xjixzz / MISM

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Exploring the Mutual Influence between Self-Supervised Single-Frame and Multi-Frame Depth Estimation

arxiv pdf

1. Install

conda create -n MISM python=3.7 -y
conda activate MISM
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.2.1 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge -y
conda install opencv=3.4.2 pillow=8.4.0 -y
pip install -i Pillow==8.4.0 matplotlib==3.1.2 scikit-image==0.16.2 tqdm==4.57.0 tensorboardX==1.5 protobuf==3.19.1 timm==0.4.12 yacs==0.1.8 ptflops==0.6.9 thop

2. Prepare dataset

Follow monodepth2 to prepare the KITTI dataset

3. Train on the KIITTI dataset

download pretrained HRNet18

git clone https://github.com/xjixzz/MISM.git
cd mism
mkdir pretrained_models
wget -P ./pretrained_models/ https://github.com/HRNet/HRNet-Image-Classification/releases/download/PretrainedWeights/HRNet_W18_C_cosinelr_cutmix_300epoch.pth.tar

(1) train the teacher model on the KITTI dataset

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device} python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 --master_port 11000 -m MNet.train_teacher \
    --data_path $data_path \
    --scales 0 \
    --log_dir "${log_dir}"  \
    --model_name ${teacher_model} \
    --png \
    --learning_rate 2e-4

(2) distillation learning

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device} python -m SNet.train_student \
    --scales 0 \
    --data_path ${data_path} \
	--log_dir ${log_dir} \
    --png \
	--teacher_weights_folder ${teacher_weights_folder} \
	--model_name ${student_model}

4. Test on kitti

(1) test on the eigen split of kitti with the raw GT depth export gt depth of the eigen split

python export_gt_depth.py --data_path ${data_path} --split eigen
cp "$teacher_weights_folder/m_encoder.pth" $distilled_weights_folder
cp "$teacher_weights_folder/reg3d.pth" $distilled_weights_folder
cp "$teacher_weights_folder/up.pth" $distilled_weights_folder
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device} python -m MNet.evaluate_teacher \
    --data_path $data_path \
    --load_weights_folder ${distilled_weights_folder} \
    --scales 0 \
    --png \
    --batch_size 1

The test results of our model are as follows:

abs_rel sq_rel rmse rmse_log a1 a2 a3
0.086 0.613 4.096 0.165 0.915 0.969 0.985

(2) test with the improved GT depth export gt depth of the eigen_benchmark split

python export_gt_depth.py --data_path ${data_path} --split eigen_benchmark
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${device} python -m MNet.evaluate_teacher \
    --data_path $data_path \
    --load_weights_folder ${distilled_weights_folder} \
    --scales 0 \
    --png \
    --batch_size 1 \
    --eval_split eigen_benchmark 

The test results of our our model on the eigen_benchmark are as follows:

abs_rel sq_rel rmse rmse_log a1 a2 a3
0.058 0.302 3.070 0.098 0.955 0.992 0.998


Our implementation is mainly based on monodepth2, RA-Depth and MOVEDepth. Thanks for their authors.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%