xianghuzhao / kdfcrypt

Go library for password hashing with KDF (key derivation function)

Repository from Github https://github.comxianghuzhao/kdfcryptRepository from Github https://github.comxianghuzhao/kdfcrypt

Key derivation function for password hashing


kdfcrypt is a library for using KDF (key derivation function) to generate password hashing.

With this library, it is easy to make multiple password hashing algorithms coexist in the same program.

The currently supported KDFs are argon2, scrypt, pbkdf2 and hkdf. argon2id is the recommended choice for password hashing.

These algorithms are implemented in golang.org/x/crypto.


Password verification

package main

import (


func main() {
	encoded, _ := kdfcrypt.Encode("password", &kdfcrypt.Option{
		Algorithm:        "argon2id",
		Param:            "m=65536,t=1,p=4",
		RandomSaltLength: 16,
		HashLength:       32,

	// $argon2id$v=19,m=65536,t=1,p=4$mD+rvcR+6nuAV6MJFOmDjw$IqfwTPk9RMGeOv4pCE1QiURuSoi655GUVjcQAk81eXM

	match, _ := kdfcrypt.Verify("password", encoded)
	fmt.Println(match) // true

Generate key for AES-256

For the case of getting a derived key for AES-256 (which needs a 32-byte key):

kdf, err := kdfcrypt.CreateKDF("argon2id", "m=4096,t=1,p=1")
salt, err := kdfcrypt.GenerateRandomSalt(16)
aes256Key, err := kdf.Derive("password", salt, 32)

The KDF algorithm, param and salt must be preserved in order to get the same key again.

Format of the encoded password

Password will be encoded into a single string which could be safely saved.

There are four parts of the encoded string which are splitted by "$".

  1. The name of KDF.
  2. Param string of the KDF, which depends on KDF.
  3. Salt encoded with base64.
  4. Hash key encoded with base64.
$ KDF    $ param             $ salt (base64)        $ hash (base64)


The Option struct is passed as argument for Encode.

  1. Algorithm: Could be one of argon2id, argon2i, scrypt, pbkdf, hkdf.
  2. Param: String for the KDF param. Different items are separated by comma ",". The detailed items vary among different KDFs.
  3. RandomSaltLength: The length for the random salt in byte. If Salt is not empty, RandomSaltLength will be ignored.
  4. Salt: Salt for the hash.
  5. HashLength: The length of the hash result in byte.

You are able to set the salt explicitly:

encoded, _ := kdfcrypt.Encode("password", &kdfcrypt.Option{
	Algorithm:        "argon2id",
	Param:            "m=4096,t=1,p=1",
	Salt:             "This_is_fixed_salt",
	HashLength:       32,

If you would like to use random salt, do not set the Salt and set the RandomSaltLength:

encoded, _ := kdfcrypt.Encode("password", &kdfcrypt.Option{
	Algorithm:        "argon2id",
	Param:            "m=4096,t=1,p=1",
	RandomSaltLength: 16,
	HashLength:       32,

Supported KDF


Two variants argon2i and argon2id are provided.

encodedArgon2i, _ := kdfcrypt.Encode("password", &kdfcrypt.Option{
	Algorithm:        "argon2i",
	Param:            "m=4096,t=1,p=1",
// $argon2i$v=19,m=4096,t=1,p=1$HGi1YMTQxF+LYrcsnAz2YQ$vB3J0eDGCeq2l8Ky96OqB1P9rr8KPOQZzEScZnq1IUA

encodedArgon2id, _ := kdfcrypt.Encode("password", &kdfcrypt.Option{
	Algorithm:        "argon2id",
	Param:            "m=4096,t=1,p=1",
// $argon2id$v=19,m=4096,t=1,p=1$23wOTcL162eix5YdOdOvqg$Il5kKW+CX+s6a8d6LtEnQ5k0bvBnfkuZXKkXq+Krx1I

The param consists of three parts:

  1. m: memory, memory usage.
  2. t: iterations, CPU cost.
  3. p: parallelism, number of threads.


encoded, _ := kdfcrypt.Encode("password", &kdfcrypt.Option{
	Algorithm:        "scrypt",
	Param:            "N=32768,r=8,p=1",
// $scrypt$N=32768,r=8,p=1$v3T+aMCko9ZsovBnyWIdxQ$GTDo1AEPht8SL8Q+3y0FvWpPvzn5ZZNpwoqG+WOLsyI
  1. N: CPU/memory cost parameter, which must be a power of two greater than 1.
  2. r: The blocksize parameter, which fine-tunes sequential memory read size and performance. 8 is commonly used.
  3. p: Parallelization parameter.


encoded, _ := kdfcrypt.Encode("password", &kdfcrypt.Option{
	Algorithm:        "pbkdf2",
	Param:            "iter=1024,hash=sha512",
// $pbkdf2$iter=1024,hash=sha512$fvGxGq7tHzPgTJ3lGvl6XQ$O19iePvAQtlZ7nC5f5cS4C76bur9qMLp6dlPdXFiFTc

The iter is the iteration count for PBKDF.

The hash type could be one of the followings:

  • md5
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha512
  • sha384
  • sha512/224
  • sha512/256


HKDF should not be used for password storage.

kdf, err := kdfcrypt.CreateKDF("hkdf", "hash=sha512,info=hkdf-test")
salt, err := kdfcrypt.GenerateRandomSalt(16)
key, err := kdf.Derive("password", salt, 32)

The hash type is the same as PBKDF. The info is optional.


Go library for password hashing with KDF (key derivation function)

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%