xieguigang / Microsoft.VisualBasic.Drawing

A replacement of the System.Drawing on linux environment for help migrant sciBASIC.NET based application from .net 6 to .net 8

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A replacement of the System.Drawing on linux environment for help migrant sciBASIC.NET based application from .net 6 to .net 8

this project provides the driver code for access the graphics drawing on different os based on the skia sharp project from the .net 8.0, the gdi+ and pdf graphics drawing code was removed from scibasic.net framework, only works for the graphics math algorithm.

Note about skiasharp save bitmap

Currently, the bitmap file is not supported in skiasharp, the SKData is always nothing of you try to get bitmap encode data, example as:

' encoded is null always
' if we try to encode skbitmap as bitmap file
Using encoded = SKBitmap.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Bmp, 100)
    Using stream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite("hello_world.png")
    End Using
End Using

The BMP# project was applied to resolve this problem.

Graphics Demo

Private Function Rendering(Of T As SkiaGraphics)(g As T) As T
    Dim offset As Integer = 20

    For row As Integer = offset To offset + 255
        For column As Integer = offset To offset + 255
            Call g.FillRectangle(
                New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, row - offset, 0, column - offset)),
                New Rectangle(row, column, 1, 1)

    Dim font As New Font(FontFace.Consolas, 14)
    Dim h = g.MeasureString("A", font)
    Dim y = 300

    Call g.DrawString("Call g.FillRectangle(", font, Brushes.Green, New PointF(15, y))
    Call g.DrawString("    New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, row, 0, column)),", font, Brushes.Green, New PointF(15, y + h.Height * 1.75))
    Call g.DrawString("    New Rectangle(row, column, 1, 1)", font, Brushes.Green, New PointF(15, y + h.Height * 3.5))
    Call g.DrawString(")", font, Brushes.Green, New PointF(15, y + h.Height * 5.25))

    Return g
End Function

Call Rendering(New Graphics(512, 365, "#ffffff")).Save("./RedBlueArgb32GradientWithAlpha.bmp", ImageFormats.Bmp)
Call Rendering(New Graphics(512, 365, "#ffffff")).Save("./RedBlueArgb32GradientWithAlpha.webp", ImageFormats.Webp)
Call Rendering(New Graphics(512, 365, "#ffffff")).Save("./RedBlueArgb32GradientWithAlpha.png")
Call Rendering(New SvgGraphics(512, 365)).Save("./RedBlueArgb32GradientWithAlpha.svg")
Call Rendering(New PdfGraphics(512, 365)).Save("./RedBlueArgb32GradientWithAlpha.pdf")


A replacement of the System.Drawing on linux environment for help migrant sciBASIC.NET based application from .net 6 to .net 8

License:MIT License


Language:Visual Basic .NET 100.0%