880

# enable gRPC over http
enable_http = true
# enable gRPC over unix domain socket
enable_local_socket = true
# host address for gRPC
host = ""
# port number for gRPC
port = 45045
# path of unix domain socket
# if you omit this value, clipcatd will place the socket on `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/clipcat/grpc.sock`
local_socket = "/run/user/<user-id>/clipcat/grpc.sock"

# enable desktop notification
enable = true
# path of a icon, the given icon will be displayed on desktop notification,
# if your desktop notification server supports showing a icon
# if not provided, the value `accessories-clipboard` will be applied
icon = "/path/to/the/icon"
# timeout duration in milliseconds
# this sets the time from the time the notification is displayed until it is
# closed again by the notification server
timeout_ms = 2000
# define the length of a long plaintext,
# if the length of a plaintext is >= `long_plaintext_length`,
# desktop notification will be emitted
# if this value is 0, no desktop desktop notification will be emitted when fetched plaintext
long_plaintext_length = 2000

# snippets, only UTF-8 text is supported.
# name of snippet
name = "os-release"

# file path to the snippet, if both `content` and `file_path` are provided, `file_path` is preferred
file_path = "/etc/os-release"

# name of snippet
name = "cxx-io-speed-up"

# content of the snippet, if both `content` and `file_path` are provided, `file_path` is preferred
content = '''
int io_speed_up = [] {
    return 0;

name = "rust-sieve-primes"
content = '''
fn sieve_primes(n: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
    if n < 2 {
        return Vec::new();
    let root_n = f64::from(n as i32).sqrt().floor() as usize;
    let mut is_prime = vec![true; n + 1];
    for i in 2..=root_n {
        if !is_prime[i] {
        for j in ((i << 1)..=n).step_by(i) {
            is_prime[j] = false;
        .filter_map(|(i, x)| if x { Some(i) } else { None })
Configuration for clipcatctl
# server endpoint
# clipcatctl connects to server via unix domain socket if `server_endpoint` is a file path like:
# "/run/user/<user-id>/clipcat/grpc.sock".
# clipcatctl connects to server via http if `server_endpoint` is a URL like: ""
server_endpoint = "/run/user/<user-id>/clipcat/grpc.sock"

# emit log message to a log file. Delete this line to disable emitting to a log file
file_path = "/path/to/log/file"
# emit log message to journald
emit_journald = true
# emit log message to stdout
emit_stdout = false
# emit log message to stderr
emit_stderr = false
# log level
level = "INFO"
Configuration for clipcat-menu
# server endpoint
# clipcat-menu connects to server via unix domain socket if `server_endpoint` is a file path like:
# "/run/user/<user-id>/clipcat/grpc.sock".
# clipcat-menu connects to server via http if `server_endpoint` is a URL like: ""
server_endpoint = "/run/user/<user-id>/clipcat/grpc.sock"

# the default finder to invoke when no "--finder=<finder>" option provided
finder = "rofi"

# emit log message to a log file. Delete this line to disable emitting to a log file
file_path = "/path/to/log/file"
# emit log message to journald
emit_journald = true
# emit log message to stdout
emit_stdout = false
# emit log message to stderr
emit_stderr = false
# log level
level = "INFO"

# options for "rofi"
# length of line
line_length = 100
# length of menu
menu_length = 30
# prompt of menu
menu_prompt = "Clipcat"
# extra arguments to pass to `rofi`
extra_arguments = ["-mesg", "Please select a clip"]

# options for "dmenu"
# length of line
line_length = 100
# length of menu
menu_length = 30
# prompt of menu
menu_prompt = "Clipcat"
# extra arguments to pass to `dmenu`
extra_arguments = [
  "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono-12",

# customize your finder
# external program name
program = "fzf"
# arguments for calling external program
args = []


Integrating with Zsh

For a zsh user, it will be useful to integrate clipcat with zsh.

Add the following command in your zsh configuration file (~/.zshrc):

if type clipcat-menu >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    alias clipedit=' clipcat-menu --finder=builtin edit'
    alias clipdel=' clipcat-menu --finder=builtin remove'

    bindkey -s '^\' "^Q clipcat-menu --finder=builtin insert ^J"
    bindkey -s '^]' "^Q clipcat-menu --finder=builtin remove ^J"
Integrating with i3 Window Manager

For a i3 window manager user, it will be useful to integrate clipcat with i3.

Add the following options in your i3 configuration file ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3/config):

exec_always --no-startup-id clipcatd                # start clipcatd at startup

set $launcher-clipboard-insert clipcat-menu insert
set $launcher-clipboard-remove clipcat-menu remove

bindsym $mod+p exec $launcher-clipboard-insert
bindsym $mod+o exec $launcher-clipboard-remove

Note: You can use rofi or dmenu as the default finder.

Integrating with LeftWM

For a leftwm user, it will be useful to integrate clipcat with leftwm.

Add the following keybindings in your leftwm configuration file ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/leftwm/config.ron):

    /* other configurations */
    keybind: [
        /* select clip from clipboard */
        (command: Execute, value: "clipcat-menu insert", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "p"),
        (command: Execute, value: "clipcat-menu remove", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "o"),
        /* other configurations */
    /* other configurations */

Note: You can use rofi or dmenu as the default finder.

Add the following command in your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/leftwm/themes/current/up:

# other configurations

# start clipcatd

# other configurations

Add the following command in your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/leftwm/themes/current/down:

# other configurations

# terminate clipcatd
pkill clipcatd

# other configurations
Starting clipcatd with systemd

Put the following snippet in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/systemd/user/clipcat.service:

Description=Clipcat Daemon


# NOTE: We assume that your `clipcatd` is placed at `/usr/bin/clipcatd`.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/clipcatd --no-daemon --replace

Enable and start clipcat with the following commands:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable clipcat.service
systemctl --user start clipcat.service
systemctl --user status clipcat.service

Programs in this Repository

Program Description
clipcatd The clipcat server (daemon).
clipcatctl The clipcat client which provides a command line interface.
clipcat-menu The clipcat client which calls built-in finder or external finder for selecting clip.
clipcat-notify A tool for watching clipboard event.
It watches the clipboard and exit on clipboard changed.
It returns exit code 0 if success, 1 if error occurred.
Note: It does not interact with clipcatd, clipcatctl, clipcat-menu,
it is just a tool for watching clipboard.


Clipcat is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. See LICENSE for more information.


A clipboard manager written in Rust Programming Language.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 96.2%Language:Nix 2.1%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:HCL 0.3%Language:JavaScript 0.1%