xiaoyifan / CapstoneBlockchain

Udacity Blockchain Capstone

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Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Udacity - Blockchain Developer Nanodegree

Udacity Blockchain Capstone

This is a sample application for Udacity's Blockchain course.

Getting Started


Install required node packages

Change to project folder and install all requisite npm packages (as listed in package.json):

npm install

Open a terminal window and Launch Ganache:

If you are using ganache-cli use this command to add 40 funded accounts:

ganache-cli -p 8545 -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat" --gasLimit 300000000 --gasPrice 20000000000 -a 40

Open a separate terminal window and compile smart contracts:

cd eth-contracts

truffle compile

This will create the smart contract artifacts in folder ./build/contracts.

Migrate smart contracts to the locally running blockchain, ganache-cli:

Change to the folder eth-contracts

truffle migrate --reset

This will :

  • deploy the smart contract artifacts to running Ganache

Test smart contracts:

Change to the folder eth-contracts

truffle test ./test/TestERC721Mintable.js 


truffle test ./test/TestSolnSquareVerifier.js  


truffle test ./test/TestSquareVerifier.js  


Deploying contracts to rinkeby

Following contracts are deployed to rinkeby for this project:
  • Deploying 'ERC721Mintable'
    contract address:    0x35431BD72eB4d7aB058a60bf7bC7eA909eeB89cA
  • Deploying 'Verifier'
    contract address:    0x57836AcAA4bcD4F514AC06D3202ff96D9669dEE9
  • Deploying 'SolnSquareVerifier'
    contract address:    0xc6d18338449A7173fDC1887507b3E23dCfD15B20

You can even check out the source code for this smart contract by rinkeby etherscan: SolnSquareVerifier.

To deploy your contracts with truffle:

You should set Infura API key and metamask mnemonic as environment variables when running the truffle ( s. truffle-config.js) . Change to the folder eth-contracts

  • get an Infura API key
  • get metamask mnemonic
  • Open a terminal window and run following commands
export INFURA_KEY="<your_infura_key>"
export MNEMONIC="<metamask>"
export NETWORK="rinkeby"
truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset

Mint tokens

For this project :
 10 tokens are minted

1.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x672055ae7391eafdf6a4c6aaedb50a31f6f0a5579d732a70cd46ea4ef35fc9c0
2.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x1b412ef97784e680200be8c79c62bdad4817d62e3d07c958155a911da9ffaf22 
3.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x362e1ab0cb3b0c02754d50002616d5675c62be2ca711cc492c9a45cbbf2f99a3
4.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x4e10490573f314348b1e2a7d9578534485f0978b1315cf188343a0dd5de0efd8
5.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x4cef0fcfa7c83ca8ef073b3b5f03c580888b9a237de121d269b91ddcfe38080b
6.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x2a059b3f30cb5dd9b8c1b61b5b405844653bb708d6d81732f2cdc09427c70058 
7.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x9a689ded221286a6a2c1ef80f7f0f72f81adfae34be9dcd69c997e6021db6707
8.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x0923bcfd549d1886efd50d9e267dd4011d534b24fccdc9c3a1878bef895b2626
9.  Minted token. Transaction: 0x1aa456eac5563621411c995d4b69ed3d9bedd436870104ddd04fea0f594e75ae 
10. Minted token. Transaction: 0xc205d4da527a099bc66b3483030a5d96e59586ede70a7cbbf51b39eff8bdd57a

Generate Storefront on OpenSea marketplace:

OpenSea has a Rinkeby environment that allows developers to test their integration with OpenSea. This can be found at rinkeby.opensea.io.


By using <contract_address> (SolnSquareVerifier), we should be able to use our contract on OpenSea. Deployed contract to rinkeby is : 'SolnSquareVerifier'

    contract address:    0xc6d18338449A7173fDC1887507b3E23dCfD15B20

Your terminal should look something like this: OpenSea submit marketplace page

Test and Verify OpenSea with SolnSquareVerifier tokens:


Built With

  • Ethereum - Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts
  • Truffle Framework - Truffle is the most popular development framework for Ethereum with a mission to make your life a whole lot easier.
  • ZoKrates - Implement zkSnarks using ZoKrates, a toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum.
  • Docker - Docker is the recommended way to get started with Zokrates. Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.
  • OpenSea - OpenSea is a decentralized marketplace that is used for selling for crypto assets
  • Infura - Scalable Blockchain Infrastructure
  • Metamask - MetaMask is a bridge that allows to visit the distributed web in browser.


Udacity Blockchain Capstone


Language:JavaScript 100.0%