xqp / bunget

BTLE GATT LIBRARY FOR LINUX (Advertising only) C++

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BTLE For Linux (x86 and ARM)

Tested on x86, R-PI, Nano-Pi, and CHIP


Version 1.2.0, Nov 13 2017
Bunget, read 'ge' as in George


BUNGET is a C++ library for Linux which help to write GAP/GATT servers (Bluetooth 4.0). It provides abstract classes and methods to create GATT services, characteristics (READ/WRITE/NOTIFICATIONS). The library does not require the Bluez, but it requires some bluetooth utilities. The library was written from scratch. The idea of writing 'yet another BTLE implemetation' came after I spend days and days trying Bluez and Bleno. I could not get Blues working programatically and easy. Bleno is terible slow and tremendous resource eater, also brings entire java enciclopedia along with. Here is a simple C++ library which I hope would help to write GATT services.

Be advised! BTLE is a messy protocol, Is designed by lawyers ... For most commands, a Command Complete event shall be sent to the Host when the Controller completes the command. Some commands are executed in the background and do not return a Command Complete event when they have been completed. Instead, the Controller shall send a Command Status event back to the Host when it has begun to execute the command. When the actions associated with the command have finished, an event that is associated with the command shall be sent by the Controller to the Host ... got it ?

I recommend to test your environment using arduiuipush app from the store on Android and on Apple using PunchThrough. If you are planning to write your own LE implementation on Android, I can help with the arduiuipush LE base class which is stable.

  • Server only: GATT services characteristics, descriptors or beacons.
  • Characteristics: R W I N + Descriptors.
  • Requires: hciconfig tool from blues package in /usr/bin
  • Bunget lib will stop the bluetooth service.
  • Read all documents.

Before running bunget

  • Disable / uninstall bluetooth service.
  • Disable kill any bt managers if you have a desktop environment.
  • check if there are any processes keeping BT up. Find them using
ps ax | grep blu
  • Kill them all. Make sure they not restart.

Block Diagram:

alt text

Demo video. If the image does not work use this link:

Ipad BTLE demo video


Bluez, Bleno, StCube/BlueNrg, Bluetooth 4.0 Specs.




  • See libbunget.h in the source tree
  • See main.cpp in the source tree
  • For services use 16 bit UUID's. Maximum 8 servics / 8 characteristics.
  • Do not mix UUIDS of 16 bytes with UUIDS of 128 bytes on the same running unit.
  • The GATT (services/charact./descr.) was tested only with 16 byte UUIDS.
  • Beacon advertising, needs 128 bit UUID's only.

Demo R-PI console (left). ArduUiPush APK Right

  • ArduUiPush;No screens scanned and loaded for advertised name.

alt text

Check also: ArduUiPush demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw4yCe2ejNw

Class Diagram

alt text

Issues Tweaks

  • On different BTLE dongles the timing between receiving HCI event and sending back data disrupts the functionality.
  • Build with DEBUG enabled. If after connection the progress stops around this TRACE:
my_proc event: onServicesDiscovered 
  • Tweak the receivesend value at main line (see code). .
  • My Broadcom dongle works with >16 ms delay on R-PI and with >2 ms on 4 quad HP Intel PC.
  • The advertise(interval in ms), is set to 512 milliseconds. If this value gets to low would flood the hci socket and some would require a power cycle. For maxim roughput drive an indicator or a read property from the mobile/client, using it's callback completion call shitty mechanism.
IServer*    BS =  ctx->new_server(&procedure, dev, "advname", 0/* tweak delay*/, advallservices /*including HCI defaults*/);
  • Descriptors for data type not suppotred yet. Use GATT registerred UUIDS or know your type on both ends.

Code excerpt

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <uuid.h>
#include <libbunget.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace bunget;

#define UID_GPIO    0x3400
#define UID_TIME    0x3401
#define UID_TEMP    0x3403

bool __alive = true;
class my_proc : public ISrvProc
    void onServicesDiscovered(std::vector<IHandler*>& els); // called when remote discover services
    void onReadRequest(IHandler* pc);                       // called when remote reads pc's value charact.
    int evSubscribesNotify(IHandler* pc, bool b);           // called when remote writes notification descriptor !=0
    void onIndicate(IHandler* pc);                          // called when remote wants pc's indicator value
    void onWriteRequest(IHandler* pc);                      // called when remote writes pc charateristic
    void onWriteDescriptor(IHandler* pc, IHandler* pd);     // called when remote writes pc's charact descriptor pd
    void evAdvertise(bool onoff);                           // called when advertising turns on/off
    void evDeviceState(bool onoff);                         //called when device dongle is plugged / unplugged (buggy still)
    void evClientState(bool connected);                     // called when a client connects / disconnetcs 
    bool evLoop(IServer* ps);                               //called when the hci-socket idles. Be short!. 
                                                            // return false to break the run() blocking call.    

    void        _prepare_gpio17();  // RPI specific, to control LEDS for the purpose of the demo
    const char* _get_time();        // reads local time, and returns a string
    float       _get_temp();        // reads temp,  on RPI. 
    const char* _get_temp_s();      // same as above but returns a string
    uint8_t     _get_gpio();        // reads GPIO status on RPI
    void        _send_value(IHandler* pc);  // sends a value to GATT

    char        _some[20];
    bool        _subscribed;
    IHandler*   LedChr;       // RW
    IHandler*   TimeChr;      // NIR
    IHandler*   Temp1Chr;     // NIR

int main(int n, char* v[])
    BtCtx*      ctx = BtCtx::instance();        // get singleton Bunget instance
    my_proc     procedure;                      // callback  instance of above class

