xiuxiude / rules

Rules of xiuxiu the secret organization

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The rules of xiuxiu the secret organization

0 You DO NOT talk about xiuxiu the secret organization.

1 You respect the independence of other members, including what he likes or not, what he choice(like operating systems or jobs) and what projects he or she works on and so on. NO ONE dominates this organization.

2 You are free to put forward your viewpoint on any thing, but you should respect other peoples' viewpoint . And STUPID topics such as "windows or linux", "iOS or Android" is NOT encouraged.

3 You have the right as well as responsibility to avoid quarreling no matter you participate in one at the beginning or just see one. You should always have yourself in control and think twice before you post anything.

RECOMMENDATION: To stop a quarreling you can just reply with an "R3" which stands for THE RULE 3


0 你 与非组织成员谈起羞羞

1 你应尊重其他成员的独立性, 不干涉 其他成员的喜好、选择(如操作系统、工作单位)以及在做什么项目等。没有人主宰这个组织

2 你可以自由的表达自己的观点,但是应尊重他人的观点。同时, 不鼓励 讨论**的话题如"windows或者linux","iOS 或Android "等。

3 你有权力也有义务阻止争吵,无论你从头参与还是仅仅遇见。你应时刻保持克制,在发表任何东西之前请三思。



Rules of xiuxiu the secret organization