xnumad / HabboSwfOpenSource

https://git.krews.org/Dome/cleaned-up-swf-source/-/blob/master/OriginalClassNames.txt + https://github.com/StefanNemeth/habbo-client Fixed some auto renaming from JasonWibbo and renamed all message classes to the extent possible.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

-Add Whiper group

-RC4 activate

-Remove Ducket in purse, formatting achievements score and credits, enable give/remove rights in group room

-ModTool icon hidden for player

-TvYoutube disabled box and thumbnail fixed

-Camera fixed (for WibboEmulator)

-Background crash fixed

-Moving assets in a corresponding folder (images, binaryData, sounds, fonts)

-First rename files assets (.as file name)

-Allow edit gray floormap case

-Update all binary correct name

-Update all images correct name

-New trophy plates ( http://forum.ragezone.com/f556/rel-trophy-plates-gold-silver-1159207/ )

-Remove confirm Wired save (accred)

-Research furni bug catalog fixed

-Sound setting bug fixed

-Rename all img and binary file correctly name (not 100%)

-Raname +2000 function and var (based on the name air, possibility little error)


https://git.krews.org/Dome/cleaned-up-swf-source/-/blob/master/OriginalClassNames.txt + https://github.com/StefanNemeth/habbo-client Fixed some auto renaming from JasonWibbo and renamed all message classes to the extent possible.


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