Logger provides a simple facade over most popular logging systems for GoLang, allowing you to log in your application without vendor lock-in. Think SLF4J for GoLang.
Import dependencies. Use latest version.
import (
github.com/xmlking/logger v0.1.4
// required: your choice of logger plugins
github.com/xmlking/logger/zerolog v0.1.4
//optional: gormlog
github.com/xmlking/logger/gormlog v0.1.4
func ExampleLog() {
logger.DefaultLogger = logger.NewLogger(logger.WithOutput(os.Stdout), logger.WithTimeFormat("ddd"))
log.Info("test show info: ", "msg ", true, 45.65)
log.Infof("test show infof: name: %s, age: %d", "sumo", 99)
"name": "sumo",
"age": 99,
"alive": true,
}).Info("test show fields")
log.WithError(errors.New("error message")).Errorf("Testing: %s", "WithError")
// Output:
//{"level":"info","message":"test show info: msg true 45.65","time":"ddd"}
//{"level":"info","message":"test show infof: name: sumo, age: 99","time":"ddd"}
//{"age":99,"alive":true,"level":"info","message":"test show fields","name":"sumo","time":"ddd"}
//{"error":"error message","level":"error","message":"Testing: WithError","time":"ddd"}
func ExampleWithFields() {
logger.DefaultLogger = zerolog.NewLogger(
log.Info("testing: Info")
log.Infof("testing: %s", "Infof")
"name": "sumo",
"age": 99,
"alive": true,
}).Info("testing: with fields")
// Output:
// {"level":"info","time":"ddd","message":"testing: Info"}
// {"level":"info","time":"ddd","message":"testing: Infof"}
// {"level":"info","age":99,"human":true,"sumo":"demo","time":"ddd","message":"testing: with fields"}
brew install hub
# goup checks if there are any updates for imports in your module.
GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/rvflash/goup
# for static check/linter
GO111MODULE=off go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
make download
make test
make bench
# Benchmark specific test
cd zerolog
go test -run=^$ -bench=^BenchmarkInfoLog ./...
go test -run=^$ -bench=^BenchmarkInfoLog -benchtime 15s -count 2 -cpu 1,2,4 ./...
# Results:
# zerolog: 326443 3866 ns/op
# wrapper: 324487 4280 ns/op
make download
git add .
# Start release on develop branch
git flow release start v0.1.0
# on release branch
git-chglog -c .github/chglog/config.yml -o CHANGELOG.md --next-tag v0.1.0
# update `github.com/xmlking/logger` version in each `go.mod` file.
# commit all changes.
# finish release on release branch
git flow release finish
# on master branch, (gpoat = git push origin --all && git push origin --tags)
# add git tags for sub-modules
make release TAG=v0.1.0