xingzhixi / SocialSemanticServer

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Towards A Framework for Social Semantic Network Data


The main goal of the Social Semantic Server (SSS) is to establish a framework to provide services for informal learning by handling Social Semantic Network data. By creating an infrastructure that allows for social negotiation of semantic meaning and enabling meaningful learning, it will enable situated and contextualized learning in turn.

alt tag

Please cite the paper if you use this software in one of your publications.


The source-code can be directly checked-out through this repository. It contains a Maven project to edit and build it.


  • Swagger JSON-based REST API documentation
  • release
    • sss.package/api-docs
  • src
    • SSS/sss.adapter/
    • SSS/sss.adapter/
  • Swagger-UI-styled documentation from Swagger's JSON files
  • for apiVersion v1
    • adapt swagger-maven-plugin in SSS/sss.adapter/
    • property basePath to http://{your-host}:{your-port}/
    • property swaggerUIDocBasePath to http://{your-host}:{your-port}/
    • adapt swagger property url of object SwaggerUi in SSS/sss.adapter/ to http://{your-host}:{your-port}/
  • for apiVersion v2
    • adapt swagger-maven-plugin in SSS/sss.adapter/
    • property basePath to http://{your-host}:{your-port}/
    • property swaggerUIDocBasePath to http://{your-host}:{your-port}/
    • adapt swagger property url of object SwaggerUi in SSS/sss.adapter/ to http://{your-host}:{your-port}/
  • build and deploy web projects
    • SSS/sss.adapter/
    • SSS/sss.adapter/
  • access swagger docs via
    • http://{your-host}:{your-port}/
    • http://{your-host}:{your-port}/

SSS for deployment

  • follow instructions for Java 8, Apache Tomcat 7, Apache Solr 4.9 and MySQL 5.6 in chapters below
  • download sss.package from respective release from within this repository
  • adjust sss.package/ and sss.package/
  • copy sss.package/ to custom SSS's execution dir
  • copy sss.package/ and sss.package/ to tomcat webapps dir
  • adjust and copy sss.package/ and sss.package/ tomcat conf dir
  • run / .bat

SSS for development

Java 8

Apache Maven 3

Apache Tomcat 7

Apache Solr 4.9

  • this guide was derived from Apache Solr Reference Guide
  • download Solr from, e.g. Solr Mirror
  • decompress solr package
  • rename folder for convenience to solrPackage
  • copy to solr home dir (e.g.: /solr/)
  • /solrPackage/example/solr/
  • copy to solr home lib dir (e.g.: /solr/lib/)
  • /solrPackage/contrib/
  • /solrPackage/dist/
  • for certain bug-fixes for PDF extraction and indexing
  • upgrade in solr home lib/contrib/extraction/
    • pdfbox-1.8.4.jar to pdfbox-1.8.6.jar
    • tika-core-1.5.jar to tika-core-1.6.jar`
    • tika-parsers-1.5.jar to tika-parsers-1.6.jar
    • tika-xmp-1.5.jar to tika-xmp-1.6.jar
  • replace schema.xml and solrconfig.xml in solr home core's conf dir (e.g.: /solr/collection1/conf) with:
  • SSS/sss/src/main/resources/conf/solr_schema.xml
  • SSS/sss/src/main/resources/conf/solr_solrconfig.xml
  • adjust solrconfig.xml to have directives pointing to solr home lib subfolders, e.g.:
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/contrib/extraction/lib" regex=".*\.jar" />
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/dist/" regex="solr-cell-\d.*\.jar" />
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/contrib/clustering/lib/" regex=".*\.jar" />
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/dist/" regex="solr-clustering-\d.*\.jar" />
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/contrib/langid/lib/" regex=".*\.jar" />
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/dist/" regex="solr-langid-\d.*\.jar" />
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/contrib/velocity/lib" regex=".*\.jar" />
  • <lib dir="/solr/lib/dist/" regex="solr-velocity-\d.*\.jar" />
  • set user tomcat7 as owner for solr home dir
  • stop tomcat
  • edit tomcat's (e.g.: /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/ to point to solr home dir
  • export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dsolr.solr.home=/solr"
  • copy to tomcat lib dir: (e.g.: /usr/share/tomcat7/lib)
  • /solrPackage/example/lib/ext/ contents
  • /solrPackage/example/resources/
  • adjust to your needs
  • copy to tomcat webapps dir (e.g.: /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/)
  • /solrPackage/example/webapps/solr.war
  • start tomcat

