rapid snark is a zkSnark proof generation written in C++ and intel assembly. That generates proofs created in circom and snarkjs very fast.
You should have installed gcc, cmake, libsodium, and gmp (development)
In ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libgmp-dev libsodium-dev nasm
npm install
git submodule init
git submodule update
npx task createFieldSources
npx task buildProver
npm install
git submodule init
git submodule update
npx task createFieldSources
npx task buildPistache
npx task buildProverServer
You have a full prover compiled in the build directory.
So you can replace snarkjs command:
snarkjs groth16 prove <circuit.zkey> <witness.wtns> <proof.json> <public.json>
by this one
./build/prover <circuit.zkey> <witness.wtns> <proof.json> <public.json>
./build/proverServer <port> <circuit1_zkey> <circuit2_zkey> ... <circuitN_zkey>
For every circuit.circom
you have to generate with circom with --c option the circuit_cpp
and after compilation you have to copy the executable into the build
folder so the server can generate the witness and then the proof based on this witness.
You have an example of the usage calling the server endpoints to generate the proof with Nodejs in /tools/request.js
To test a request you should pass an input.json
as a parameter to the request call.
node tools/request.js <input.json> <circuit>
This prover uses intel assembly with ADX extensions and parallelizes as much as it can the proof generation.
The prover is much faster that snarkjs and faster than bellman.
[TODO] Some comparation tests should be done.
rapidsnark is part of the iden3 project copyright 2021 0KIMS association and published with GPL-3 license. Please check the COPYING file for more details.