💗.NET Wrapper for PaddleInference
C API, include PaddleOCR
, support Windows(x64) and Linux(Ubuntu-20.04 x64).
Note: Linux does not need a native binding NuGet
package like windows(Sdcb.PaddleInference.runtime.win64.mkl
), instead, you can/should based from a Dockerfile to development:
- Pre-condition
Please ensure the latest Visual C++ Redistributable was installed in Windows
(typically it should automatically installed if you have Visual Studio
Otherwise, it will failed with following error(Windows only):
DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'paddle_inference_c' or one of its dependencies (0x8007007E)
- Install NuGet Packages:
dotnet add package Sdcb.PaddleInference
dotnet add package Sdcb.PaddleInference.runtime.win64.mkl
dotnet add package Sdcb.PaddleOCR
dotnet add package Sdcb.PaddleOCR.KnownModels
dotnet add package OpenCvSharp4
dotnet add package OpenCvSharp4.runtime.win
- Using following C# code to get result:
OCRModel model = KnownOCRModel.PPOcrV2;
await model.EnsureAll();
byte[] sampleImageData;
string sampleImageUrl = @"https://www.tp-link.com.cn/content/images/detail/2164/TL-XDR5450易展Turbo版-3840px_03.jpg";
using (HttpClient http = new HttpClient())
Console.WriteLine("Download sample image from: " + sampleImageUrl);
sampleImageData = await http.GetByteArrayAsync(sampleImageUrl);
using (PaddleOcrAll all = new PaddleOcrAll(model.RootDirectory, model.KeyPath))
// Load local file by following code:
// using (Mat src2 = Cv2.ImRead(@"C:\test.jpg"))
using (Mat src = Cv2.ImDecode(sampleImageData, ImreadModes.Color))
PaddleOcrResult result = all.Run(src);
Console.WriteLine("Detected all texts: \n" + result.Text);
foreach (PaddleOcrResultRegion region in result.Regions)
Console.WriteLine($"Text: {region.Text}, Score: {region.Score}, RectCenter: {region.Rect.Center}, RectSize: {region.Rect.Size}, Angle: {region.Rect.Angle}");
- Use
to replacemcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:6.0
as docker base image.
The build steps for ubuntu20-dotnet6-paddleocr
was described here.
And also, we also provided another dotnet6-sdk Dockerfile
, described here.
- Install NuGet Packages:
dotnet add package Sdcb.PaddleInference
dotnet add package Sdcb.PaddleOCR
dotnet add package Sdcb.PaddleOCR.KnownModels
dotnet add package OpenCvSharp4
dotnet add package OpenCvSharp4.runtime.ubuntu.18.04-x64
Please aware in Linux
, the native binding library is not required, instead, you should compile your own OpenCV
library, or just use the Docker
- write following C# code to get result(also can be exactly the same as windows):
OCRModel model = KnownOCRModel.PPOcrV2;
await model.EnsureAll();
using (PaddleOcrAll all = new PaddleOcrAll(model.RootDirectory, model.KeyPath))
// Load in-memory data by following code:
// using (Mat src = Cv2.ImDecode(sampleImageData, ImreadModes.Color))
using (Mat src = Cv2.ImRead(@"/app/test.jpg"))
// Install following packages:
// Sdcb.PaddleInference
// Sdcb.PaddleInference.runtime.win64.mkl (required in Windows)
// Sdcb.PaddleOCR
// Sdcb.PaddleOCR.KnownModels
// OpenCvSharp4
// OpenCvSharp4.runtime.win (required in Windows)
// OpenCvSharp4.runtime.linux18.04 (required in Linux)
byte[] sampleImageData;
string sampleImageUrl = @"https://www.tp-link.com.cn/content/images/detail/2164/TL-XDR5450易展Turbo版-3840px_03.jpg";
using (HttpClient http = new HttpClient())
Console.WriteLine("Download sample image from: " + sampleImageUrl);
sampleImageData = await http.GetByteArrayAsync(sampleImageUrl);
OCRModel model = KnownOCRModel.PPOcrV2;
await model.EnsureAll();
using (PaddleOcrDetector detector = new PaddleOcrDetector(model.DetectionDirectory))
using (Mat src = Cv2.ImDecode(sampleImageData, ImreadModes.Color))
RotatedRect[] rects = detector.Run(src);
using (Mat visualized = PaddleOcrDetector.Visualize(src, rects, Scalar.Red, thickness: 2))
string outputFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures), "output.jpg");