xnuohz / ARMA-dgl

A DGL implementation of "Graph Neural Networks with convolutional ARMA filters". (PAMI 2021)

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DGL Implementation of ARMA

This DGL example implements the GNN model proposed in the paper Graph Neural Networks with convolutional ARMA filters. For the original implementation, see here.

Contributor: xnuohz


The codebase is implemented in Python 3.6. For version requirement of packages, see below.

dgl 0.6a210202
numpy 1.19.5
networkx 2.5
scikit-learn 0.24.1
tqdm 4.56.0
torch 1.7.0s

The graph datasets used in this example

Node Classification

The DGL's built-in Cora, Pubmed, Citeseer and PPI datasets. Dataset summary:

Dataset #Nodes #Edges #Feats #Classes #Train Nodes #Val Nodes #Test Nodes
Cora 2,708 10,556 1,433 7(single label) 140 500 1000
Citeseer 3,327 9,228 3,703 6(single label) 120 500 1000
Pubmed 19,717 88,651 500 3(single label) 60 500 1000
PPI 56,944 818,716 50 121(multi label) 44906(20 graphs) 6514(2 graphs) 5524(2 graphs)
Graph Classification
Dataset #Samples #Classes #Avg. nodes #Avg. edges #Node attr. Node labels
Enzymes 600 6 32.63 62.14 18 no
Proteins 1,113 2 39.06 72.82 1 no
D&D 1,178 2 284.32 715.66 - yes
MUTAG 188 2 17.93 19.79 - yes


Dataset options
--dataset          str     The graph dataset name.             Default is 'Cora'.
GPU options
--gpu              int     GPU index.                          Default is -1, using CPU.
Model options
--epochs           int     Number of training epochs.          Default is 2000.
--early-stopping   int     Early stopping rounds.              Default is 100.
--lr               float   Adam optimizer learning rate.       Default is 0.01.
--lamb             float   L2 regularization coefficient.      Default is 0.0005.
--hid-dim          int     Hidden layer dimensionalities.      Default is 16.
--num-stacks       int     Number of K.                        Default is 2.
--num-layers       int     Number of T.                        Default is 1.
--dropout          float   Dropout applied at all layers.      Default is 0.75.

The following commands learn a neural network and predict on the test set. Train an ARMA model which follows the original hyperparameters on different datasets.

# Cora:
python citation.py --gpu 0

# Citeseer:
python citation.py --gpu 0 --dataset Citeseer --num-stacks 3

# Pubmed:
python citation.py --gpu 0 --dataset Pubmed --dropout 0.25 --num-stacks 1

# PPI:
python ppi.py --gpu 0

# Enzymes
python tu.py --gpu 0

# Proteins
python tu.py --gpu 0 --dataset PROTEINS --num-stacks 4 --num-layers 4

# D&D
python tu.py --gpu 0 --dataset DD --dropout 0 --num-stacks 4 --num-layers 4

python tu.py --gpu 0 --dataset MUTAG --dropout 0 --num-stacks 4 --num-layers 4


Node Classification
Dataset Cora Citeseer Pubmed PPI
Metrics(Table 1.Node classification accuracy/f1) 83.4±0.6 72.5±0.4 78.9±0.3 90.5±0.3
Metrics(PyG) 82.3±0.5 70.9±1.1 78.3±0.8 -
Metrics(DGL) 80.9±0.6 71.6±0.8 75.0±4.2 73.2±0.1
Graph Classification
Dataset Enzymes Proteins D&D MUTAG
Metrics(Table 3.Graph classification accuracy.) 60.6±7.2 73.7±3.4 77.6±2.7 91.5±4.2
Metrics(DGL) 98.2±2.2 100.0±0.0 100.0±0.0 13.0±26


A DGL implementation of "Graph Neural Networks with convolutional ARMA filters". (PAMI 2021)


Language:Python 100.0%