xoFeulB / BlueFox

Agile Web Automation Software for Time-Starved Professionals

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^.,.^ BlueFox

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Agile Web Automation Software for Time-Starved Professionals

BlueFox to improve your productivity!

About The Project

BlueFox is a web front-end test automation and operational knowledge sharing solution designed to increase the productivity of web developers, especially those responsible for various areas such as design, development, unit testing, integration testing, and E2E testing.

Table of Contents






Google search


input type="file" upload


assert test (Failed)


assert test (Passed)

Temporary script editor

EventListener callback


JavaScript Example

(async () => {
  let blueFoxScript = await new BlueFoxScript();

  let tab = await blueFoxScript.createWindow("https://www.google.com");
  await tab
    .setProperty({ value: "^.,.^ BlueFox" })
    .call("click", null)
    .runTillNextOnLoad({ sleep: 50 });

  let search_result = await tab.dispatchScript(
    () => {
      return [...document.querySelectorAll("#search :is(a[data-jsarwt='1'],a[jsname])")]
        .filter((_) => {
          return _.querySelector("h3");
        .map((_) => {
          return {
            href: _.href,
            title: _.querySelector("h3").textContent,
  window.alert(JSON.stringify(search_result.result.value, null, 4));

Manual installation

git clone https://github.com/xoFeulB/BlueFox.git

or Download archive(ZIP) from releases page or repo top page this repo, and export files.
releases : https://github.com/xoFeulB/BlueFox/releases
DownloadZIP : https://github.com/xoFeulB/BlueFox/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

then, drag-and-drop BlueFox folder to Chrome(Edge) developper-mode extensions page (edge://extensions/)

Manual update

in cloned BlueFox.git directory

git pull

CreateShortcut to Chrome and install BlueFox with new user data

Windows PowerShell


BlueFoxServer and BlueFoxScript examples

BlueFoxServer, a VSCode extension, shares files on workspaces opened in VSCode with BlueFox, allowing script execution, retrieval of original data for file upload using automation, and temporary editing of scripts.


Download and Install BlueFoxServer to use the VSCode integration feature (marketplace.visualstudio.com)

BlueFoxScript examples

git clone https://github.com/xoFeulB/BlueFoxScript-Examples.git

or Download archive(ZIP) from releases page or repo top page this repo, and export files.
DownloadZIP : https://github.com/xoFeulB/BlueFoxScript-Examples/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

1. Open BlueFoxScript-Examples With VSCode

2. Bring BlueFoxServer online


Temporary edit

^.,.^ BlueFox-chan fan arts


Agile Web Automation Software for Time-Starved Professionals



Language:JavaScript 90.0%Language:CSS 7.7%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:PowerShell 0.1%