xilni / SubnauticaMods

Collection of mods for Subnautica

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


BepInEx (Subnautica 2.0 and later)

Mod name Description URL
PrawnSolar (BepInEx) Adds a Solar charger module to the Prawn Suit like the one on the Seamoth https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/1170
SwimChargeInventory (BepInEx) Allows the Swim Charge Fins to charge items in your inventory https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/1169

Legacy QMod (Pre Subnautica 2.0)

Mod name Description URL
PrawnSolar (Legacy) Adds a Solar charger module to the Prawn Suit like the one on the Seamoth https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/572
SwimChargeInventory (Legacy) Allows the Swim Charge Fins to charge items in your inventory https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/576


Thank you to PrimeSonic, MrPurple6411 and tobeyStraitjacket for essentially holding my hand through the making of my first mod and whos mods I learned and drew most of my inspiration from.

Thank you to Metious for volunteering to be the guinea pig that tested my mod and pointing out all the bugs.


BTC: bc1q5vuhqz4z6x5rwzdz8z3tsj5uzgl2d0j5ewtzvl

ETH: 0x150A1472d41063DD07B45C03327bDfF30742695F


Collection of mods for Subnautica


Language:C# 100.0%