MySQL 5.6

  • please use MySQL 5.6 or higher from MySQL Site
  • have at least the following set in your my.cnf
  • [client]
    • default-character-set=utf8
  • [mysql]
    • default-character-set=utf8
  • [mysqld]
    • init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
    • character-set-server = utf8
  • either import SSS/sss/src/main/resources/conf/sss_schema.sql to setup sss scheme or apply respective database migration script, e.g. SSS/sss/src/main/resources/conf/sss_schema_upgrade_6.0.0_6.0.1.sql

SSS and REST adapter

  • download SSS containing its REST adapter from this repository
  • import SSS as Maven project into, e.g. Netbeans or Eclipse

Logging and Configuration

  • adjust SSS/sss/src/main/resources/conf/ and copy to SSS/sss/
  • adjust SSS/sss/src/main/resources/conf/sss.conf.yaml and copy to SSS/sss/
  • adjust SSS/sss.adapter/ and copy to tomcat conf dir or
  • adjust SSS/sss.adapter/ and copy to tomcat conf dir


  • run mvn clean install on project SSS/sss.root to have
  • SSS/sss/target/
  • SSS/sss.adapter/
  • execute SSS/sss/src/main/java/at/kc/tugraz/ss/main/ with VM options
  • rename to and copy to tomcat webapps dir

SSS client-side libraries

  • download SSS Client Side libs to use with SSS API version 1
  • link Javascript projects JSUtilities, SSClientInterfaceGlobals and SSSClientInterfaceREST in your application to have access to SSS server-side operations via its REST interface

SSS plain REST API V1 access

  • access the REST APIs via POST requests to http://{your-sss-host}:{your-port}/{API}/{yourOp}/
  • your-sss-host and your-port represents the host and port running the REST APIs
  • API stands for the name of the REST API to be targeted:
  • SSAdapterRest for all REST operations except for file handling
  • SSAdapterRESTFile for REST operations dealing with files not using any multipart form parameters as input
  • SSAdapterRESTFileDownload for REST operations dealing with file downloading
  • SSAdapterRESTFileUpload for REST operations dealing with file uploading
  • SSAdapterRESTFileReplace for REST operations dealing with file replacing
  • yourOp represents the operation out of the ones provided by SSS (see documentation section and / or client-side SSS JS project)
  • generally JSON strings are expected as input (mime type application/json)
  • return values are JSON strings (except for, e.g. file downloading), e.g. {"op":"collWithEntries", "error":false, "errorMsg":null, "opValue":{"author":"http://dt.ll/user/hugo/",...}}")
  • additionally, all properties/variables returned by any API call will contain a JSON-LD description
  • following key-value pairs are returned (except for non-JSON returns) normally beside the actual return value described in the server-side REST API documentation
  • op the operation returning the result
  • "opValue" opValue will always be replaced by the op value provided for the op parameter and contains the actual result for the API request - the value of the operation's return
  • error whether an error occured server-side
  • errorMsg if error, "errorMsg" gets set to respective exception messages thrown
  • errorClassNames if error, class names of errors
  • errorClassesWhereThrown if error, class names where the errors got thrown
  • errorMethodsWhereThrown if error, method names where the errors got thrown
  • errorLinesWhereThrown if error, line numbers where the errors got thrown
  • errorThreadsWhereThrown if error, id's of threads where the errors got thrown

SSS plain REST API V2 access

  • access the REST APIs via requests to http://{your-sss-host}:{your-port}/{API}/{OP or ID}
  • your-sss-host and your-port represents the host and port running the REST APIs
  • API stands for the REST resource to be targeted
  • OP or ID respresents the path to the actual service call to be executed, e.g. GET to http://{your-sss-host}:{your-port}/ gets information for a certain entity (please have a look at the swagger documention for more calls available for the SSS REST API V2)


  • D. Kowald, S. Dennerlein, D. Theiler, S. Walk and C. Trattner.: The Social Semantic Server - A Framework to Provide Services on Social Semantic Network Data, 2013. In S. Lohmann (ed.), I-SEMANTICS (Posters & Demos) (p./pp. 50-54), :
  • Dennerlein, S., Rella, M, Tomberg, V. Theiler, D., Treasure-Jones, T., Kerr, M., Ley, T., Al-Smadi, M. & Trattner, C. (2014). Making Sense of Bits and Pieces: A Sensemaking Tool for Informal Workplace Learning. In: Proceedings of EC-TEL 2014. In press.



License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 83.4%Language:JavaScript 14.2%Language:CSS 2.0%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:R 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%