xiaolai-sqlai / Ringloss-Gluon

A Mxnet-Gluon implementation of the ring loss [1803.00130] face recognition

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ring Loss

This is a Gluon implementation of the ring loss in the paper 1803.00130.

Ring loss Definition:

MegaFace Result:


python3.5+, mxnet-1.2.1+, matplotlib, numpy, seaborn, nvidia-dali, ...

Mnist Example

Here is the visualization of minst with softmax and sotfmax+ringloss:

Results Train Val

The training steps is:

  1. use only softmax to train 10 epochs, and the val_acc is around 0.97.
  2. finetune the pretrained net, hyper parameters is set as below:
epochs = 100

lr = 0.01
lamda = 0.1

lr_steps = [40, 70, np.inf]
wd = 5e-4
momentum = 0.9
batch_size = 256

plot_period = 5

or just train from scratch:

epochs = 100

lr = 0.1
lamda = 0.1

lr_steps = [40, 70, np.inf]
wd = 5e-4
momentum = 0.9
batch_size = 256

plot_period = 5

Try to change parameter lamda to get different train result of mnist.

Face Recognition Training

As I don't have enough time and GPUs to train a sota model, model provided in this repo only get 0.985333+-0.006489 on LFW, see models/mobile_facenet/model-0000.params.

For training a face model, we need do lots of work:

  • data, emore as training set and lfw as val set, thx for deep insight's great work
  • eval code from David Facenet Project
  • network of mobile_facenet, it has only 1081250 params and 4.4MB size on disk
  • data provider, Gluon or Nvidia-DALI, DALI allow fewer cpu cores for preprocess

It is important to use a larger R for init, like 20.0, use 1.0 usually cause loss NAN at beginning.

The first thousands of training step log:

[0.01, 10.0, [60000.0, 120000.0, 180000.0, inf], 0.1, 0.9, 4e-05, 512]

[epoch  0] [it  500] train loss: 10.639217, train_acc: 0.017017 | time: 189.237092
Radius 13.730684280395508
lfw: 0.859833+-0.016046

[epoch  0] [it  1000] train loss: 8.139757, train_acc: 0.087480 | time: 165.611764
Radius 17.39546012878418
lfw: 0.904833+-0.008738

[epoch  0] [it  1500] train loss: 6.160117, train_acc: 0.222719 | time: 165.051831
Radius 22.886869430541992
lfw: 0.927500+-0.011673

[epoch  0] [it  2000] train loss: 4.581241, train_acc: 0.372125 | time: 164.711719
Radius 27.97855567932129
lfw: 0.947833+-0.012911

[epoch  0] [it  2500] train loss: 3.506722, train_acc: 0.490793 | time: 165.024251
Radius 31.83747100830078
lfw: 0.951000+-0.012763


  1. Ring loss: Convex Feature Normalization for Face Recognition 1803.00130.
  2. Insight Face https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface
  3. Nvidia DALI NVIDIA DALI documentation


A Mxnet-Gluon implementation of the ring loss [1803.00130] face recognition

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%