xorgxx / NeoxTableBundle

Simple create table render crud - turbo-ux -

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NeoxTableBundle { Symfony 6 }

!!! This bundle is end life !! consider to install Please NeoxMakeBundle !!!

This bundle provides a simple and flexible to manage crud render in your application. Its main goal is to make it simple for you to manage integration "crud" render and to let you configure less common ones with ease. Be aware that there is no testing code !

2023-05-24-12-05-31.png 2023-05-05-00-08-37.png

Installation BETA VERSION !!

Install the bundle for Composer !! as is still on beta version !!

  composer require xorgxx/neox-table-bundle
  composer require xorgxx/neox-table-bundle:0.*

Make sure that is register the bundle in your AppKernel:


return [
    NeoxTable\NeoxTableBundle\NeoxTableBundle::class => ['all' => true],

NOTE: You may need to use [ symfony composer dump-autoload ] to reload autoloading

..... Done 🎈


No configuration except that you have install stimulus/turbo-ux and setup correctly !! Base css on Bootstrap 5 so if you have install on your project all css and js from Bs5 going to be applique.

How to use in console ? symfony console neox:table:crud

 The class name of the entity to create --> NeoxTable !! <-- CRUD (e.g. Deliciou

Enter name entity that you want to "crud"

 Choose a name for your controller class (e.g. TestController) [TestController]:

Enter path that you want for create controller ex: Admin\test\crud

 Do you want to generate tests for the controller?. [Experimental] (yes/no) [no]

Yes or no generate tests ?

that all !! it will generate for you all :

β”‚   assets
β”‚   bin
β”‚   config
|   ....
└─── src
β”‚   └─── Controller
β”‚       └─── Admin
|           └─── test
|               └─── crudController.php
|   └─── Form
|       └─── TestType.php
└─── templates
|   └─── admin
|       └─── test
|           └─── _delete_form_html_twig
|           └─── _form.html.twig
|           └─── crud.html.twig
|           └─── index.html.twig
|           └─── show.html.twig
└─── translations
|   └─── test.fr.yml

Them you need to setup one line at liste in controller :

└─── src
β”‚   └─── Controller
β”‚       └─── Admin
|           └─── test
|               └─── crudController.php

Import class in your controller : buttonBuild and NeoxTableBuilder !

use NeoxTable\NeoxTableBundle\Controller\_NeoxCoreController
use NeoxTable\NeoxTableBundle\Service\NeoxTableBuilder;
use NeoxTable\NeoxTableBundle\Service\buttonBuild;
     * @throws NonUniqueResultException
    #[Route('/', name: 'app_admin_post_crud_index', methods: ['GET'])]
    public function index(Request $request, PostRepository $postRepository): Response
//        $header =  (new buttonBuild())
//            ->setLabel("Back Post")
//            ->setRef($this->generateUrl("app_admin_post_crud_index") )
//            ->setClass("button-info bd-highlight")
//            ->setStyle("height: 30px", true)
//            ->setIcon("bi-arrow-left-square")
//            ->build();

        $neoxTable = $this->getNeoxTableBuilder()
            ->filterFields("#, title, summary, author.email@user", "post") 
//            ->setActButton($header,"h")


        // πŸ”₯ The magic happens here! πŸ”₯
            if ( $this->getNeoxTableBuilder()::checkTurbo($request) ) {
            return $this->render('@NeoxTable/neoxTable.html.twig',["neoxTable" => $neoxTable  ]);

        return $this->render('admin/post/crud/index.html.twig', [
            'neoxTable' => $neoxTable,

As you can see : πŸ”₯ The magic happens here! πŸ”₯ YES it's made with Magic of Turbo-ux

->filterFields("#, title, summary, author.email@user", "post", [...]) <----- !!here

Add all field that you need to see in render table. *if you have relation in entity : author.email@user [@ is use to give domaine name for translator]

NOTE: You can add any button manually in header or in table colonne. Also new syntax will come to add button as you want!

        $header =  (new buttonBuild())
            ->setLabel("Back Post")
            ->setRef($this->generateUrl("app_admin_post_crud_index") )
            ->setClass("button-info bd-highlight")
            ->setStyle("height: 30px", true)
        New syntax :
            $header =  (new buttonBuild())
              ->setAdd('<a href="/site-quotation" class="button m-0 button-circle button-large text-white" style="background-color: #084678;">Estimation gratuite ...</a>')
        !!! Important NOTE !!!
        to set turbo mode setTurbo() ->setTurbo("data-turbo='true'")
        TODO additionnal data-xxx
        them to send to builder :
            $this->setButton($header, [Tag {a} to create action button; {h} to create header button]);


This generates for you all standard button crud : add - delete - pin - edit -- return

    ->setActButton("@app_admin_post_crud")  --> all button header and table colonne
    ->setActButton("#app_admin_post_crud")  --> only button table colonne

If you need to add special Js or css


Add voter on action bar: if you set in your project voter on entity it will recognise

    public const NEW    = 'NEW';
    public const EDIT   = 'EDIT';
    public const PIN    = 'PIN';
    public const VIEW   = 'VIEW';
    public const DELETE = 'DELETE';

Now possibility to add "filter" and "function" Twig

    ->filterFields("#, title, description, position, faqsDomaine.value, category#join('|')|raw", "faq")
    or to give custome one
    ->filterFields("#, title, description, position, faqsDomaine#enum, category#join('|')", "faq")


If you want to contribute (thank you!) to this bundle, here are some guidelines:

  • Please respect the Symfony guidelines
  • Test everything! Please add tests cases to the tests/ directory when:
    • You fix a bug that wasn't covered before
    • You add a new feature
    • You see code that works but isn't covered by any tests (there is a special place in heaven for you)
    • ->> πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 28/07/2023 have to update Controller.tpl.php according to new version Makebundle symfony how das not have anymore "repositoryHasSaveAndRemoveMethode"


  • Packagist



Simple create table render crud - turbo-ux -

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 89.6%Language:Twig 9.0%Language:Hack 1.4%