xixilive / feathers-client-weapp

Adapts the feathers rest client for wechat mini-program

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

To adapts feathers rest client for wechat mini-program 微信小程序

Travis.org npm bundle size npm version Known Vulnerabilities NPM license


# 小程序开发者工具构建npm包时仅处理production依赖,因此要加`--save-prod`
npm i @feathers-weapp/client --save-prod

# or
yarn add @feathers-weapp/client --save


use feathers services only

import {feathers} from '@feathers-weapp/client'

const app = feathers('https://api.endpoint')

app.authenticate({strategy: 'weapp', code: 'logincode', ...})
  .then(res => console.log('authenticated', res))

app.service('something').once('created', data => console.log('created', data))
app.service('something').create(data).then(res => console.log('created', res))

bind feathers app with wx App and Page

NOTE: bind API makes code pollution in App and Page

// in App.js
import {feathers, bindApps, setup} from '@feathers-weapp/client'
const app = feathers('https://endpoint.api')

// bind
const initApp = bindApps(App, Page, app)
    // ...

  reAuthOnLaunch: true // will cause automatic JWT authentication on app launch.

// or use shortcut
setup('https://endpoint.api', {
    // ...

Once bind with App and Page, you can use:

  • App.feathers to get the feathers app instance.
  • App.emitter to get an event emitter API, which delegated to the feathersjs's emitter.
  • App.authentication to get the current authentication state.
  • Page.bindAuthentication to bind authentication state with current page, bind this.data.authentication.
/* emitter example */
const unsubscribe = App.emitter.on('event', () => {}) // subscribe
unsubscribe() //unsubscribe, be careful

App.emitter.once('event', () => {})
App.emitter.emit('event', 'event data')

/* bindAuthentication example */

  onTapAction() {
    if(!this.data.authentication.authenticated) {

A simple storage wrapper

window.localStorage compatiable API of wx storage functions, see storage interface in document.

import {storage: createStorage} from '@feather-weapp/client'

const storage = createStorage(wx)
storage.getItem('key') // => value of key
storage.getItemAsync('key').then(value => console.log(value))

Build Tips

This package was prebuilt as es module to dist folder, and all of source code not be transpiled to ES5 version. If you use this package's default build, you should turn on the ES6 to ES5 option in devtools. If you want a custom build, please clone this repo.


// package's exports
import {feathers, bindApps, setup, storage} from '@feather-weapp/client'

// additional exports from @xixilive/weapp-fetch
import {fetch, http, Logger } from '@feather-weapp/client'

feathers function

function feathers(options: string | feathersOptions): FeathersApplication;


interface feathersOptions {
  endpoint: string;
  headers?: RequestHeader;
  tokenStorageKey?: string;

bindApps function

function bindApps(app: WxApp, page: WxPage, fapp: FeathersApplication): InitApp;

InitApp function

function InitApp(wxAppOptions: object): void;

setup function

function setup(feathersOptions: string | feathersOptions, wxAppOptions: object): bool;

http/fetch/Logger functions

see @xixilive/weapp-fetch

storage interface

interface storage {
  getItem(key: string): any;
  setItem(key: string, value: any): void;
  removeItem(key: string): void;
  clear(): void;

  getItemAsync(key: string): Promise<any>;
  setItemAsync(key: string, value: any): Promise<any>;
  removeItemAsync(key: string): Promise<any>;
  clearAsync(): Promise<any>;


Adapts the feathers rest client for wechat mini-program

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%