xiaorunbao / swagen

Auto gen koa api & sdk client & postman json for openapi.yml

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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yarn global add @magicjs/swaggen


$ swagen -h

Usage: swagen [command]

  -V, --version      output the version number
  -h, --help         output usage information

  koa      Generate code for koa server api
  sdk [options]      Generate code for client sdk
  postman [options]  Transform openapi file to postman collection file

Generate client sdk code

$ swagen sdk -h

Usage: sdk [options] [openapiYmlFile] [name] [dist]

Generate code for client sdk

  -h, --help  output usage information

# example, default name is filename of yaml file or specified by name option
$ swagen sdk ./petstore.yaml ./sdk petstore

Generate koa server api code

$ swagen koa -h

Usage: koa [options] [openapiYmlFile] [dist]

Generate code for koa server api

  -h, --help  output usage information

# example, if dist not specified, current dir will be used as default dist
$ swagen koa ./petstore.yaml ./koa

Generate postman collection from openapi

$ swagen postman -h

Usage: postman [options] [openapiYmlFile] [targetFile]

Transform openapi file to postman collection file

  -h, --help  output usage information

More about **json-server** you can see [here](https://github.com/typicode/json-server)

### Use remote file

# set name with 'petstore'
swagen sdk https://api.36node.com/petstore/v0/openapi.yaml . petstore


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/a-new-command
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add a new command'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/a-new-command
  5. Submit a pull request :D

Add new template

  1. Add new generator js file in src/generators, filename is the template name.
  2. In new generator js file, export default function which generate template.


Auto gen koa api & sdk client & postman json for openapi.yml


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