xiao11lam / newStorybookImages

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Storybook Translation

This project will attempt extract text from a pdf and then try to output a new version of the PDF, but with the translated version.


  • However, pdf2image requires pdftoppm, so install this using sudo apt install poppler-utils. You could install the Mac Version or the Windows Version as well.
  • However, you do have to install the backend of pytesseract using sudo apt install tesseract-ocr. Then, you add the file into line 66 of the file Paragraph.py (alternatively, you could add the file to your path).
  • If you are on a mac, do brew list tesseract and use the first result to add to your path.
  • You also need to install requirements, it's just a simple pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Please create a file, SensitiveInfo.py, containing a single line, "auth_token=[neuralspace auth token]". Please ask Subha for the auth token
  • Please create two folders in the src foler, "PNGImgs" and "PNGImgsOutput"


Then, you could use the program in this format:
python3 StoryboardTranslate.py [path to input PDF] [path to output PDF]
Example (Linux):
python3 StoryboardTranslate.py ./input/GreenEggsHam.pdf ./output/TranslatedGreenEggsHam.pdf


  1. First converts the PDF into a PNG image (no image extraction occurs, just simple conversion between PDF to multiple PNG images), Then stores the PNG images in a seperate, private folder

  2. For each PNG image, text detection will occur. After this process, it should store a bounding box of the text, the translation of the selected text, and the average color in that bounding box (this will be used for font).

  3. Then, fill the bounding box with the average color, and put the text in the middle of the bounding box. The font size will be calculated according to height of the bounding box and the font color will be either white or black, which is determined by the average color.

  4. Link the new PNG images bimageack into a PDF format, and ten save the PDF into the output folder.

  5. Delete the PNG images


  • Add the text in a seperate area instead of a whole seperate image
  • Improve contour system (sometimes it doesn't recognize all the words in the page)
  • Font recognizer.



Language:Python 100.0%