xidameng / mpy-tut

MicroPython Tutorial Materials

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This is the notes for the upcoming Getting Started with MicroPython Tutorial at LinuxConfAU 2018 which aims to introduce people to the very basics of MicroPython in an easy and accessible way.

It is based on material developed at MicroPython Meetup. This content is written by Nick Moore and licensed CC0 Please feel free to use it for whatever purpose.

Running Sheet


Time Activity
10:45 Introduction (Nick Moore / Damien George)
10:55 Hands on: Installing, the REPL, I/O
11:30 Short Break
11:40 Hands on: Networks, Libraries, Building from source
12:15 Developing on MicroPython (Nick Moore)
12:25 Lunch / More hacking

The tutorial: what you need to know

The examples apply as far as possible to both the ESP8266 and the ESP32 ports of MicroPython.

I'll have a limited number of ESP8266-based "Witty Cloud" boards along at the tutorial. You can purchase one of these for $10 as part of your LinuxConfAU registration (under "Extras"). If there's any still available after ticket sales close then it's first-come-first-served cash only at the start of the tutorial.

Please provide your own MicroUSB cable (surely everyone has a pile of these?) and any dongles your computer needs to talk to it!

The Open Hardware MiniConf will be constructing LoliBot robots based on the ESP32 and capable of running MicroPython, so if you're going to that as well bring yours along.

If you have your own ESP8266 or ESP32 development board to bring along, perhaps from the PyConAU MicroPython Sprint or from one of the many vendors out there, you're welcome to bring that along.

Before the tutorial

If you just want to try it out

Clone this repo, install Python 3.6 and esptool (see Installing), if you have your own hardware confirm that you can see the serial device at least.

If you want to build MicroPython from source

As above, plus read Building and follow along until you can't follow any more. Downloading the toolchain and SDKs ahead of time will save a lot of time on the day.

Specific Hardware

If you picked up a Witty Cloud module for the tutorial, start here:

If you were at the Open Hardware MiniConf and got a LoliBot, start here:

Otherwise, there's more general stuff in the following sections ...


Inputs and Outputs


Building MicroPython



MicroPython Tutorial Materials



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