    IServer*    BS =  ctx->new_server(&procedure, 0, "rpi-bunget", 16, true);      // one GATT server per hci device
    IService*   ps = BS->add_service(0x123F,"demo");                              // add a service to the GATT server
    // add some characterisitcs
                             FORMAT_RAW, 1); // 1 / 0  // mhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ermote.ArduUiPush&hl=enany per service

    procedure.TimeChr = ps->add_charact(UID_TIME, PROPERTY_READ|PROPERTY_NOTIFY,
                             FORMAT_RAW, 20); // we send it as string

    procedure.Temp1Chr = ps->add_charact(UID_TEMP, PROPERTY_NOTIFY|PROPERTY_INDICATE,
                              FORMAT_RAW, 20); // we send it as string 

        BS->advertise(512); // notification interval, A valid handler comes in evLoop()
    catch(hexecption& ex)
    return 0;


bool my_proc::evLoop(IServer* ps, uint16_t nHandle)
    static int inawhile=0;

    // notification
        // send a notification when allowed by hNandle
    return true;

//  ... see main.cpp for the rest of the callback implementation


Needed components

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bluez # (needed for hciconfig utility for now)
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install rfkill
sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install build-essential

Raspberry PI Build (check compiler version )

  • The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
  • Board: RPI-2
  • Fresh distribution: Linux minibian 4.1.18-v7+ #846 SMP Thu Feb 25 14:22:53 GMT 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
  • Login as root/raspberry
git clone https://github.com/comarius/bunget
cmake . # This will build the library and the demo app
sudo ./src/bin/bunget 0 # (0 is hci device number)
service bluetooth stop             # mandatory
update-rc.d -f  bluetooth remove   # to make it permanent
# on systemD use systemctl disable 'servicename'

cd bin

# check if the device is detected
root@minibian:~/bunget/src/bin# hciconfig
hci0:  Type: BR/EDR  Bus: USB
   BD Address: 5C:F3:70:76:B2:B2  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
   RX bytes:616 acl:0 sco:0 events:34 errors:0
   TX bytes:380 acl:0 sco:0 commands:34 errors:0

# argument for hci0 is 0, for hci1 is 1 and so on
# therefore we run bunget server as:

sudo ./bunget 0

Example session

root@minibian:~/bunget/src/bin# ./bunget 0
sh: echo: I/O error
Failed to stop bluetoothd.service: Unit bluetoothd.service not loaded.
my_proc event:  onAdvertized:0 
my_proc event:  onDeviceStatus:1 
my_proc event:  onAdvertized:1

# here I connected the BTLE scanner phone and read all the characteristics
accepted: 5F:C9:32:F3:5D:F6,* 
my_proc event: onServicesDiscovered 
my_proc event:  onWriteDescriptor:1 
my_proc event: onSubscribesNotify:3400=1 
my_proc event:  onWriteDescriptor:1 
my_proc event: onSubscribesNotify:3401=1 
my_proc event:  onWriteDescriptor:1 
my_proc event: onSubscribesNotify:3403=1 


  • stop bunget
  • disable bluetooth service
  • stop bluetooth service
  • If you have X, kill bluetooth indicators from bars too.
  • kill any process which uses bluetooth (scripts, desktop daemons, etc.)
  • restart on the mobile the bluetooth service (off 5 seconds, then on / reboot recomanded on some chipsets)
  • Tweak the timout [0-64] in main ctx->new_server(&procedure, dev, hostname, );
  • Use notification intervals larger then go smaller. Start at 0.5 seconds.

Tested with broadcom BT4 dongle on:


  • On board BT4 and default installed system. See the C H I P readme page.
  • USB dongle broadcom

nano Pi NEO

  • BTLE couple of dongles, including nonanme Chinesse dongles

nano Pi NEO2

  • BTLE couple of dongles, including nonanme Chinesse dongles
  • Onboard BTLE

R-PI 3

  • BTLE couple of dongles, including nonanme Chinesse dongles
  • On board BTLE, with minor timing issues.
  • Linux minibian 4.4.17-v7+ #901 SMP Fri Aug 12 17:57:27 BST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
  • gcc (Raspbian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2
  • g++ (Raspbian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2

Ubuntu 16.04

  • Linux X540LA (ACER) 4.4.0-47-generic #68-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 26 19:39:52 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.5-4ubuntu2) 4.8.5
  • g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.5-4ubuntu2) 4.8.5

Linux Mint

  • Linux hp 3.19.0-32-generic #37~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 22 09:41:40 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4
  • gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4

Dongle USB used

[33544.074470] usb 4-1.2: new full-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci
[33544.171100] usb 4-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0a5c, idProduct=21e8
[33544.171108] usb 4-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[33544.171114] usb 4-1.2: Product: BCM20702A0
[33544.171118] usb 4-1.2: Manufacturer: Broadcom Corp
[33544.171123] usb 4-1.2: SerialNumber: 5CF3706B72D6
[33544.172183] bluetooth hci1: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM20702A0-0a5c-21e8.hcd failed with error -2
[33544.172193] Bluetooth: hci1: BCM: patch brcm/BCM20702A0-0a5c-21e8.hcd not found

Device Used

  • Nexus Tablet Android 6.0,

  • ACER T06, Android 6.0, using following apps

    • BLE Scanner
    • ArduiuiPush
    • BluetoothLegatt V0.1.7 (this auto disconnects after 30..50 seocnds or so)
  • Failed with ACER AI - 830

  • Failed with Android 4.4.2


Questions, Bugs, Commercial usage: Contact by eMail for any questions: marrius9876[AT]gmail[DOT]com

P.S. Read this readme before asking questions with isssues. I dont wat to repeat what is already said here

Updated March 29 2018.


BTLE GATT LIBRARY FOR LINUX (Advertising only) C++



Language:C++ 72.6%Language:C 27.0%Language:CMake 0.5%