xingzhixi / storm-applications

A collection of real-time applications built with Apache Storm.

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A collection of real-time applications built with Apache Storm.

Table of Contents


Application Name Prefix Sample Data Dataset
ads-analytics aa ad-clicks.dat KDD Cup 2012 (12GB)
bargain-index bi Yahoo Finance, Google Finance
click-analytics ca click-stream.json 1998 WorldCup (104GB)
fraud-detection fd credit-card.dat
linear-road lr
log-processing lp http-server.log 1998 WorldCup (104GB)
machine-outlier mo cluster-traces.csv Google Cluster Traces (36GB)
reinforcement-learner rl
sentiment-analysis sa Twitter Streaming
spam-filter sf enron.json TREC 2007 (547MB, labeled)
SPAM Archive (~1.2GB, spam)
Enron Email Dataset (2.6GB, raw)
Enron Spam Dataset (50MB, labeled)
spike-detection sd sensors.dat Intel Berkeley Research Lab (150MB)
traffic-monitoring tm taxi-traces.csv Beijing Taxi Traces
trending-topics tt Twitter Streaming
voipstream vs
word-count wc books.dat Project Gutenberg (~8GB)
smart-grid sg smart-grid.csv DEBS 2014 Grand Challenge (3.2GB)



$ git clone
$ cd storm-applications/
$ mvn -P<profile> package

Use the local profile to run the applications in local mode or cluster to run in a remote cluster.

If you are going to use the storm (do not confuse with the storm command line client) script to submit topologies to a cluster, you must also install the python requirements:

$ pip install -r bin/requirements.txt

Submit a Topology


$ bin/storm-submit <jar> <application-name> (local|remote) [OPTIONS...]


$ bin/storm-submit target/storm-applications-*-with-dependencies.jar word-count local


  --config=<file>        The configuration file.
  --runtime=<runtime>    Runtime in seconds (local mode only) [default: 300].
  --topology-name=<name> The name of the topology (remote mode only).

Conventions for Building Applications

Topologies are placed in the storm.applications.topology package and they must extend either the AbstractTopology or BasicTopology class. The BasicTopology class extends the AbstractTopology and assumes that the topology has only a single spout and sink components. In case your topology has multiple spouts and/or sinks you will have to extend the AbstractTopology class.

The AbstractTopology class defines four methods that must be implemented:

public void initialize();
public StormTopology buildTopology();
public Logger getLogger();
public String getConfigPrefix();

In the initialize method you will load all the configuration variables, such as the parallelization hint for the bolts. As a convention, all the configuration that is going to be used within a bolt will be loaded in the initialization of the bolt, instead of the topology.

The buildTopology method, as the name suggests, will use the TopologyBuilder class in order to wire the spouts and bolts together, returning an instance of StormTopology. The getLogger method is used in case the AbstractTopology has to report an error or warning.

Application Prefix

Each topology must also have an prefix which will identify the topology. The prefix is defined by returning it in the getConfigPrefix method and it will be used in the default configuration options defined at BaseConstants.BaseConf.

For example the BaseConf.SPOUT_THREADS variable has the value %s.spout.threads, which will be translated to <app-prefix>.spout.threads for a topology with the <app-prefix> prefix.

With these conventions defined, you can use the loadSpout and loadSink methods from the AbstractTopology class. These methods will create an instance of a spout or sink based on the class defined at <app-prefix>.spout.class and <app-prefix>.sink.class, respectively.

If you have more than one spout (or sink), you can use the loadSpout(String name) (or loadSink(String name)) method, which will create an instance of a spout class defined at <app-prefix>.<name>.spout.class.


The basic constants used by all topologies are defined in the interface BaseConstants, with one sub-interface for each type of constants, namely:

  • BaseConf: for configuration keys.
  • BaseComponent: for the name of components (spouts, bolts, sinks).
  • BaseStream: for the name of streams.

Each application will have its own constants interface at the storm.applications.interfaces package, which will extend the BaseConstants interface. Each sub-interface will also extend the sub-interfaces listed above.

Although the sub-interfaces may have any name, we recommend using: Conf, Component and Stream. Any other constant values that will be used topology-wide should be placed in the constants interface.

One kind of constant that must be placed in the interface is the name of the fields used by the components of a topology. Example for the word count topology:

interface Field {
    String TEXT  = "text";
    String WORD  = "word";
    String COUNT = "count";


Spouts are placed in the storm.applications.spout package and they must extend the AbstractSpout class, which in turn extends the BaseRichSpout class.

The output fields of a bolt can be declared, instead of using the declareOutputFields method, by using the setFields(Fields fields) and setFields(String streamId, Fields fields) methods.

In order to enable an topology to retrieve data from different sources without the need to rewrite the whole spout, we have defined a few basic spouts that fetch the raw data from the source and hand it over to an implementation of the Parser interface.

In this way you can switch the source of data of a topology by simply changing the spout class in configuration file.


Bolts are placed in the storm.applications.bolt package and they must extend the AbstractBolt class, which in turn extends the BaseRichBolt class.

The output fields of a bolt can be declared, instead of using the declareOutputFields method, by using the setFields(Fields fields) and setFields(String streamId, Fields fields) methods.

You can also define the output fields inside the bolt class, by implementing one of these two methods:

public Fields getDefaultFields();
public Map<String, Fields> getDefaultStreamFields();

The first method defines the fields for the default stream, while the second one defines the fields for multiple streams, whose names are defined as keys for the Map.

