xiaowangzhixiao / kafka-connect-hbase

Kafka Connect to Hbase

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Kafka Connect for Hbase

A Sink connector to write to HBase.
This is enhanced version of implementation available at https://github.com/mravi/hbase-connect-kafka


Sink supports:

  • Avro and JSON data format.
  • Writing data to one or multiple column families in HBase Table
  • Kafka payload field selection for each column family. In case of single column family, all columns are written to that column family. So no mapping definition is required.
  • Row key selection


  • Confluent 4.0
  • Kafka 1.0.0
  • HBase 1.4.0
  • JDK 1.8


  • The HBase table already exists.
  • Column Families are already created in HBase table
  • Each Kafka topic is mapped to a HBase table. (In version 1.0.1. implementation is changed- It requires hbase.table.name property to be set.)


Below are the properties that need to be passed in the configuration file:

name data type required description
zookeeper.quorum string yes Zookeeper quorum of the HBase cluster
event.parser.class string yes Can be either AvroEventParser or JsonEventParser to parse avro or json events respectively.
topics string yes list of kafka topics.
hbase.table.name string yes name of hbase table
hbase.<tablename>.rowkey.columns string yes The columns that represent the rowkey of the hbase table <tablename>
hbase.<tablename>.family string yes Comma seperated column families of the hbase table <tablename>. It can be one or more than one
hbase.<tablename>.<columnfamily>.columns string No Required only if more than one column family are defined in previous configuration. Column names are comma seperated`. It can be one or more than one

Example connector.properties file



  • mvn clean package


			jar -uvf <hbase-sink.jar> hbase-site.xml
  • Copy hbase-sink.jar and hbase-sink.properties from the project build location to $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase
mkdir $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase
cp target/hbase-sink.jar  $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase/
cp hbase-sink.properties $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase/
  • Start Zookeeper, Kafka and Schema registry
nohup $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/zookeeper-server-start $CONFLUENT_HOME/etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties &
nohup $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/kafka-server-start $CONFLUENT_HOME/etc/kafka/server.properties &
nohup $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/schema-registry-start $CONFLUENT_HOME/etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties &"
  • Create HBase table 'destTable' from hbase shell

  • Start the hbase sink

export CLASSPATH=$CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase/hbase-sink.jar

$CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/connect-standalone etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-standalone.properties etc/kafka-connect-hbase/hbase-sink.properties
  • Test with avro console, start the console to create the topic and write values
$CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/kafka-avro-console-producer \
--broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test \
--property value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"record","fields":[{"name":"id","type":"int"}, {"name":"name", "type": "string"}]}'
#insert at prompt
{"id": "1", "name": "foo"}
{"id": "2", "name": "bar"}

Same can be run with Apache Kafka scripts.

$KAFKA_HOME/bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/hbase-sink.properties

  • For JSON data, use JSONConverter in connect-standalone.properties file. If key and value contain schema and payload, set schema.enable to true, else false.

Example data [with schema] :


[without schema]:




  • Earlier limitation "kafka topic and table name should be same" has been removed. Table name can be set using hbase.table.name property
  • Upgraded to Kafka 2.0.0 and Confluent 5.0.0


  • Initial version
  • Support with Kafka 1.0.0 and Confluent 4.0.0


Kafka Connect to Hbase

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 98.1%Language:HTML 1.9%