Instead of using the prepare method, you can override the initialize method, and the configuration, context and output collector objects can be accessed by the protected attributes config, context and collector, respectively.


Sinks are placed in the storm.applications.sink package and they must extend the BaseSink class, which in turn extends the AbstractBolt class.

A sink is nothing more than a bolt without output streams, i.e. they only consume data from streams.

In the same way as the spouts, we have implemented a few basic sinks that receive tuples from upstream bolts, hand it over to an implementation of the Formatter interface, and write the formatted tuple in the target sink (e.g. database, message system, queue).

Topology-specific Code

Any source-code regarding the logic of the application should be placed in an specific package inside the storm.applications.model package.

And if the source-code is just an utility, place it in the storm.applications.util package.


Instead of each application having its own spouts and sinks (bolts that send data to other systems), we have defined a few basic spouts and sinks.


All but the GeneratorSpout need a Parser. The parser receives a string and returns a list of values, following the schema defined in the topology. To set a spout that reads from a file and parses the data as a Common Log Format, the configuration file would look like this:


Defalult parsers:

Parse Output Fields
AdEventParser (quer_id, ad_id, event)
BeijingTaxiTraceParser (car_id, date, occ, speed, bearing, lat, lon)
ClickStreamParser (ip, url, client_key)
CommonLogParser (ip, timestamp, minute, request, response, byte_size)
DublinBusTraceParser (car_id, date, occ, speed, bearing, lat, lon)
GoogleTracesParser (timestamp, id, cpu, memory)
JsonEmailParser (id, message[, is_spam])
JsonParser (json_object)
SensorParser (id, timestamp, value)
SmartPlugParser (id, timestamp, value, property, plugId, householdId, houseId)
StringParser (string)
TransactionParser (event_id, actions)


The GeneratorSpout doesn't need a parser, instead it uses an instance of a class that extends the Generator class. Each time the generator is called it returns a new tuple.


Defalult generators:

Generator Configurations
CDRGenerator vs.generator.population
MachineMetadataGenerator mo.generator.num_machines
SensorGenerator sd.generator.count
SmartPlugGenerator --

The SmartPlugGenerator is an adaptation of a generator built by Alessandro Sivieri:

Generates a dataset of a random set of smart plugs, each being part of a household, which is, in turn, part of a house. Each smart plug records the actual load (in Watts) at each second. The generated dataset is inspired by the DEBS 2014 challenge and follow a similar format, a sequence of 6 comma separated values for each line (i.e., for each reading):

  • a unique identifier of the measurement [64 bit unsigned integer value]
  • a timestamp of measurement (number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) [64 bit unsigned integer value]
  • a unique identifier (within a household) of the smart plug [32 bit unsigned integer value]
  • a unique identifier of a household (within a house) where the plug is located [32 bit unsigned integer value]
  • a unique identifier of a house where the household with the plug is located [32 bit unsigned integer value]
  • the measurement [32 bit unsigned integer]

This class generates smart plug readings at fixed time intervals, storing them into a queue that will be consumed by a GeneratorSpout.

The readings are generated by a separated thread and the interval resolutions is of seconds. In order to increase the volume of readings you can decrease the interval down to 1 second. If you need more data volume you will have to tune the other configuration parameters.

Configurations parameters:

  • sg.generator.interval_seconds: interval of record generation in seconds.
  • sg.generator.houses.num: number of houses in the scenario.
  • sg.generator.households.min and sg.generator.households.max: the range of number of households within a house.
  • sg.generator.plugs.min and sg.generator.plugs.max: the range of smart plugs within a household.
  • sg.generator.load.list: a comma-separated list of peak loads that will be randomly assigned to smart plugs.
  • sg.generator.load.oscillation: by how much the peak load of the smart plug will oscillate.
  • sg.generator.on.probability: the probability of the smart plug being on.
  • sg.generator.on.lengths: a comma-separated list of lengths of time to be selected from to set the amount of time that the smart plug will be on.








Similarly, some sink classes need a Formatter which receives a tuple and returns a string. Writing the output of an application to a file could be achieved with the following configuration:


The <app-prefix> is the prefix of the application being executed, and the placeholder %(taskid) is used in the file path so that each instance of the FileSink can write to its own file, avoiding problems in case of two instances residing in the same machine.

Defalult formatters:

Formatter Format
ActionFormatter <event_id>,<actions>
BasicFormatter <field>=<value>, ...
FullInfoFormatter source: <name>:<id>, stream: <name>, id: <id>, values: [<field>=<value>, ...]
MachineMetadataFormatter <anomaly_stream>, <anomaly_score>, <timestamp>, <is_abnormal>, <cpu_idle>, <mem_free>










By using hooks (ITaskHook) and the metrics library it is possible to collect performance metrics of bolts and spouts. In bolts information is collected about the number of received and emitted tuples and the execution time, while for spouts information about the complete latency and emitted tuples is recorded. To enable metric collection, use the following configuration:


The available reporters are csv, console and slf4j, but only the csv needs the metrics.output configuration, which defaults to /tmp.


A collection of real-time applications built with Apache Storm.


Language:Java 97.8%Language:Python 1.2%Language:Ruby 0.6%Language:Shell 0.4%